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This is part of a series of 49 maps covering the whole of Australia and forms part of the International Map of the World map series. At this scale 1 centimetre on the map represents 10 kilometres on the ground. Each map covers an area of six degrees of longitude and four degrees of latitude. The maps show roads, railways, hydrography, larger nature conservation reserves, outback homesteads. Seabed and land relief is shown by layer tints, spot heights and contours in metres. Contour interval is 500 metres, with an additional contour at 200 metres. Product Specifications Coverage: Whole of Australia covered with 49 maps. National coverage first completed in 1975. Currency: Ranges from 1971 to 1983. Average 1976. Coordinates: Geographical. Datum: AGD66 (GDA94 compliant at this scale); AHD. Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic. Medium: Paper map, flat and folded. Status: These maps are no longer maintained. It is planned to produce a new series of maps from the converted 42 World Aeronautical Charts (WAC) series of maps produced in 2006. These maps are only available as a print on demand product. This map can be purchased in either flat or folded format.
85% coverage, north east corner missing D53/B1-133 Vertical scale: 50
60% coverage north F53/B1-198 Vertical scale: 500
Lower Proterozoic sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks of the Pine Creek Geosyncline and Nimbuwah Complex form the basement rocks of the Bathurst Terrace. To the west of the Bathurst Terrace, along the eastern edge of the adjoining Bonaparte Gulf Basin, Phanerozoic sedimentation commenced in the Early Permian and led to the accumulation of a conformable sequence comprising the Kulshill, Hyland Bay, and Mount Goodwin Formations, and an unnamed Middle to Upper Triassic formation. It was not until the Late Jurassic that the sea transgressed onto the Bathurst Terrace to deposit the Petrel Formation, followed by the Bathurst Island Formation in the Cretaceous, and the Van Diemen Sandstone in the Early Tertiary. In the Late Cretaceous and Tertiary, chemical weathering produced an extensive cover of laterite. Mineral sands containing ilmenite, zircon, and rutile occur along the northern and western coasts of Bathurst and Melville Islands. Uneconomical deposits of bauxite crop out on the northern headlands of Cobourg Peninsula and Croker Island. In addition, uneconomical deposits of uranium, manganese, phosphate, limestone, clay, and hydrocarbons have been found in the area. Subartesian water is available on Bathurst and Melville Islands from aquifers in the Van Diemen Sandstone, and artesian water was discovered in the Marligur Member of the Bathurst Island Formation in the southern Cobourg Peninsula Sheet area.
This record is the result of a brief examination of data relevant to the titles areas. All available data have been used in its preparation, including confidential company reports, but no original interpretation has been made. Summaries are given of the regional geology, hydrocarbon potential, geophysical activity and drilling results. Assessments have been made of the prospectivity of the title areas, and recommendations are made for further exploration. Because of the moratorium on exploration on the Great Barrier Reef, only scientific surveys have been carried out since 1969 and no wells have been drilled. Aeromagnetic. and the small amount of reconnaissance seismic work carried out prior to the moratorium indicate the continental shelf is covered by a thin veneer of sediments with several ill-defined basinal depressions. These sediments are generally thought to be of Tertiary and Mesozoic age. Prospects for hydrocarbon accumulations within the existing title areas are rated as low. An area in the southeastern part of the Gulf of Papua outside the present title areas is considered to have the best prospects.
Petroleum exploration carried out in the Gippsland Basin up to February 1976 has been reviewed to provide a current assessment of knowledge of the basin and to determine the need for further exploration. The Gippsland Basin is a Late Mesozoic to Cainozoic Basin located mainly offshore in the northeastern portion of Bass Strait, between the mainland of Australia and Tasmania. It is roughly triangular in shape, being narrowest onshore in Victoria to the northwest and broadening towards the edge of the continental slope to the southeast. It contains up to 4500 in of fluvio-deltaic and marine sediments, which have been subjected to faulting, drape folding and channel erosion. To date, the Gippsland Basin has been by far the most prolific petroleum producing basin in Australia, with initial reserves of more than 300 x 106 m3 of oil and 200 x 109 m3 of natural gas. The basin has been actively explored geophysically since the early 1960s and all of the larger and more obvious structures have been drilled. The basin still has some exploration potential at deeper levels than the main Eocene producing zones, but detailed seismic mapping of deeper horizons is difficult and requires the best seismic technology available. It seems likely that the greater part of the recoverable petroleum in the basin has already been found, but there is some potential for further discoveries.
D53/B1-104 Vertical scale: 5
H51-B1/67 Vertical scale: 1000
50% coverage central F52/B1-81 Vertical scale: 100