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  • The Stavely Project is a collaboration between Geoscience Australia and the Geological Survey of Victoria. During 2014 fourteen pre-competitive stratigraphic drill holes were completed in the prospective Stavely region in western Victoria in order to better understand subsurface geology and its potential for a variety of mineral systems. The Stavely region hosts several belts of poorly-exposed Cambrian volcanic and intrusive rocks, visible largely only in magnetic data, which have similarities to those found in modern subduction-related tectonic settings. Mineralisation associated with porphyry Cu-Au and volcanic-hosted massive sulphide mineral systems is known where these rocks are exposed around Mount Stavely and the Black Range. However, despite a history of mineral exploration dating back to the late 1960s, significant economic deposits are yet to be discovered, and the Stavely region remains a greenfields terrane. Given the geological setting and known mineral potential, opportunity exists for the discovery of large mineral systems beneath extensive, but relatively thin, younger cover. The Stavely Project aims to provide the framework for discovery in the Stavely region primarily through the acquisition and delivery of pre-competitive geoscientific data. This includes the completion of pre-competitive stratigraphic drill holes in order to test regional geological interpretations and recover material for detailed lithological, petrophysical, geochemical and geochronological analysis. The results will assist in understanding the mineral systems potential of the Stavely region under cover. This report summarises data collected in the field at the drill sites, either during or immediately following drilling, as part of the Stavely Project, and describes the methods and procedures used. Data presented in this release include drill hole collar information, operational metadata and daily drilling reports, drill core photographs, down-hole surveys, down-hole wireline geophysical logging results, down-hole temperature logging results, down-hole AutoSondeTM gamma data, Lab-at-RigTM X-ray fluorescence data, diamond drill core recovery percentages, and handheld magnetic susceptibility measurements on the drill core.

  • Two samples of diatomite were recently received from Broken Hill Pty. Co. Limited for microscopic examination. They were from Nettle Creek, 9 miles north-east of Mt. Garnet and near Innot Hot Springs. The results of the microscopic examination are given in this report.

  • These digital data represent the results of the 3-year AGSO-AMIRA P482 project on the metallogeny of the Archaean Yilgarn granites. Data include granite geochemistry, granite classification, geochronology, U-Pb and Sm-Nd isotope data, and selected geological and field data. All results and interpretations from the project largely hinge on the granite classification scheme. All granites have been classified using the traditional suite and supersuite hierarchical nomenclature, although this has been modified slightly for this project, with the use of Group, Association and Clan. Granite group has been used to indicate the 5 fundamental granite types (High-Ca, Low-Ca, Mafic, Syenitic and High-HFSE), identified in the region by Champion & Sheraton (1993, 1997). The association is a simple extension of the granite group, being the name used to denote a granite group within one of the three tectonic subprovinces of the Yilgarn Craton (Southern Cross Province, Eastern Goldfields Province, Murchison Province), eg, the High-Ca group equals the Mainland, Diemals and Menangina associations in the Murchison Province, Southern Cross Province, and Eastern Goldfields Province, respectively. Clan, which falls between Association and Supersuite, was introduced largely because of the large number of identified supersuites (the latter in part caused by the difficulty in identifying individual pluton (unit) boundaries). Clans, therefore, are collections of supersuites with largely similar overall chemical characteristics. The dataset contains a layer of interpretation of the aeromagnetic data of the Yilgarn Craton. The dataset also includes point layers showing distribution of the selected geochemical data, geochronological data and mineral occurrence. See README.TXT file for a more comprehensive listing.

  • The Treasure Mine, Hatches Creek, is believed to have been discovered in 1914 and has been one of the most consistent producers of wolfram to the present time. This report gives an account of the economic geology of the mine. The ore type, reefs and workings, ore localization, and ore reserves are described.

  • Initial 'straw man' used in the targeting exercise and developed from earlier Y4 (PDT) Meeting in May 2007

  • Y4 Presentation of introduction to Targeting and the terrane-scale targeting (presented to sponsors at the final PDT Meeting in Kalgoorie May 2007)

  • Y4 Presentation of camp-scale targeting (presented to sponsors at the final PDT Meeting in Kalgoorie May 2007)

  • - Although exploration is languishing at a 20 year low, the outlook is the best for five years. - Metal prices are forecast to improve over the next several years. - Australia remains highly prospective and discoveries continue to be made both in proven and greenfields provinces. - Exploration in the past 10 years has added significant resources - notably gold, nickel, mineral sands, tantalum - at low cost. - Major potential exists undercover. - As a result of Government programs over the past decade, a wealth of geoscience data is available either free or at very low cost. These are playing an important role in opening up the under explored frontier provinces to exploration.

  • This is an extended abstract prepared for the Mines and Wines conference run by SMEDG_GSNSW_AIG in Orange, NSW on 18-21 September 2007.