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  • <div>This report brings together data and information relevant to understanding the regional geology, hydrogeology, and groundwater systems of the South Nicholson – Georgina (SNG) region in the Northern Territory and Queensland. This integrated, basin-scale hydrogeological assessment is part of Geoscience Australia’s National Groundwater Systems project in the Exploring for the Future program. While the northern Georgina Basin has been at the centre of recent investigations as part of studies into the underlying Beetaloo Sub-basin, no regional groundwater assessments have focused on central and southern parts of the Georgina Basin since the 1970s. Similarly, there has been no regional-scale hydrogeological investigation of the deeper South Nicholson Basin, although the paucity of groundwater data limited detailed assessment of the hydrogeology of this basin. This comprehensive desktop study has integrated numerous geoscience and hydrogeological datasets to develop a new whole-of-basin conceptualisation of groundwater flow systems and recharge and discharge processes within the regional unconfined aquifers of the Georgina Basin.</div><div><br></div><div>Key outputs arising from this study include: (1) the development of a hydrostratigraphic framework for the region, incorporating improved aquifer attribution for over 5,000 bores; and (2) publicly available basin-scale groundwater GIS data layers and maps, including a regional watertable map for the whole Georgina Basin. This regional assessment provides new insights into the hydrogeological characteristics and groundwater flow dynamics within the Georgina Basin, which can aid in the sustainable management of groundwater for current and future users reliant on this critical water resource.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>

  • <div>The Curnamona Province and overlying basins (herein referred to as the Broken Hill region) contain many discrete groundwater systems. These include sedimentary aquifers of the Lake Eyre Basin, Eromanga Basin, Darling Basin and Arrowie Basin, as well as fractured rock aquifers of the Adelaide Superbasin and Curnamona Province. However, there is little known about the hydrogeology or hydrogeochemistry of these aquifers in the Broken Hill region. Given the semi-arid climate in this region, understanding these groundwater systems can better support sustainable use of the groundwater for agriculture, mining and potable water supplies.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Aquifer attribution provides a fundamental starting point for any hydrogeological study. We will present recently released hydrogeochemical data for the Broken Hill region, and our subsequent process for assessing and attributing hydrostratigraphy to the samples. </div><div>The Broken Hill Groundwater Geochemistry dataset (BHGG) was recently released in its entirety (Caritat et al. 2022 It contains a compilation of archival CRC LEME hydrochemistry data that was collected as part of several projects from 1999 to 2005. This high-quality dataset contains 275 groundwater samples and includes a comprehensive suite of majors, minors, trace elements and stable isotopes (δ34S, δ18O, δ2H, δ13C, 87Sr/86Sr, 208/207/206Pb/204Pb). </div><div> At the time of collection, some key bore metadata (e.g. bore depths, screen and aquifer information) were missing from the original data compilations and these metadata are crucial for any hydrogeological analysis and interpretation. Therefore, as part of the new BHGG data release we have developed a robust and consistent approach to add bore information and aquifer attribution, value-adding to the original BHGG chemical and isotopic data. This workflow utilises a combination of State databases, reports, field notes, drillhole compilations and geological maps, but still relied on local hydrological expertise to make decisions when encountering incomplete or conflicting information (which is reflected by a confidence rating on the attribution). </div><div> The resulting BHGG product has supported re-assessment of the key hydrogeological and geochemical knowledge gaps in each groundwater system. An overview of knowledge gaps and the new sampling program being undertaken will be included in the presentation. &nbsp;</div><div><br></div>This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2022 Australasian Groundwater Conference 21-23 November (

  • The Exploring for the Future program Showcase 2024 was held on 13-16 August 2024. Day 2 - 14th August talks included: <b>Session 1 - Architecture of the Australian Tectonic Plate</b> <a href="">AusArray: Australian lithosphere imaging from top to bottom</a> - Dr Alexei Gorbatov <a href="">AusLAMP: Mapping lithospheric architecture and reducing exploration space in Australia</a> - Jingming Duan <a href="">Constraining the thermomechanical and geochemical architecture of the Australian mantle: Using combined analyses of xenolith inventories and seismic tomography</a> - Dr Mark Hoggard <b>Session 2 - Quantitative characterisation of Australia's surface and near surface</b> <a href="">AusAEM: The national coverage and sharpening near surface imaging</a> - Dr Anandaroop Ray <a href="">Unlocking the surface geochemistry of Australia</a> - Phil Main <a href="">Spotlight on the Heavy Mineral Map of Australia</a> - Dr Alex Walker <b>Session 3 – Maps of Australian geology like never before</b> <a href="">An Isotopic Atlas of Australia: Extra dimensions to national maps</a> - Dr Geoff Fraser <a href="">First continental layered geological map of Australia</a> - Dr Guillaume Sanchez <a href="">An integrated 3D layered cover modelling approach: Towards open-source data and methodologies for national-scale cover modelling</a> - Sebastian Wong View or download the <a href="">Exploring for the Future - An overview of Australia’s transformational geoscience program</a> publication. View or download the <a href="">Exploring for the Future - Australia's transformational geoscience program</a> publication. You can access full session and Q&A recordings from YouTube here: 2024 Showcase Day 2 - Session 1 - <a href="">Architecture of the Australian Tectonic Plate</a> 2024 Showcase Day 2 - Session 2 - <a href="">Quantitative characterisation of Australia's surface and near surface</a> 2024 Showcase Day 2 - Session 3 - <a href="">Maps of Australian geology like never before</a>

  • <div>This Record presents data collected as part of the ongoing Northern Territory Geological Survey–Geoscience Australia SHRIMP geochronology project under the National Collaboration Framework agreement. New U-Pb SHRIMP zircon geochronological results were derived from six samples of sedimentary rocks collected from two petroleum exploration drillholes (CBM 107-001 and CBM 107-002) that intersect the Pedirka Basin in the southeastern corner of the Northern Territory.</div><div><br></div><div>Geologically, this is a region in the Simpson Desert that encompasses several superimposed intracratonic sedimentary basins, which are separated by regional unconformities extending over areas of adjoining Queensland, South Australia and New South Wales. In the southeastern corner of the Northern Territory, the Pedirka Basin is one of three stacked basins. The exposed Mesozoic Eromanga Basin overlies the late Palaeozoic to Triassic Pedirka Basin, which is largely restricted to the subsurface, and in turn overlies the Palaeozoic pericratonic Warburton Basin (Munson and Ahmad 2013).</div><div><br></div><div>As the Pedirka Basin is almost entirely concealed beneath the Eromanga Basin, our current understanding of the geology in this southeastern corner of the Northern Territory is constrained by a limited number of exploration drillholes and 2D seismic coverage (Doig 2022). The samples described herein were collected to aid in defining the chronostratigraphy and sedimentary provenance characteristics of the Pedirka Basin.</div><div><br></div><div>BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Jones S.L., Jarrett A.J., Verdel C.S. and Bodorkos S. 2024. Summary of results. Joint NTGS–GA geochronology project: Pedirka Basin. Northern Territory Geological Survey, Record 2024-003.</div>

  • <div>Strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) are useful in the earth sciences (e.g. recognising geological provinces, studying geological processes) as well in archaeological (e.g. informing on past human migrations), palaeontological/ecological (e.g. investigating extinct and extant taxa’s dietary range and migrations) and forensic (e.g. validating the origin of drinks and foodstuffs) sciences. Recently, Geoscience Australia and the University of Wollongong have teamed up to determine 87Sr/86Sr ratios in fluvial sediments selected mostly from the low-density National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA; The present study targeted the Yilgarn geological region in southwestern Australia. The samples were mostly taken from a depth of ~60-80 cm (Bottom Outlet Sediments, BOS) in floodplain deposits at or near the outlet of large catchments (drainage basins). A small number of surface (0-10 cm) samples (Top Outlet Sediments, TOS) were also included in the study. For all, a coarse grain-size fraction (<2 mm) was air-dried, sieved, milled then digested (hydrofluoric acid + nitric acid followed by aqua regia) to release total strontium. Overall, 107 NGSA BOS < 2 mm and 13 NGSA TOS < 2 mm were analysed for Sr isotopes. Given that there are ~10 % field duplicates in the NGSA, all those samples originate from within 97 NGSA catchments, which together cover 533 000 km2 of southwestern Australia. Preliminary results for the BOS samples demonstrate a wide range of strontium isotopic values (0.7152 < 87Sr/86Sr < 1.0909) over the survey area, reflecting a large diversity of source rock lithologies, geological processes and bedrock ages. Spatial distribution of 87Sr/86Sr shows coherent (multi-point anomalies and smooth gradients), large-scale (>100 km) patterns that appear to be consistent, in many places, with surface geology, regolith/soil type and/or nearby outcropping bedrock. For instance, catchments in the western and central Yilgarn dominated by felsic intrusive basement geology have radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr signatures in the floodplain sediments consistent with published whole-rock data. Similarly, unradiogenic signatures in sediments in the eastern Yilgarn are in agreement with published whole-rock data. Our results to-date indicate that incorporating soil/regolith strontium isotopes in regional, exploratory geoscience investigations can help identify basement rock types under (shallow) cover, constrain surface processes (e.g. weathering, dispersion), and, potentially, recognise components of mineral systems. Furthermore, the resulting strontium isoscape and model derived therefrom can also be utilised in archaeological, paleontological and ecological studies that aim to investigate past and modern animal (including humans) dietary habits and migrations.&nbsp; The new spatial dataset is publicly available through the Geoscience Australia portal</div>

  • The first iteration of a continental-scale Isotopic Atlas of Australia was introduced by Geoscience Australia at the 2019 SGGMP conference in Devonport, Tasmania, through a talk and poster display. In the three years since, progress on this Isotopic Atlas has continued and expanded datasets are now publicly available and downloadable via Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future (EFTF) <a href="">Geochronology and Isotopes Data Portal</a>. This poster provides example maps produced from the compiled data of multiple geochronology and isotopic tracer datasets, now available in the <a href="">EFTF Portal</a>. Available data include Sm–Nd model ages of magmatic rocks; Lu–Hf isotopes from zircon and associated O-isotope data; Pb–Pb isotopes from ore-related minerals such as galena and pyrite; Rb–Sr isotopes from soils; U–Pb ages of magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks; and K–Ar, Ar–Ar, Re–Os, Rb–Sr and fission-track ages from minerals and whole rocks. Compiled geochronology, which commenced with coverage of northern Australia, is now much more comprehensive across Victoria and Tasmania, with New South Wales and South Australia updates well underway. This Isotopic Atlas of Australia provides a convenient visual overview of age and isotopic patterns reflecting geological processes that have led to the current configuration of the Australian continent, including progressive development of continental crust from the mantle. These datasets and maps unlock the collective value of several decades of geochronological and isotopic studies conducted across Australia, and provide an important complement to other geological maps and geophysical images—in particular, by adding a time dimension to 2D and 3D maps and models. To view the associated poster see <a href="">eCat 147377</a>. This Abstract & Poster were presented to the 2022 Specialist Group in Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology (SGGMP) Conference 7-11 November (

  • This report presents groundwater level information collected during Geoscience Australia’s Musgrave Palaeovalley Project. The Musgrave Palaeovalley Project was conducted as part of Exploring for the Future (EFTF), an Australian Government funded geoscience data and information acquisition program. The eight-year, $225 million program aims to deliver new geoscience data and knowledge to inform decision-making by government, community, and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy, and groundwater resources.</div><div>Groundwater level data was collected during two hydrogeochemical surveys undertaken in March and May 2023 based around the remote communities of Warburton, Kaltukatjara, Wanarn, Blackstone and Jameson in Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Sixteen bores were measured for their groundwater levels. The results are contained herein and within the attached CSV file.

  • <div>This report contains new whole-rock and isotope (Pb and Sr) geochemical data, associated sample metadata, an assessment of the data’s quality assurance, for 76 samples collected from the Georgina Basin of the East Tennant National Drilling Initiative (NDI) in 2021. The data can be downloaded via the Geoscience Australia EFTF portal ( or in the files attached with this record (</div><div><br></div><div>This new geochemistry data release builds on the success of the East Tennant NDI, addressing the data-gap in earlier geochemical sampling of these holes, by providing whole-rock geochemistry (and Pb+Sr isotopes) for the Georgina Basin cover sequence. Improved geochemical characterisation of Georgina Basin geology is valuable from both a hydrogeological and mineral systems perspective. The Georgina Basin extends across much of the Northern Territory and into western Queensland, comprised of Cryogenian to Devonian sediment packages.</div><div><br></div><div>Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia’s transition to net zero emissions, strong, sustainable resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government.</div><div><br></div>

  • <div>An Isotopic Atlas of Australia provides a convenient visual overview of age and isotopic patterns reflecting geological processes that have led to the current configuration of the Australian continent, including progressive development of continental crust from the mantle. This poster provides example maps produced from compiled data of multiple geochronology and isotopic tracer datasets from this Isotopic Atlas.&nbsp;It is also a promotion for the release of the Victorian and Tasmanian age compilation datasets (Waltenbeg et al., 2021; Jones et al., 2022).</div>

  • <div>At the 2021 AESC (Australian Earth Sciences Convention), Geoscience Australia (GA) introduced a continental-scale Isotopic Atlas of Australia (Fraser et al., 2020) through an interactive poster display (Fraser et al., 2021). In the two years since, progress on this Isotopic Atlas has continued and expanded datasets are now publicly available and downloadable via Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future (EFTF) Geochronology and Isotopes Data Portal.</div><div><br></div><div>This poster provides example maps produced from the compiled data of multiple geochronology and isotopic tracer datasets, now available in the Geochronology and Isotopes Data Portal. Available data include Sm–Nd model ages of magmatic rocks (Champion et al., 2013); Lu–Hf isotopes from zircon and associated O-isotope data (Waltenberg et al., 2023); Pb–Pb isotopes from ore-related minerals such as galena and pyrite (Huston et al., 2019); Rb–Sr stable isotopes from surface regolith (de Caritat et al., 2022, 2023); U–Pb interpreted ages of magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks (Jones et al., 2018); and K–Ar, Ar–Ar, Re–Os, Rb–Sr and fission-track interpreted ages from minerals and whole rocks.</div><div><br></div><div>Significant recent additions to the datasets include geochronology compilations for Victoria (Waltenberg et al., 2021) and Tasmania (Jones et al., 2022) and full geochronology analytical data tables for GA’s SHRIMP (Sensitive High Resolution Ion Micro Probe) U–Pb results. The online data portal provides tools for visualizing data in commonly-used diagrammatic formats (e.g. Time-Space style plots for geochronology, isotope evolution diagrams for Nd and Hf data). Data are also available for download in a range of formats (CSV, JSON, KML, Shapefile) to allow manipulation and visualization offline for specific purposes.</div><div><br></div><div>Work is ongoing to improve the coverage of legacy interpreted ages geochronology data, to include geochronology analytical data tables for both ID-TIMS and LA-ICP-MS data, and to update the Sm-Nd and Pb-Pb in ores coverages with new data. New work is in progress to develop a Pb-Pb isotopic coverage from representative ‘basement’ rocks (Liebmann et al., 2022) and to expand the coverage of oxygen and Lu-Hf isotopes from zircon, with a current focus in south-eastern Australia (Mole et al., 2022).</div><div><br></div><div>This Isotopic Atlas of Australia provides a convenient visual overview of age and isotopic patterns reflecting geological processes that have led to the current configuration of the Australian continent, including progressive development of continental crust from the mantle. These datasets and maps unlock the collective value of several decades of geochronological and isotopic studies conducted across Australia, and provide an important complement to other geological maps and geophysical images—in particular, by adding a time dimension to 2D and 3D maps and models.</div> Abstract/Poster submitted and presented at 2023 Australian Earth Science Convention (AESC), Perth WA (