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  • Poster prepared for International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress 2013 This study was undertaken to establish a chronology for Quaternary fluvial landscape in the Darling River floodplain area. This was required to constrain the 3D mapping of floodplain units and to constrain conceptual models of surface-groundwater interaction. The lower Darling Valley contains Cenozoic shallow marine, fluvial, lacustrine and aeolian sediments including a number of previously poorly dated Quaternary fluvial units associated with the Darling River and its anabranches. New geomorphic mapping of the Darling floodplain that utilises a high-resolution LiDAR dataset and SPOT imagery, has revealed that the Late Quaternary sequence consists of scroll-plain tracts of different ages incised into a higher more featureless mud-dominated floodplain. Furthermore, the Understanding the relationships between these geomorphic units Samples for OSL (Optically-Stimulated Luminescence) and radiocarbon dating were taken in tractor-excavated pits, from sonic drill cores and from hand-auger holes from a number of scroll-plain and older floodplain sediments in the Menindee region. The youngest, now inactive, scroll-plain phase, associated with the modern Darling River, was active in the period 5-2 ka. A previous anabranch scroll-plain phase has dates around 20 ka. Indistinct scroll-plain tracts older than the anabranch system, are evident both upstream and downstream of Menindee and have ages around 30 ka. These three scroll-plain tracts intersect just south of Menindee but are mostly separated upstream and downstream of that point. Older dates of 50 ka, 85 ka and >150 ka have been obtained from lateral-migration sediments present beneath the higher mud-dominated floodplain. Age dating of the Quaternary fluvial sediments has been used to constrain a model of landscape evolution, neotectonics and recharge dynamics. Geomorphic and structural mapping identified a number of structural lineaments in the LiDAR data. These structures are coincident with mapped faults at depth in airborne electromagnetic (AEM) and airborne magnetic (and gravity) data. Those faults mapped at surface have varying landscape expression, with many re-worked by younger scroll-plain tracts. Younger faults appear to play a role in surface-groundwater interaction, while older faults are important for inter-aquifer leakage.

  • Under the Community Stream Sampling and Salinity Mapping Project, the Australian Government through the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the Department of Environment and Heritage, acting through Bureau of Rural Sciences, funded an airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey to provide information in relation to land use questions in selected areas along the River Murray Corridor (RMC). The proposed study areas and major land use issues were identified by the RMC Reference Group at its inception meeting on 26th July, 2006. This report has been prepared to facilitate recommendations on the Barr Creek - Gunbower study area. The work was developed in consultation with the RMC Technical Working Group (TWG) to provide a basis for the RMC Reference Group and other stake holders to understand the value and application of AEM data to the study area. This understanding, combined with the Reference Groups assessment of the final results and taking in account policy and land management issues, will enable the Reference Group to make recommendations to the Australian Government.

  • This DVD product contains relevant material from Milestone 5 and Milestone 6 of the Palaeovalley Groundwater Project. It has been produced for distribution to the key Project Stakeholders such as the Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Group

  • Geoscience Australia has developed a computer-generated 3D model which conceptualises the key hydrogeological components of the Hodgson and Kings Creek sub-catchments in south-eastern Queensland. These are headwater tributaries of the Condamine River, and are situated in the agriculturally important Darling Downs region south-west of Toowoomba. Groundwater is an important resource for rural communities and landholders in the area, and is used extensively for crop irrigation, stock and domestic purposes, and town water supplies. Our principal objective in building the 3D model was to help promote greater understanding and appreciation of the region's groundwater resources among the numerous local people and communities that rely upon groundwater, but who may not be familiar with the key concepts and principles which govern its intrinsic behaviour. Additionally, the model can be applied by surface water and groundwater scientists, water planners and natural resource managers to assist in the ongoing study, management and administration of the region's important aquifer systems.

  • Under the Community Stream Sampling and Salinity Mapping Project, the Australian Government through the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the Department of Environment and Heritage, acting through Bureau of Rural Sciences, funded an airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey to provide information in relation to land use questions in selected areas along the River Murray Corridor (RMC). The proposed study areas and major land use issues were identified by the RMC Reference Group at its inception meeting on 26th July, 2006. This report has been prepared to facilitate recommendations on the Lindsay-Wallpolla study area. The work was developed in consultation with the RMC Technical Working Group (TWG) to provide a basis for the RMC Reference Group and other stake holders to understand the value and application of AEM data to the study area. This understanding, combined with the Reference Group's assessment of the final results and taking in account policy and land management issues, will enable the Reference Group to make recommendations to the Australian Government.

  • This report describes the findings of the Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment that have led to advancing the understanding of the GAB. It encapsulates findings that are presented in four region reports and a technical report on conceptualising the GAB that were prepared for the Assessment. Advancing the conceptual understanding of the GAB requires careful evaluation of the geological framework (i.e. the layers of rock), description of how the geology translates into hydrostratigraphy (i.e. the relative ability of specific layers to store and transmit water) and investigation of the groundwater conditions (i.e. watertable, groundwater levels, and inferred movement). It is the geological framework, hydrostratigraphy and groundwater conditions that are the basis for conceptualising water resources in the GAB. The conceptual understanding of the GAB provides the foundation for assessing water availability and providing guidance to water policy and water resource planning.

  • The work presented is the outcome of a pilot program of 2 1/2 month's duration involving the preparation by Australian Groundwater Consultants (AGC) of a hydrogeological map of the Ballarat 1: 250 000 scale sheet, with accompanying explanatory notes. The pilot program was initiated by Bureau of Mineral Resources through funding provided by the Commonwealth Department of Resources and Energy,and was based on recommendations contained in a report to theDepartment by AGC on the National Groundwater Data Base Inventory 5 Year Forward Program. The pilot program report to BMR by AGC had three parts: volume 1 described the approach and methodology, the second part (volume 2) consisted of a copy of the Victorian Department of Industry, Technology and Resources (DITR) database used to compile the map, and the third part comprised the map and explanatory notes. In the present record the approach and methodology form part 1, and the explanatory notes and map part 2; only representative examples of the database files are included in part 1.

  • This product has been archived and while it is still available for download, Geoscience Australia can no longer offer related support or advice. Legacy product - no abstract available