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  • The IGBA OZCHEM database subset is comprised of 2832 wholerock analyses derived from AGSO field work and the literature. Data are from Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and New Zealand. AGSO's complete OZCHEM database contains approximately 50000 analyses, mainly from Australia but some are also from Papua New Guinea, Antarctica, Solomon Islands and New Zealand. Approximately 32000 analyses of Australian rocks of all ages and some New Zealand Tertiary volcanics are available for sale. The location is stored with each analysis along with geological descriptions, including the host stratigraphic unit and lithology. Most samples have been collected by AGSO field parties.OZCHEM is stored in an ORACLE relational database and is available in Oracle export, comma-delimited relational ASCII, and Microsoft Access formats.

  • As part of the Australian Tsunami Warning System Project (2005-09), the Attorney-General's Department funded Geoscience Australia to develop the national offshore Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA). This assessment could then be used by Australian emergency managers in understanding the tsunami hazard to Australia. The national offshore PTHA considers the tsunami hazard posed to the entire Australian coast by tsunami caused by subduction zone earthquakes in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. These regions are known to have produced major tsunamigenic events External site link in recorded history and are the most likely sources of future events. The hazard maps are defined at a bathymetry water depth contour of 100m offshore. This normally falls outside of the Great Barrier Reef or other reef systems. The 100m depth contour is chosen because: Estimating the tsunami closer to the coast requires high resolution bathymetric data which does not always exist for the entire coast estimating the tsunami closer to the coast is a more computational and time intensive task. These maps help to identify the areas which are most likely to be at risk to damaging tsunami waves. However, they cannot be used directly to infer how far a tsunami will inundate onshore (inundation extent), how high above sea level they will reach on land (run-up), the extent of damage or any other onshore phenomena. To estimate the onshore tsunami impact, detailed bathymetry and topography of the specific region concerned is required for input to a detailed inundation model. The catalogue of tsunami events used to derive the national offshore PTHA can be used by emergency managers, researchers and individuals however to develop detailed inundation models at any onshore location.

  • This release presents data collected as part of the collaborative Geoscience Australia-Geological Survey of Victoria Stavely Project. During 2014 fourteen pre-competitive stratigraphic drill holes were completed in the prospective Stavely region in western Victoria in order to better understand subsurface geology and its potential for a variety of mineral systems. The drill holes were completed between April and September 2014 in partnership with the Deep Exploration Technologies Cooperative Research Centre (DET CRC). Data contained within this release were collected in the field at the drill sites, either during or immediately following drilling. Data presented in this release include drill hole collar information, operational metadata and daily drilling reports, drill core photographs, down-hole surveys, down-hole wireline geophysical logging results, down-hole temperature logging results, down-hole AutoSonde(TM) gamma data, Lab-at-Rig (LAR®), X-ray fluorescence data, diamond drill core recovery percentages, and handheld magnetic susceptibility measurements on the drill core.

  • To assist the mining industry during the current buoyant times of historically high nickel and platinum-group element prices, Geoscience Australia has produced two web-based map sheets (at 1:5 million and 1:10 million scales) that show the spatial distribution of Proterozoic (2500 Ma to 545 Ma) mafic-ultramafic magmatic events in Australia. The maps illustrate for the first time, the continental extent and age relationships of Proterozoic mafic and ultramafic rocks and their associated mineral deposits. These rocks have been assigned to thirty Magmatic Events (ME) that range in age from the Early Palaeoproterozoic ~2455 Ma (ME 1) to the Early Cambrian ~520 Ma (ME 30). Resource package contains: - Australian Proterozoic Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Events: Map Sheets 1 and 2 - Guide to Using the Australian Proterozoic Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Events Map - Spreadsheets of data that support the maps - A time series animation summarising all the mafic-ultramafic magmatic events

  • This dataset contains data collected on various domestic and international swath surveys in and around Australian waters.

  • Subset of Rockchem whole-rock database release 3. Contains 1201 whole-rock analyses of rocks from the McArthur Basin.

  • This database contains the monthly mean and montly long term mean fields from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1960-2000. Files contain the following data: - surface air temperature - land/sea mask - sea level pressure - sea surface temperature (see SST_README for more details) - U (eastward) component of wind - V (northward) component of wind - specific humidity (this file does not contain all vertical levels, unlike the other 3-d variables) For all the above, files with 'ltm' instead of 'mean' contain the long-term monthly mean data. Data were downloaded on 25/11/2009 from the Earth System Reseach Laboratory (ESRL) Physical Sciences Division (PSD) website. (

  • A fully four-dimensional (3D x time) object-oriented biophysical dispersal model was developed to simulate the movement of marine larvae over semi-continuous surfaces. The model is capable of handling massive numbers of simulated larvae, can accommodate diverse life history patterns and distributions of characteristics, and saves point-level information to a relational database management system.

  • Induction conductivity data, commonly referred to as conductivity logs, were acquired from nineteen boreholes during September 2008 in support of the Paterson airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey, described in Roach (2010). The geophysical investigations were designed to deliver reliable, pre-competitive AEM data and scientific analysis of the energy resource potential of the Paterson region of Western Australia. The Paterson AEM survey was the first regional AEM survey conducted in the Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP) at Geoscience Australia (GA). The survey was flown by Fugro Airborne Surveys Pty. Ltd. (FAS), for Geoscience Australia, as a combined TEMPESTTM time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) and magnetic survey between the 10th of September 2007 and the 28th of October 2008. The Paterson AEM survey covers a total area of 49 000 km2 in the Paterson region of Western Australia. Induction conductivity log data were acquired from the boreholes across a number of widespread, different geological units within the Paterson AEM survey area. The conductivity logs were used to assist in generating reference models for geophysical inversions of the AEM data, as well as for assessing the results of the inversions as an independent dataset.