Authors / CoAuthors
Bastrakova, I.V. | Champion, D.C. | Cassidy, K.F. | Budd, A.R. | Whitaker, A.J.
These digital data represent the results of the 3-year AGSO-AMIRA P482 project on the metallogeny of the Archaean Yilgarn granites. Data include granite geochemistry, granite classification, geochronology, U-Pb and Sm-Nd isotope data, and selected geological and field data. All results and interpretations from the project largely hinge on the granite classification scheme. All granites have been classified using the traditional suite and supersuite hierarchical nomenclature, although this has been modified slightly for this project, with the use of Group, Association and Clan. Granite group has been used to indicate the 5 fundamental granite types (High-Ca, Low-Ca, Mafic, Syenitic and High-HFSE), identified in the region by Champion & Sheraton (1993, 1997). The association is a simple extension of the granite group, being the name used to denote a granite group within one of the three tectonic subprovinces of the Yilgarn Craton (Southern Cross Province, Eastern Goldfields Province, Murchison Province), eg, the High-Ca group equals the Mainland, Diemals and Menangina associations in the Murchison Province, Southern Cross Province, and Eastern Goldfields Province, respectively. Clan, which falls between Association and Supersuite, was introduced largely because of the large number of identified supersuites (the latter in part caused by the difficulty in identifying individual pluton (unit) boundaries). Clans, therefore, are collections of supersuites with largely similar overall chemical characteristics. The dataset contains a layer of interpretation of the aeromagnetic data of the Yilgarn Craton. The dataset also includes point layers showing distribution of the selected geochemical data, geochronological data and mineral occurrence. See README.TXT file for a more comprehensive listing.
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- GIS DatasetRegional
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- geochemistry
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- geochronology
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- mineral exploration
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Earth Sciences
- Published_Internal
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GRANINT coverage consists of the polygon coverage representing granite solid geology map of the Yilgarn Craton based on aeromagnetic interpretation, outcrop geology and data from granite samples. The coverage was compiled using 1:250,000-scale geological maps and aeromagnetic interpretation of the Yilgarn Craton in digital format. The polygon outlines for the coverage were digitised on screen in Arc/Info using aeromagnetic images of the area as backdrops and verified against geology. The granitoid polygons were classified using the project-specific granite classification scheme. GRANITE and GREENSTONE coverages represent distribution of the Archaean granitic and non-granitic outcrops of the Yilgarn Craton. The coverages were compiled from the published 1:250,000-scale geological maps in digital format. Only polygons representing outcrops of Archaean age were selected for the coverages. Geol_Code and Map-Symb fields of the *.pat files of the existing maps were used for selecting the polygons. The polygons of the GRANITE coverage were further reclassified using the project-specific granite classification scheme. All non-granite rock units of the GREENSTONE coverage were grouped into lithological packages and the unit boundaries were dissolved within these packages using Arc/Info. MAGINT and MAGLIN coverages represent interpretation of aeromagnetic data of the Yilgarn Craton. For more information see AGSO Catalog No 36205 GRANCHEM, GRANCHRON and MINDEP coverages show point locations of the selected geochemical and geochronological samples and mineral deposits digital data, respectively. Data source: 1:250,000-scale geological maps supplied by AGSO, GSWA and NGIS in digital format. AGSO Corporate Databases Projection information: the original data were captured in UTM Projection, Australian National Spheroid, AGD66 Datum. For the final release all data were converted to Geographic Projection, GRS80 Spheroid, GDA94 Datum using AGSO data projection files.
Parent Information
[-36.0, -24.0, 114.0, 126.0]
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