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  • The Surface Hydrology Points (Regional) dataset provides a set of related features classes to be used as the basis of the production of consistent hydrological information. This dataset contains a geometric representation of major hydrographic point elements - both natural and artificial. This dataset is the best available data supplied by Jurisdictions and aggregated by Geoscience Australia it is intended for defining hydrological features.

  • We measured the light absorption properties of two naturally occurring Australian hydrocarbon oils, a Gippsland light crude oil and a North West Shelf light condensate. Using these results in conjunction with estimated sensor environmental noise thresholds, the theoretical minimum limit of detectability of each oil type (as a function of oil thickness) was calculated for both the hyperspectral HYMAP and multispectral Quickbird sensors. The Gippsland crude oil is discernable at layer thickness of 20 micro metres or more in the Quickbird green channel. The HYMAP sensor was found to be theoretically capable of detecting a layer of Gippsland crude oil with a thickness of 10 micro metres in approximately six sensor channels. By contrast, the North West Shelf light condensate was not able to be detected by either sensor for any thickness up to 200 icro metres. Optical remote sensing is therefore not applicable for detecting diagnostic absorption features associated with this light condensate oil type, which is considered representative for the prospective Australian Northwest Shelf area. We conclude that oil type is critical to the applicability of optical remote sensing for natural oil slick detection and identification. We recommend that a sensor- and oil-specific sensitivity study should be conducted prior to applying optical remote sensors for oil exploration. The oil optical properties were obtained using two different laboratory methods, a reflectance-based approach and transmittance-based approach. The reflectance-based approach was relatively complex to implement, but was chosen in order to replicate as closely as possible real world remote sensing measurement conditions of an oil film on water. The transmittance-based approach, based upon standard laboratory spectrophotometric measurements was found to generate results in good agreement with the reflectance-based approach. Therefore, for future oil- and sensor-specific sensitivity studies, we recommend the relatively accessible transmittance-based approach, which is detailed in this paper.

  • 55% coverage to sth east 22-1/E51-2/1 Contour interval: 10

  • Amino acid racemization (AAR) dating of the eolianite on Lord Howe Island is used to correlate several disparate successions and provides a geochronological framework that ranges from Holocene to Middle Pleistocene time. The reliability of the AAR data is assessed by analysing multiple samples from individual lithostratigraphic units, checking the stratigraphic order of the D/L ratios and the consistency of the relative extents of racemization for a suite of seven amino acids. Three aminozones are defined on the basis of the extent of racemization of amino acids in land snails (Placostylus bivaricosus) and 'whole-rock' eolianite samples. Aminozone A includes Placostylus from modern soil horizons (e.g. mean D/L-leucine ratio of 0.03±0.01) and whole-rock samples from unconsolidated lagoonal and beach deposits (0.10±0.01-0.07±0.03). Aminozone B includes Placostylus (0.45±0.03) and whole-rock samples from beach (0.48±0.01) and dune (0.45±0.02-0.30±0.02) units of the Neds Beach Formation, deposited during OIS 5. The oldest, Aminozone C, comprises Placostylus recovered from paleosols (0.76±0.02) and whole-rock eolianite samples (0.62±0.00) from the Searles Point Formation, which indicate the formation was likely deposited over several Oxygen Isotope Stages (OIS), during and prior to OIS 7. These data support independent lithostratigraphic interpretations and are in broad agreement with U/Th ages of speleothems from the Searles Point Formation and corals from the Neds Beach Formation, and with several TL ages of dune units in both formations. The AAR data reveal that eolianite deposition extends over a significantly longer time interval than previously appreciated and indicate that the deposition of the large dune units is linked to periods of relatively high sea level.

  • The 1:250 000 maps show the type and distribution of 51 regolith-landform units with unique dominant regolith-landform associations, and are a subset of the 205 mapping units on the six 1:100 000 maps. These units are distinct patterns of recurring landform elements with characteristic regolith associations. Geomorphic symbols indicate the location and type of geomorphic activity. The maps present a systematic analysis and interpretation of 1:89 000 scale 1973 RC9 aerial photography, 1:100 000 scale topographic maps (AUSLIG), and field mapping data. High resolution (250m line spacing) airborne gamma-ray spectrometry and magnetics (Geoterrex) were used where applicable

  • The product comprises digital outcrop geology and interpreted basement geology layers in ArcInfo, MapInfo and ArcView formats. The data were compiled from geological mapping of the Bogan Gate 100K sheet from 1995 to 1999 by the NSW Geological Survey and AGSO under the NGMA. The data layers are a subset of the Forbes 250K sheet GIS data package.