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  • Dataset for the Southeast Region Release area contains biostratigraphic, reservoir facies, and organic geochemistry from wells in the release region.

  • Dataset for the Southwest Region Release area contains biostratigraphic, reservoir facies, and organic geochemistry from wells in the release region.

  • This product is a Microsoft Access database which contains the raw data, calculated biomarker ratios and reporting output forms. This product includes 120 oils from the first Oils of Western Australia study (WOZ1) and 150 oils from the second Oils of Western Australia study (WOZ2). This database is one component of "The Oils of Western Australia II" product which comprises two other components: an interpretative report documenting the petroleum geochemistry of the oils in the study and assignment of each sample to an oil family, and an ArcView GIS CD containing coverages of North West Shelf regional geology and petroleum exploration themes, and oil family maps linked to graphs of specific chemical parameters which define the families. The Oils of Western Australia II report summarises the findings of a collaborative research program between Geoscience Australia and GeoMark Research undertaken on the petroleum geochemistry of crude oils and condensates discovered within the basins of western Australia and the Papuan Basin, Papua New Guinea prior to March 2000. The interpretations documented herein build on research that Geoscience Australia and GeoMark Research undertook previously in The Oils of Western Australia (AGSO and GeoMark, 1996) and The Oils of Eastern Australia (Geoscience Australia and GeoMark, 2002) studies. To make informed decisions regarding Australia's petroleum resources, it is important to understand the relationship between the liquid hydrocarbons within and between basins. This Study has geochemically characterised the liquid hydrocarbon accumulations of western Australian basins and the Papuan Basin into genetically related families. From a total of 316 samples, 33 oil/condensate families were identified in the western Australian basins; Bonaparte (10), Browse (2), Canning (4), Carnarvon (11) and Perth (6), as well as some vagrant and contaminated samples. Three oil/condensate families were recognised in the Papuan Basin. The geographic distribution of each oil/condensate family is mapped within each basin/sub-basin. Using the geochemical characteristics of each family, the nature of their source facies, thermal maturity level and degree of preservation has been determined. This Study used a set of standardised geochemical protocols that include bulk geochemical (API gravity, elemental analysis of nickel, vanadium and sulphur), molecular (gas chromatography of the whole-oil and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of the saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons) and bulk stable carbon isotopic analyses. n-Alkane-specific 13C isotopic analyses were carried out on only a selected set of oils and condensates. Statistical analyses were performed on these data using the software Pirouette' provided by Infometrix. In addition to this report, the geochemical data acquired for the crude oils and condensates in this Study are provided in the accompanying Microsoft Access2000 database. These data may be viewed spatially and plotted on x-y cross-plots in the charting application included in the ESRI Australia GIS ArcView3.2 georeferencing package that also accompanies this report.

  • This record describes digital data compilation product, where several individual items are grouped for delivery on single CD-ROM. Content and number of items included in the compilation package can vary, depending on size of the individual items. The contents of this CD-ROM are as follows: Catalog # Title 34395 Mk II airborne laser fluorosensor survey reprocessing and interpretation report: Great Australian Bight, Southern Australia 35927 Mk II airborne laser fluorosensor survey reprocessing and interpretation report: Perth Basin, Western Australia

  • This product is the single largest AGSO funded stream sediment geochemical data set available in Australia. The data covers roughly 80 000 square kilometres of Proterozoic and Phanerozoic north Queensland and contains 235 914 analyses of 8752 samples. This product also includes PDF files of the associated reports and atlases.

  • The Geophysical Airborne Survey Index presents a summary of the essential specifications of over 800 airborne surveys held in the National Airborne Geophysics Database.

  • This record describes digital data compilation product, where several individual items are grouped for delivery on single CD-ROM. Content and number of items included in the compilation package can vary, depending on size of the individual items. The contents of this CD-ROM are as follows: Catalog # Title 37081 Petroleum exploration and development titles (2001) 36000 National Oil-on-the-Sea Identification Database (NOSID)

  • This record describes digital data compilation product, where several individual items are grouped for delivery on single CD-ROM. Content and number of items included in the compilation package can vary, depending on size of the individual items. The contents of this CD-ROM are as follows: Catalog # Title 31783 1996 Laminaria High, northern Bonaparte Basin (AC/P8) airborne laser fluorosensor survey interpretation report : (WGC AC/P8 survey number 1248.2) 31784 1996 Nancar trough, northern Bonaparte Basin (AC/P16) airborne laser fluorosensor survey interpretation report : (WGC AC/P16 survey number 1248.3) 31803 1996 Yampi Shelf, Browse Basin airborne laser fluorosensor survey interpretation report : (WGC Browse survey number 1248.1) 31804 1996 Vulcan Sub-basin / Browse Basin transition airborne laser fluorosensor survey interpretation report : (WGC Haydn survey number 2051) 31806 1996 Vulcan Sub-basin airborne laser fluorosensor survey interpretation report (Skua urvey) 31807 1998 Yampi Shelf, Browse Basin airborne laser fluorosensor survey interpretation report : (WGC Yampi survey) 31808 Comparison of AGSO North West Shelf airborne laser fluorosensor survey interpretations

  • Sander Geophysics Limited (SGL) conducted a fixed-wing high-resolution gravimetric survey between 23 February and 14 March 2012 over the Kauring airborne gravity test site, Western Australia, for the Victoria State Department of Primary Industries (DPI) as part of the CarbonNet Project. The survey was flown using SGL's airborne gravity system, AIRGrav (Airborne Inertially Referenced Gravimeter). This data package contains located airborne geophysical data (ASCII columns) and gridded airborne geophysical data in ER Mapper grid format (.ers) and Geosoft grid (.gxf) format, a technical report file (PDF) and a licence agreement and explanatory notes file (PDF). The survey was conducted using SGL's Cessna Grand Caravan 208B, registration C-GSGA. Production flights commenced on February 23, 2012 and were completed on March 14, 2012. A total of 16 flights were performed during the survey to complete the planned 3064 line kilometres. The survey operations were conducted from Perth Jandakot airport (YPJT). <b>Copyright retained by 3rd party. Data available for download via a licence agreement.</b>