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  • Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS), Rock-Eval pyrolysis and total organic carbon (TOC) analyses were carried out on 165 organic-rich Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rock samples from nine wells in the Browse Basin (Adele-1, Argus-1, Brecknock South-1, Brewster-1A, Carbine-1, Crux-1, Dinichthys-1, Gorgonichthys-1 and Titanichthys-1). Cutting samples and some sidewall cores have been used. Out of the total 165 samples, 47 samples (22 for Brewster-1A and 25 for Dinichthys-1) were also analysed using the Ultra-small Angle Neutron Scattering (USANS) technique. The focus of the study was to identify potential Lower Cretaceous source rocks and the depth at which the onset of hydrocarbon generation occurred in each well, and to determine the onset of hydrocarbon expulsion in the wells for which USANS data were available.

  • AUSGeoid09 is an order of magnitude more accurate than AUSGeoid98 at converting ellipsoidal heights to Australian Height Datum (AHD) heights and vice versa. Results of this study show AUSGeoid09 can be used to compute AHD values from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) ellipsoidal heights with an uncertainty of less than 0.03 m (1 sigma). The improvement is largely due to the inclusion of a geometric component in AUSGeoid09 that accounts for the spatially varying offset between a gravimetric quasigeoid model and the AHD. This geometric component was calculated using least squares collocation in cross validation mode and then 'draped' over the gravimetric quasigeoid. Although previous AUSGeoid models were used to convert GNSS ellipsoidal heights to the AHD and vice versa, none until now have accounted for the gravimetric quasigeoid to AHD offsets. This is a consequence of how the AHD was realised and has commonly resulted in misfits of ~0.5 m or more. When used with GNSS technology, AUSGeoid09 can replace the need for traditional third-order levelling in many situations. Relative tests of AUSGeoid09 over a continent-wide set of over 20 million baselines showed that it can deliver better than Australian class LC levelling tolerances (12 ) in 99% of cases. The model accepts a user's GDA94 latitude, longitude and ellipsoidal height and returns an AHD height and deflections of the vertical. AUSGeoid09 is now available free-of-charge on the Geoscience Australia website (

  • Documentation describing the ROCKCHEM version 1 release of the Alkaline Rocks of Australia subset. Also describes the structure of the Oracle database.

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • This product has been archived and while it is still available for download, Geoscience Australia can no longer offer related support or advice. Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Documentation for the1993 release of Australian Proterozoic geochronology data from AGSO's OZCHRON database. Includes Rb_Sr, U-Pb conventional and SHRIMP ion probe U-Pb ages.

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • This DVD product contains relevant material from Milestone 5 and Milestone 6 of the Palaeovalley Groundwater Project. It has been produced for distribution to the key Project Stakeholders such as the Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Group