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Two samples of diatomite were recently received from Broken Hill Pty. Co. Limited for microscopic examination. They were from Nettle Creek, 9 miles north-east of Mt. Garnet and near Innot Hot Springs. The results of the microscopic examination are given in this report.
Legacy product - no abstract available
The Womobi wolfram mine is situated in M.I.6798 in the Parish of Thologolong, County of Benambra, one mile east of the main Murray Valley Highway and 42 miles by road easterly from Albury. The mine was mapped on September 4th, 1943. The surface was mapped by plane table on Decemeber 1st, 1943, in company with Mr B.P. Utting, and underground mapping brought up to date. The mine is developed by a short adit to the reef, with drives along the reef system 370 feet east and 240 feet west, the west drive being connected to the surface by another adit opening. A connection has been made to the surface from the east drive at 190 feet from the adit, and two short rises were previously in existence 20 feet or so on either side of the adit. At 30 feet in the west drive a winze was sunk 50 feet and a level has been driven along the lode. Stoping is in progress above this level and above the east level.
Microscopic examination of cores from bores Nos. 84 and 109.
Langbien's Bore is situated about 12 miles south-east of W.R. Johnston's Bore previously reported upon. The samples examined are from a depth of 50 feet down to 450 feet.
Report on permian foraminifera in core samples obtained from bores at Coorabin, 1942-3.
A description of the mica deposits inspected.
The samples of diatomite were received recently from the Director of the Geological Survey of New Zealand. The localities for the samples are given as Middlemarch, Wainui and Whirinaki. The three diatomites are of freshwater origin. The following notes are the result of microscopic examination.
In view of the shortage of tungsten supplies in allied countries, efforts are being made in Australia to increase production with a view to not only satisfying domestic requirements, but also exporting to Great Britain and the United States of America. The King Island scheelite mine is at present the largest producer of tungsten ore in Australia, and the possibilities of increased production from it were, therefore, among the first to be considered. Geological and geophysical surveys were made in June and July, 1942. A preliminary report was prepared in September and a drilling campaign drawn up to test the deposits with the object of proving sufficient ore-reserves to justify increased production for war purposes. Up till the present, fifteen drill holes have been completed and under a modified programme four remain to be drilled (two of these are in progress). This second preliminary report is based on the drilling and assaying results to date (details of thirteen holes are available).
This collection of fossils was made by Mr. H.J. Cook, Supervisor of the Lakes Entrance project during December, 1942. It consists chiefly of broken specimens of molluscan shells, the most important being a fragment of large Mitra, Fulgoraria ancilloides (Tate) and an almost complete specimen of Cypraea consobrina (McCoy). The importance of the discovery of the latter species is discussed in the report on my recent visit to the shaft, but the presence of the former (which had previously only been recorded from the Balcombian and has a length of 110 millimetres) in the present collection, again indicates that valuable information has been lost through inadequate sampling of a rich shelly zone in the Kalimnan stage.