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  • The Surface Hydrology Points (Regional) dataset provides a set of related features classes to be used as the basis of the production of consistent hydrological information. This dataset contains a geometric representation of major hydrographic point elements - both natural and artificial. This dataset is the best available data supplied by Jurisdictions and aggregated by Geoscience Australia it is intended for defining hydrological features.

  • This project aims to characterise the hydrogeochemistry of groundwater associated with coal seams and surrounding aquifers in the Surat Region and Laura Basin. In addition, the project provides an assessment of the environmental values of groundwater in relation to ecological and human use, and general guidance on groundwater quality monitoring strategies. . Full details of the methodology and findings of the study, including limitations and assumptions are provided in this project technical report.

  • Poster prepared for International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress 2013 This study was undertaken to establish a chronology for Quaternary fluvial landscape in the Darling River floodplain area. This was required to constrain the 3D mapping of floodplain units and to constrain conceptual models of surface-groundwater interaction. The lower Darling Valley contains Cenozoic shallow marine, fluvial, lacustrine and aeolian sediments including a number of previously poorly dated Quaternary fluvial units associated with the Darling River and its anabranches. New geomorphic mapping of the Darling floodplain that utilises a high-resolution LiDAR dataset and SPOT imagery, has revealed that the Late Quaternary sequence consists of scroll-plain tracts of different ages incised into a higher more featureless mud-dominated floodplain. Furthermore, the Understanding the relationships between these geomorphic units Samples for OSL (Optically-Stimulated Luminescence) and radiocarbon dating were taken in tractor-excavated pits, from sonic drill cores and from hand-auger holes from a number of scroll-plain and older floodplain sediments in the Menindee region. The youngest, now inactive, scroll-plain phase, associated with the modern Darling River, was active in the period 5-2 ka. A previous anabranch scroll-plain phase has dates around 20 ka. Indistinct scroll-plain tracts older than the anabranch system, are evident both upstream and downstream of Menindee and have ages around 30 ka. These three scroll-plain tracts intersect just south of Menindee but are mostly separated upstream and downstream of that point. Older dates of 50 ka, 85 ka and >150 ka have been obtained from lateral-migration sediments present beneath the higher mud-dominated floodplain. Age dating of the Quaternary fluvial sediments has been used to constrain a model of landscape evolution, neotectonics and recharge dynamics. Geomorphic and structural mapping identified a number of structural lineaments in the LiDAR data. These structures are coincident with mapped faults at depth in airborne electromagnetic (AEM) and airborne magnetic (and gravity) data. Those faults mapped at surface have varying landscape expression, with many re-worked by younger scroll-plain tracts. Younger faults appear to play a role in surface-groundwater interaction, while older faults are important for inter-aquifer leakage.

  • This report describes the findings of the Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment that have led to advancing the understanding of the GAB. It encapsulates findings that are presented in four region reports and a technical report on conceptualising the GAB that were prepared for the Assessment. Advancing the conceptual understanding of the GAB requires careful evaluation of the geological framework (i.e. the layers of rock), description of how the geology translates into hydrostratigraphy (i.e. the relative ability of specific layers to store and transmit water) and investigation of the groundwater conditions (i.e. watertable, groundwater levels, and inferred movement). It is the geological framework, hydrostratigraphy and groundwater conditions that are the basis for conceptualising water resources in the GAB. The conceptual understanding of the GAB provides the foundation for assessing water availability and providing guidance to water policy and water resource planning.

  • Phase 1 report (Exposure/Impact Analysis) for Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Pacific Islands Project.

  • Water resource assessment for the Great Artesian Basin. Synthesis of a report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment

  • This document contains metadata for the hydrodynamics products produced by the Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment

  • In many areas of the world, vegetation dynamics in semi-arid floodplain environments have been seriously impacted by increased river regulation and groundwater use. With increases in regulation along many rivers in the Murray-Darling Basin, flood volume, seasonality and frequency have changed which has in turn affected the condition and distribution of vegetation. Floodplain vegetation can be degraded from both too much and too little water due to regulation. Over-regulation and increased use of groundwater in these landscapes can exacerbate the effects related to natural climate variability. Prolonged flooding of woody plants has been found to induce a number of physiological disturbances such as early stomatal closure and inhibition of photosynthesis. However, drought conditions can also result in leaf biomass reduction and sapwood area decline. Depending on the species, different inundation and drought tolerances are observed. Identification of groundwater-dependent terrestrial vegetation, and assessment of the relative importance of different water sources to vegetation dynamics, typically requires detailed ecophysiological studies over a number of seasons or years as shown in Chowilla, New South Wales [] and Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia []. However, even when groundwater dependence can be quantified, results are often difficult to upscale beyond the plot scale. Quicker, more regional approaches to mapping groundwater-dependent vegetation have consequently evolved with technological advancements in remote sensing techniques. Such an approach was used in this study. LiDAR canopy digital elevation model (CDEM) and foliage projected cover (FPC) data were combined with Landsat imagery in order to characterise the spatial and temporal behaviour of woody vegetation in the Lower Darling Floodplain, New South Wales. The multi-temporal dynamics of the woody vegetation were then compared to the estimated availability of different water sources in order to better understand water requirements.

  • This North-east Australian Fractured Rock Province dataset contains descriptive attribute information for the areas bounded by the relevant spatial groundwater feature in the associated Hydrogeology Index map. Descriptive topics are grouped into the following themes: Location and administration; Demographics; Physical geography; Surface water; Geology; Hydrogeology; Groundwater; Groundwater management and use; Environment; Land use and industry types; and Scientific stimulus. In fractured rock aquifers, groundwater is stored in the fractures, joints, bedding planes and cavities of the rock mass. About 40 per cent of groundwater in Australia is stored in fractured rock aquifers, and much of this may be available for irrigation, town water supplies, stock watering and domestic use. Approximately 33% of all bores in Australia are in fractured systems, representing about 10 per cent of total extraction. Groundwater yield is extremely variable, and dependent on the distribution of major fractures. However, rates of groundwater movement in fractured rock systems are difficult to quantify. Characterising groundwater flow in fractured rock aquifers is difficult with existing techniques, and groundwater flow direction can be related more to the orientation of fractures than to the hydraulic head distribution. Recharge in fractured rock aquifers is usually local and intermediate. The Queensland fractured rock is taken to be that part of the northern elements of the Eastern Fracture Rock provinces that extends from the southern part of the Laura Basin, south to the state boundary with New South Wales, and inland as far as the Bundock and Galilee Basins. It comprises the Mossman, Thomson and New England Orogens, and related Provinces. These include: i) The Mossman Orogen, including the Hodgkinson Province, and the Broken River Province; ii) The Thomson Orogen, comprising Neoprotozoic – Early Paleozoic Provinces, including the Anakie Province, Barnard Province, Charters Tower Province, Greenvale Province, and Iron Range Province; and iii) The New England Orogen, including the Gympie Province, Connors-Auburn Province, Yarrol Province, Wandilla Province, Woolomin Province, Calliope Province, Marlborough Province, and Silverwood Province

  • The Clarence-Moreton and the Surat basins in Queensland and northern New South Wales contain the coal-bearing sedimentary sequences of the Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures, composed of up to approximately 600 m of mudstone, siltstone, sandstone and coal. In recent years, the intensification of exploration for coal seam gas (CSG) resources within both basins has led to concerns that the depressurisation associated with future resource development may cause adverse impacts on water resources in adjacent aquifers. In order to identify the most suitable tracers to study groundwater recharge and flow patterns within the Walloon Coal Measures and their degree of connectivity with over- or underlying formations, samples were collected from the Walloon Coal Measures and adjacent aquifers in the northern Clarence-Moreton Basin and eastern Surat Basin, and analysed for a wide range of hydrochemical and isotopic parameters. Parameters that were analysed include major ion chemistry, -13C-DIC, -18O, 87Sr/86Sr, Rare Earth Elements (REE), 14C, -2H and -13C of CH4 as well as concentrations of dissolved gases (including methane). Dissolved methane concentrations range from below the reporting limit (10 µg/L) to approximately 50 mg/L in groundwaters of the Walloon Coal Measures. However, the high degree of spatial variability of methane concentrations highlights the general complexity of recharge and groundwater flow processes, especially in the Laidley Sub-Basin of the Clarence-Moreton Basin, where numerous volcanic cones penetrate the Walloon Coal Measures and may form pathways for preferential recharge to the Walloon Coal Measures. Interestingly, dissolved methane was also measured in other sedimentary bedrock units and in alluvial aquifers in areas where no previous CSG exploration or development has occurred, highlighting the natural presence of methane in different aquifers. Radiocarbon ages of Walloon Coal Measure groundwaters are also highly variable, ranging from approximately 2000 yrs BP to >40000 yrs BP. While groundwaters sampled in close proximity to the east and west of the Great Dividing Range are mostly young, suggesting that recharge to the Walloon Coal Measures through the basalts of the Great Dividing Range occurs here, there are otherwise no clearly discernable spatial patterns and no strong correlations with depth or distance along inferred flow paths in the Clarence-Moreton Basin. In contrast to this strong spatial variability of methane concentrations and groundwater ages, REE and 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of Walloon Coal Measures groundwaters appear to be very uniform and clearly distinct from groundwaters contained in other bedrock units. This difference is attributed to the different source material of the Walloon Coal Measures (mostly basalts in comparison to other bedrock units which are mostly composed of mineralogical more variable Paleozoic basement rocks of the New England Orogen). This study suggests that REE and 87Sr/86Sr ratios may be a suitable tracer to study hydraulic connectivity of the Walloon Coal Measures with over- or underlying aquifers. In addition, this study also highlights the need to conduct detailed water chemistry and isotope baseline studies prior to the development of coal seam gas resources in order to differentiate between natural background values of methane and potential impacts of coal seam gas development.