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Geoscience Australia, in collaboration with state governments, will be carrying out airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys in western South Australia, southern NT and eastern WA during 2022. This scientific research is being carried out to obtain data that will enhance understanding of geology and natural resources of the region. This information will support future resource management decision-making. This survey has been expanded into Western Australia with funding from the Geological Survey of Western Australia, combined with valuable in-kind support from the South Australian and Northern Territory geological surveys. <p>
<div>The interpretation of AusAEM airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey conductivity sections in the Canning Basin region delineates the geo-electrical features that correspond to major chronostratigraphic boundaries, and captures detailed stratigraphic information associated with these boundaries. This interpretation forms part of an assessment of the underground hydrogen storage potential of salt features in the Canning Basin region based on integration and interpretation of AEM and other geological and geophysical datasets. A main aim of this work was to interpret the AEM to develop a regional understanding of the near-surface stratigraphy and structural geology. This regional geological framework was complimented by the identification and assessment of possible near-surface salt-related structures, as underground salt bodies have been identified as potential underground hydrogen storage sites. This study interpreted over 20,000 line kilometres of 20 km nominally line-spaced AusAEM conductivity sections, covering an area approximately 450,000 km2 to a depth of approximately 500 m in northwest Western Australia. These conductivity sections were integrated and interpreted with other geological and geophysical datasets, such as boreholes, potential fields, surface and basement geology maps, and seismic interpretations. This interpretation produced approximately 110,000 depth estimate points or 4,000 3D line segments, each attributed with high-quality geometric, stratigraphic, and ancillary data. The depth estimate points are formatted for Geoscience Australia’s Estimates of Geological and Geophysical Surfaces database, the national repository for formatted depth estimate points. Despite these interpretations being collected to support exploration of salt features for hydrogen storage, they are also intended for use in a wide range of other disciplines, such as mineral, energy and groundwater resource exploration, environmental management, subsurface mapping, tectonic evolution studies, and cover thickness, prospectivity, and economic modelling. Therefore, these interpretations will benefit government, industry and academia interested in the geology of the Canning Basin region.</div>
<div>In Australia, wide-spread sedimentary basin and regolith cover presents a key challenge to explorers, environmental managers and decision-makers, as it obscures underlying rocks of interest. To address this, a national coverage of airborne electromagnetics (AEM) with a 20 km line-spacing is being acquired. This survey is acquired as part of the Exploring for the Future program and in collaboration with state and territory geological surveys. This survey presents an opportunity for regional geological interpretations on the modelled AEM data, helping constrain the characteristics of the near-surface geology beneath the abundant cover, to a depth of up to ~500 m.</div><div> The AEM conductivity sections were used to delineate key chronostratigraphic boundaries, e.g. the bases of geological eras, and provide a first-pass interpretation of the subsurface geology. The interpretation was conducted with a high level of data integration with boreholes, potential fields geophysics, seismic, surface geology maps and solid geology maps. This approach led to the construction of well-informed geological interpretations and provided a platform for ongoing quality assurance and quality control of the interpretations and supporting datasets. These interpretations are delivered across various platforms in multidimensional non-proprietary open formats, and have been formatted for direct upload to Geoscience Australia’s (GA) Estimates of Geological and Geophysical Surfaces (EGGS) database, the national repository of multidisciplinary subsurface depth estimates.</div><div> These interpretations have resulted in significant advancements in our understanding of Australia’s near-surface geoscience, by revealing valuable information about the thickness and composition of the extensive cover, as well as the composition, structure and distribution of underlying rocks. Current interpretation coverage is ~110,000 line kilometres of AEM conductivity sections, or an area >2,000,000 km2, similar to the area of Greenland or Saudi Arabia. This ongoing work has led to the production of almost 600,000 depth estimate points, each attributed with interpretation-specific metadata. Three-dimensional line work and over 300,000 points are currently available for visualisation, integration and download through the GA Portal, or for download through GA’s eCat electronic catalogue. </div><div> These interpretations demonstrate the benefits of acquiring broadly-spaced AEM surveys. Interpretations derived from these surveys are important in supporting regional environmental management, resource exploration, hazard mapping, and stratigraphic unit certainty quantification. Delivered as precompetitive data, these interpretations provide users in academia, government and industry with a multidisciplinary tool for a wide range of investigations, and as a basis for further geoscientific studies.</div> Abstract submitted and presented at 2023 Australian Earth Science Convention (AESC), Perth WA (
For the AusAEM Year 1 survey an inertial measurement unit (IMU) was installed for the first time on the TEMPEST receiver bird to measure its orientation and to augment GPS derived positioning of the receiver. This has given us the opportunity to develop better quality control and calibration procedures, which would otherwise not be possible. Theoretical modelling of the primary field on high altitude zero-lines, using the full position/orientation information, revealed discrepancies between observed and modelled data. It alerted us to time-lag parallaxes between EM and bird position/orientation data, some spurious IMU data on many pre-flight zero-lines, and a coordinate system sign convention inconsistency. The modelling also revealed systematic differences that we could attribute to the calibration of the receiver pitch and EM data scaling. We developed an inversion algorithm to solve for a receiver pitch offset and an EM scaling calibration parameter, for each zero-line, which minimised the systematic discrepancies. It eventuated that the calibration parameters fell into five distinct populations explicable by significant equipment changes. This gave us the confidence to use the medians of these populations as parameters to calibrate the data. The work shows the value of the new receiver bird orientation data and the importance of accurate IMU calibration after any modification. It shows the practical utility of quantitative modelling in the quality control workflow. It also demonstrates how modelling and inversion procedure can be used to successfully diagnose calibration issues in fixed-wing AEM data. Presented at the 2019 Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference
<div>The Australian wide airborne electromagnetic programme AusAEM stands as the largest survey of its kind aiming to cover the Australian continent at approximately 20 km line-spacing. It is transforming resource exploration, unveiling potential minerals and groundwater. </div><div><br></div><div>The open-access nature of AusAEM data and the modelling codes developed around it encourages collaboration between governments, industry, and academia, fostering a community focused on advancing geoscientific research and exploration.</div><div><br></div><div>Overall, the AusAEM program is an asset that can drive economic growth, support sustainable resource management, and enhance scientific understanding of Australia’s geological landscape.</div><div><br></div>
<div>This data package contains interpretations of airborne electromagnetic (AEM) conductivity sections in the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program’s Eastern Resources Corridor (ERC) study area, in south eastern Australia. Conductivity sections from 3 AEM surveys were interpreted to provide a continuous interpretation across the study area – the EFTF AusAEM ERC (Ley-Cooper, 2021), the Frome Embayment TEMPEST (Costelloe et al., 2012) and the MinEx CRC Mundi (Brodie, 2021) AEM surveys. Selected lines from the Frome Embayment TEMPEST and MinEx CRC Mundi surveys were chosen for interpretation to align with the 20 km line-spaced EFTF AusAEM ERC survey (Figure 1).</div><div>The aim of this study was to interpret the AEM conductivity sections to develop a regional understanding of the near-surface stratigraphy and structural architecture. To ensure that the interpretations took into account the local geological features, the AEM conductivity sections were integrated and interpreted with other geological and geophysical datasets, such as boreholes, potential fields, surface and basement geology maps, and seismic interpretations. This approach provides a near-surface fundamental regional geological framework to support more detailed investigations. </div><div>This study interpreted between the ground surface and 500 m depth along almost 30,000 line kilometres of nominally 20 km line-spaced AEM conductivity sections, across an area of approximately 550,000 km2. These interpretations delineate the geo-electrical features that correspond to major chronostratigraphic boundaries, and capture detailed stratigraphic information associated with these boundaries. These interpretations produced approximately 170,000 depth estimate points or approximately 9,100 3D line segments, each attributed with high-quality geometric, stratigraphic, and ancillary data. The depth estimate points are formatted for compliance with Geoscience Australia’s (GA) Estimates of Geological and Geophysical Surfaces (EGGS) database, the national repository for standardised depth estimate points. </div><div>Results from these interpretations provided support to stratigraphic drillhole targeting, as part of the Delamerian Margins NSW National Drilling Initiative campaign, a collaboration between GA’s EFTF program, the MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative and the Geological Survey of New South Wales. The interpretations have applications in a wide range of disciplines, such as mineral, energy and groundwater resource exploration, environmental management, subsurface mapping, tectonic evolution studies, and cover thickness, prospectivity, and economic modelling. It is anticipated that these interpretations will benefit government, industry and academia with interest in the geology of the ERC region.</div>
The AusAEM1 survey is the world’s largest airborne electromagnetic survey flown to date, extending across an area exceeding 1.1 million km2 over Queensland and the Northern Territory. Approximately 60 000 line kilometres of data were acquired at a nominal line spacing of 20 km. Using this dataset, we interpreted the depth to chronostratigraphic surfaces, assembled stratigraphic relationship information, and delineated structural and electrically conductive features. Our results improved understanding of upper-crustal geology, led to 3D mapping of palaeovalleys, prompted further investigation of electrical conductors and their relationship to structural features and mineralisation, and helped us continuously connect correlative outcropping units separated by up to hundreds of kilometres. Our interpretation is designed to improve targeting and outcomes for mineral, energy and groundwater exploration, and contributes to our understanding of the chronostratigraphic, structural and upper-crustal evolution of northern Australia. More than 150 000 regional depth measurements, each attributed with detailed geological information, are an important step towards a national geological framework, and offer a regional context for more detailed, smaller-scale AEM surveys. <b>Citation:</b> Wong, S.C.T., Roach, I.C., Nicoll, M.G., English, P.M., Bonnardot, M.-A., Brodie, R.C., Rollet, N. and Ley-Cooper, A.Y., 2020. Interpretation of the AusAEM1: insights from the world’s largest airborne electromagnetic survey. In: Czarnota, K., Roach, I., Abbott, S., Haynes, M., Kositcin, N., Ray, A. and Slatter, E. (eds.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 1–4.
<p>Geoscience Australia commissioned the AusAEM Year 1 NT/QLD survey as part of the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program, flown over parts of the Northern Territory and Queensland. The EFTF program is led by Geoscience Australia (GA), in collaboration with the Geological Surveys of the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia. The program was designed to investigate the potential mineral, energy and groundwater resources in northern Australia and South Australia. <p>The survey was flown during the 2017-2018 field season, using the TEMPEST® airborne electromagnetic (AEM) system operated by CGG Aviation (Australia) Pty. Ltd under contract to Geoscience Australia. AusAEM Year 1 was acquired with a 20-kilometre line separation and collected over 60,000 line kilometres of data in total. The AusAEM Year 1 NT/QLD survey also includes over 1,500 line kilometres of infill flying, which, was funded by private exploration companies in certain infill blocks within the survey area. The data from these infill blocks are now part of Geoscience Australia release to the public domain, for use in the minerals, energy and groundwater sectors. <p> Previously Released data (Phase 1) <p>In December 2018, we released a package, which contains data from the AusAEM Year 1 NT/QLD Airborne Electromagnetic Survey Phase 1. <p>This data package, with eCat ID 124092 titled “AusAEM Year 1 NT/QLD Airborne Electromagnetic Survey, TEMPEST® airborne electromagnetic data and Em Flow® conductivity estimates”. The package contains a) survey logistics and processing report, b) final processed electromagnetic, magnetic and elevation point located line data, c) processed electromagnetic, magnetic and elevation grids, d) point located conductivity estimates from EM Flow®, e) multi-plots of line data and conductivity sections, all produced by the contractor CGG Aviation (Australia) Pty. These products are downloadable from Geoscience Australia’s website: (See <p>The data provides new insights into vast areas in Northern Australia that have not been extensively explored previously. <p>Current Release (Phase 2) <p>This Phase 2 data release package contains results from inverting the electromagnetic data in the Phase 1 release. The inversion results were generated using Geoscience Australia's sample-by-sample layered-earth (1D) inversion, a deterministic regularized gradient-based algorithm, which we call GALEISBS (Brodie, 2016). <p>For the inversion of TEMPEST AEM data we have conventionally inverted the total (primary plus secondary) measured X-and Z-component data simultaneously to produce a single smooth layered conductivity model. To achieve convergence and derive an acceptable model and acceptable data misfits, we have found that it is necessary to solve for three geometry parameters; (1) Transmitter (Tx) –Receiver (Rx) horizontal in-line and 2) vertical separations and 3) the receiver pitch. This is the case even with the new Rx bird IMU measurements and calibrated data (Ley-Cooper, 2019.). <p>We have extended the GALEISBS functionality to allow inversion of the vector sum of the X- and Z-component data. The rationale of modifying the algorithm is to eliminate the need to solve for Rx pitch, since the vector sum of the X- and Z-component data are insensitive to the Rx pitch. In doing this, we are gaining some robustness by not having to solve for one of the geometry parameters; however, the trade-off is that we are in essence losing the information implicit in the vector component data. <p>The inversions we deliver here we derived from a recently implemented XZ–vector-sum inversion, described in Ley-Cooper, 2019. <p>The GALEISBS inversion products are available for download in parts based on the type of derived product. These are zipped into the following three files: <p>1. <p>2. <p>3. <p>4.
<div>Airborne electromagnetics (AEM) is a geophysical technique used for estimating the bulk conductivity profile of the upper 300 m (approximately) of the subsurface. The AEM data acquired as part of the Exploring for the Future program AusAEM Eastern Corridor survey (Ley-Cooper 2021) covers much of the central Kati Thanda - Lake Eyre Basin (KT–LEB). Data for these regional surveys were acquired using the TEMPEST AEM system at a nominal 20 km line spacing.</div><div> </div><div>The prevalence and relative consistency of large sand-rich sediment zones across the Cooper Creek Palaeovalley (Evans et al. 2024) means that AEM data are potentially useful for inferring the distribution of groundwater salinity beneath the floodplain and surrounds. To visualise salinity from AEM data in a map, the thickness weighted average bulk conductivity was calculated for the 15 m depth interval beneath the watertable along the AEM survey lines. Symington et al. (2024) details the rationale and methods to produce the AEM bulk conductivity points. Symington et al. (2024) also included the code embedded in a jupyter notebook written to calculate bulk conductance points from AEM line data and undertake an uncertainty analysis to assess the likelihood of the conductance response to be related to groundwater (note that the link to the code is contained in the Symington et al. 2024 reference).</div><div> </div><div>In conjunction with sparse groundwater salinity and water level data from existing bores, Symington et al. (2024) used the conductance data to provide insights to address the following questions:</div><div>1. What is the regional scale distribution of groundwater salinity within the shallow alluvial aquifer?</div><div>2. Where does the shallow aquifer host fresh water?</div><div>3. What areas are most likely to receive recharge from the flanks of the floodplain?</div><div>4. Is there evidence for the groundwater discharging into the river?</div><div> </div><div>Data from Symington et al. (2024) were used to infer salinity across the Cooper Creek floodplain and Strzelecki Desert, as well as to determine the location of potential fresh groundwater lenses beneath Cooper Creek floodplain in SA and Queensland. The groundwater bore and uncertainty analysis suggests good correlation exists between groundwater bore data and AEM conductance points, where groundwater occurs at shallow depths in areas including the Cooper Creek floodplain, Strzelecki Desert, and Coongie Lakes. Data analysis, interpretation and results are in Symington et al. (2024) and further discussed in Evans et al. (2024), Symington et al. (2023) and Symington et al. (2022).</div><div> </div><div>References</div><div>Evans TJ, Bishop C, Symington NJ, Halas L, Hansen JWH, Norton CJ, Hannaford C and Lewis SJ (2024) Cenozoic geology, hydrogeology, and groundwater systems: Kati Thanda – Lake Eyre Basin, Record 2024/05, Geoscience Australia, Canberra,</div><div> </div><div>Ley-Cooper AY (2021) Exploring for the Future AusAEM Eastern Resources Corridor 2021 Airborne Electromagnetic Survey TEMPEST® airborne electromagnetic data and GALEI inversion conductivity estimates [data set], Geoscience Australia,, accessed 14 December 2023.</div><div> </div><div>Symington N, Evans T, McPherson A, Buckerfield S, Rollet N, Ray A and Halas L (2024) Characterising surface water groundwater interaction using airborne electromagnetics: a case study from the Cooper Creek floodplain, Queensland, Australia, workflow release, Geoscience Australia, Canberra,</div><div> </div><div>Symington N, Evans T, Rollet N, Halas L, Vizy J, Buckerfield S, Ray A, LeyCooper Y and Brodie R (2023) Using regional airborne electromagnetic conductivity data to characterise surface water groundwater interaction in the Cooper Creek floodplain in arid central eastern Australia, Geoscience Australia, Canberra,</div><div> </div><div>Symington N, Halas L, Evans T and Rollet N (2022) Mapping freshwater lenses in the Cooper Creek floodplain using airborne electromagnetics, Geoscience Australia, Canberra,</div>
<div><strong>Yathong, Forbes, Dubbo, and Coonabarabran Airborne Electromagnetic Survey Blocks.</strong></div><div><br></div><div>Geoscience Australia (GA), in collaboration with the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GNSW), conducted an airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey from April to June 2023. The survey spanned from the north-eastern end of the Yathong-Ivanhoe Trough and extended across the Forbes, Dubbo, and Coonabarabran regions of New South Wales. A total of 15, 090-line kilometres of new AEM and magnetic geophysical data were acquired. This survey was entirely funded by GSNSW and GA managed acquisition, quality control, processing, modelling, and inversion of the AEM data.</div><div><br></div><div>The survey was flown by Xcalibur Aviation (Australia) Pty Ltd using a 6.25 Hz HELITEM® AEM system. The survey blocks were flown at 2500-metre nominal line spacings, with variations down to 100 metres in the Coonabarabran block. It was flown following East-West line directions. Xcalibur also processed the acquired data. This data package includes the acquisition and processing report, the final processed AEM data, and the results of the contractor's conductivity-depth estimates. The data package also contains the results and derived products from a 1D inversion by Geoscience Australia with its own inversion software.</div><div><br></div><div>The survey will be incorporated and become part of the national AusAEM airborne electromagnetic acquisition program, which aims to provide geophysical information to support investigations of the regional geology and groundwater.</div><div><br></div><div><strong>The data release package contains:</strong></div><div><br></div><div>1. A data release package <strong>summary PDF document</strong></div><div>2. The <strong>survey logistics and processing report</strong> and HELITEM® system specification files</div><div>3. <strong>Final processed point located line data</strong> in ASEG-GDF2 format for the five areas</div><div> -final processed dB/dt electromagnetic, magnetic and elevation data</div><div> -final processed B field electromagnetic, magnetic and elevation data</div><div><strong> <em>Conductivity estimates generated by Xcalibur’s inversion </em></strong></div><div> -point located conductivity-depth line data output from the inversion in ASEG-GDF2 format</div><div> -graphical (PDF) multiplot conductivity stacks and section profiles for each flight line</div><div> -graphical (PNG) conductivity sections for each line</div><div> -grids generated from the Xcalibur’s inversion in ER Mapper® format (layer conductivities slices, DTM, X & Z component for each of the 25 channels, time constants, TMI)</div><div>4.<strong> ESRI shape and KML</strong> (Google Earth) files for the flight lines and boundary</div><div>5<strong>. Conductivity estimates generated by Geoscience Australia's inversion </strong></div><div> -point located line data output from the inversion in ASEG-GDF2 format</div><div> -graphical (pdf) multiplot conductivity sections for each line</div><div> -georeferenced (PNG) conductivity sections (suitable for pseudo-3D display in a 2D GIS)</div><div> -GoCAD™ S-Grid 3D objects (suitable for various 3D packages)</div><div> -Curtain image conductivity sections in log & liner colour stretch (suitable 3D display in GA’s EarthSci)</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Directory structure</strong></div><div>├── <strong>01_Report</strong></div><div>├── <strong>02_XCalibur_delivered</strong></div><div>│ ├── * survey_block_Name</div><div>│ ├── cdi</div><div>│ │ ├── sections</div><div>│ │ └── stacks</div><div>│ ├── grids</div><div>│ │ ├── cnd</div><div>│ │ ├── dtm</div><div>│ │ ├── emxbf</div><div>│ │ ├── emxdb</div><div>│ │ ├── emxff</div><div>│ │ ├── emxzbf</div><div>│ │ ├── emzdb</div><div>│ │ ├── time_constant</div><div>│ │ └── tmi</div><div>│ ├── located_data</div><div>│ ├── maps</div><div>│ └── waveform</div><div>│ </div><div>├── <strong>03_Shape&kml</strong></div><div>└── <strong>04_GA_Layer_Earth_inversion</strong></div><div> ├── * survey_block_Name</div><div> ├── GA_georef_sections</div><div> │ ├── linear-stretch</div><div> │ └── log-stretch</div><div> ├── GA_Inverted_conductivity_models</div><div> ├── GA_multiplots</div><div> └── GA_sgrids</div><div> </div> <b>Final Processed point located line data is available on request from - Quote eCat# 149118</b>