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In January, 1951, samples of radioactive minerals stated to have been collected in the Mt. Kavanagh (Cavenagh) area, Central Australia, were submitted to the Bureau by Mr. Norman Ashmore. Two radioactive minerals were present, one apparently allanite, and the other a strongly radioactive mineral of composition similar to betafite. The opportunity was taken of the presence in Alice Springs of the geophysical party destined for Rum Jungle and the geological party destined for Maranboy to make a brief inspection of the area. Two days were spent in the area. This report gives an account of the investigations and their results.
The Treasure Mine, Hatches Creek, is believed to have been discovered in 1914 and has been one of the most consistent producers of wolfram to the present time. This report gives an account of the economic geology of the mine. The ore type, reefs and workings, ore localization, and ore reserves are described.
This report provides a summary of volcanic activity in the volcanic centres of New Guinea for the year 1951. Extended descriptions are given of ongoing investigations and the volcanological observations made at Rabaul, Mt. Lamington, and other significant volcanoes.
Samples from three localities in New South Wales were received for micropalaeontological examination. The results of these examinations are described in this report.
A number of fossils were sent in for examination by the Director of Mines, Tasmania. The results of the examination are recorded in this report. Two different horizons are represented.
An earlier report (Record 1950/041) has described the geophysical survey carried out early in 1950 on the Renison Bell tin field. The present report deals with the work of a second field season which commenced in November 1950 and continued until June 1951. The methods used were again the magnetic and self-potential. The 1950 survey was extended to the south and east by continuing along the Renison Bell Hill base-line a further 1000 feet south and reading stations on both sides of this base-line along traverses extending from the main quartz-porphyry dyke to the headwaters of the Montana Creek. In addition, some of the traverses were extended over the saddle between Dreadnought and Stebbins Hills as far as the Boulder tramway. The report gives an account of the survey work and its results, and provides recommendations for future testing. The geological features of the area covered by the present geophysical survey are briefly described.
The object of my trip to the United States of America was to discuss problems of micropalaeontology with various authorities in that country, to visit the palaeontological laboratories of the United States Geological Survey and National Museum, State Universities, Museums and laboratories of oil companies and to enquire into the latest techniques used in oil-field laboratories. I was also to attend the joint Annual Convention of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Society of Economic Palaeontologists and Mineralogists and Society of Exploratory Geophysicists at St. Louis. This report gives an account of the institutions visited by the author and the principal results of the visit.
A provisional Isogonic Map of Australia and New Guinea for the epoch 1950.5 has been prepared by revising the observational material used in the Isogonic Map for 1942.5, and including observations made at various parts of Australia since 1942. The extensions of the Isogonic Lines beyond the coast line of Australia depend almost entirely on extrapolation from the earlier work.
This statement, supplemented by graphic bore logs, sets out the results of a drilling campaign conducted at Cocked Hat Creek immediately west of the village of Young Wallsend, Newcastle district, by the Bureau in accordance with an agreement between the Mines Department of New South Wales, the Joint Coal Board and the Bureau. The area covered by the drilling grids totals about 200 acres, and includes parts of Portions 55, 69, 73 and 79, Parish of Teralba, County of Northumberland. It is known that this area, and a large extension to the north amounting to at least 4 square miles, is underlain by the Australasian seam which had been intersected at 50 feet from the surface in Portion 60 where it is approximately coincident with sea-level. Also the seam is exposed at various points along the northern margin to the larger area at elevations ranging from 170 to 220 feet. The purpose of the drilling was to test the thickness and quality of this seam, hitherto almost unknown factors, and to determine whether a potential open-cut site worthy of more exhaustive investigation exists.
The Desert Basin covers an area of approximately 140,000 square miles in the Kimberley and Eastern Divisions of Western Australia. Geological investigations have been almost entirely confined to the northern part of the area; the southern part is covered by parallel sand-dunes with a few scattered outcrops and is relatively unexplored. A programme of geological mapping was initiated in the area by the Commonwealth Government in 1948. The entire area is being mapped, using aerial photographs, stratigraphic studies are made and fossils are collected for correlation purposes. The aim of the investigation is the evaluation of the petroleum prospects of the area. During the period 1948 to 1950, mapping has been carried out in Dampier Land and the area north of the Mt. Fenton Fault. The information in this paper will refer mainly to the area already mapped with brief reference to the unexplored area to the south.