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  • In mid 2011, the Australian Government announced funding of a new four year National CO2 Infrastructure Plan (NCIP) to accelerate the identification and development of sites suitable for the long term storage of CO2 in Australia that are within reasonable distances of major energy and industrial CO2 emission sources. The NCIP program promotes pre-competitive storage exploration and provides a basis for the development of transport and storage infrastructure. The Plan follows on from recommendations of the Carbon Storage Taskforce and the National CCS Council (formerly, the National Low Emissions Coal Council). It builds on the work funded under the National Low Emissions Coal Initiative and the need for adequate storage to be identified as a national priority. Geoscience Australia is providing strategic advice in delivering the plan and will lead in the acquisition of pre-competitive data and geological studies to assess storage potential. Four offshore sedimentary basins (Bonaparte, Browse, Perth and Gippsland basins) and several onshore basins have been identified for pre-competitive data acquisition and study.

  • A three-dimensional (3D) map of the Cooper Basin region has been produced from 3D inversions of Bouguer gravity data using geological data to constrain the inversions. The 3D map has been used to predict temperatures and their uncertainty throughout the volume of the map. This will allow regions of elevated predicted temperature at 4-5 km to be identified, which may provide targets for future geothermal exploration in the Cooper Basin region. The 3D map delineates regions of low density within the basement of the Cooper and Eromanga basins that are inferred to be granitic bodies, which may act as heat sources. It also delineates the stratigraphy of the sedimentary basins which act as thermal insulation. This release is the second version of the 3D map of the Cooper Basin region. It builds on Version 1 of the Cooper Basin Region Geological map, released in 2009.

  • The Pine Creek AEM survey was flown over the Pine Creek Orogen in the Northern Territory during 2008 and 2009 as part of the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program at Geoscience Australia (GA). The survey covers an area of 74,000 km2 from Darwin to Katherine in the Northern Territory which hosts several world class deposits, including the Ranger Uranium Mine, Nabarlek, Mt Todd, Moline and Cosmo Howley. Aimed at regional mapping, uranium exploration, reducing exploration risk and promoting exploration activity, the program worked closely with industry partners to infill wide regional line spacing (5km) with deposit scale line spacing (less than 1km). The survey results are relevant in exploration for a variety of commodities and resources, including uranium, copper, lead, zinc, gold, nickel and groundwater. Geoscience Australia's interpretation products include sample-by-sample layered earth inversion products comprising located data, geo-located conductivity depth sections, depth slice grids, elevation slice grids, inversion report and an interpretation report. All data and products are available from GA as well as the Northern Territory Geological Survey Geophysical Image Web Server.

  • Extended abstract version of short abstract accepted for conference presentation GEOCAT# 73701

  • These datasets cover approximately 5030 sq km over all of the Scenic Rim Regional Council and were captured as part of the 2011 Scenic Rim LiDAR project. This project, undertaken by Terranean Mapping Technologies on behalf of the Queensland Government captured highly accurate elevation data using LiDAR technology. Available dataset formats (in 1 kilometre tiles) are: - Classified las (LiDAR Data Exchange Format where strikes are classified as ground, vegetation or building) - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ASCII xyz - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ESRI ASCII grid - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ESRI GRID grid - 0.25 metre contours in ESRI Shape

  • This dataset is a pre-release copy of the Australian Geological Provinces Database. The dataset is the best available national coverage of geological provinces as at 1 November 2012. The dataset is not entirely complete for the whole of Australia, and has not undergone complete and rigorous QA/QC. This interim dataset is provided for use only by Geoscience Australia staff and their approved collaborators. The Australian Geological Provinces Database contains descriptions and polygon outlines of geological provinces of the Australian continent and the surrounding marine jurisdictional area. Province types include sedimentary basins, basement tectonic provinces, igneous provinces, and metallogenic provinces. Descriptive attributes include sedimentary, igneous and structural characteristics, age limits, parent and constituent units, relations to surrounding provinces, and mineral and petroleum resources. The province outlines are typically compiled from source data at around 1:1,000,000 scale, which may include outcrop mapping, drilling, and geophysical data. Province boundaries have a spatial accuracy of around 500 metres at best (ie, where constrained by outcrop), but where province boundaries are concealed and are interpreted only from geophysical or drilling data, spatial accuracy may be in the order of 1 km to greater than 10 km. Attribution of province boundaries with information about data source and accuracy is incomplete in this version of the dataset.

  • Joint Release of the National ASTER geoscience maps at IGC The ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflectance Radiometer) Geoscience Maps are the first public, web-accessible, continent-scale product release from the ASTER Global Mapping data archive. The collaborative Australian ASTER Initiative represents a successful multi-agency endeavour, led by the Western Australian Centre of Excellence for 3D Mineral Mapping (C3DMM) at CSIRO, Geoscience Australia and the State and Territory government geological surveys of Australia, along with other national and international collaborators. National ASTER geoscience map These geoscience maps are released in GIS format as 1:1M map-sheet tiles, from 3,000 ASTER scenes of 60x60km. Each scene was cross-calibrated and validated using independent Hyperion satellite imagery. The new ASTER geoscience products range in their application from local to continental scales, and their uses include mapping of soils for agricultural and environmental management, such as estimating soil loss, dust management and water catchment modelling. They will also be useful for resource exploration, showing host rock, alteration and regolith mineralogy and providing new mineral information at high spatial resolution (30m pixel). This information is not currently available from other pre-competitive geoscience data.

  • In this study, 3D mapping using airborne electromagnetics (AEM) was used to site a monitoring bore network in the Darling River floodplain corridor. Pressure loggers were installed in over 40 bores to monitor groundwater levels primarily in the shallow unconfined Coonambidgal Formation aquifer, deeper (semi)confined Calivil Formation and confined Renmark Group aquifers. In 2010-11, the network provided the opportunity to monitor the groundwater response to flooding of the Darling River and the replenishment of the Menindee Lakes storages, following a period of prolonged drought. In this event, the Darling River at Menindee (Weir 32) rose from 1.59m in October 2010 and peaked at 7.16m in March 2011. A synchronous rise in groundwater levels varying between 0.5-3.4m was observed in the shallow unconfined aquifer near the river. Shallow groundwater levels also declined following the flood peak. Near-river groundwater levels in the Calivil aquifer rose between 0.2-1.3m and also by 4.0 m at a site near Lake Menindee. The latter confirms lake leakage into the aquifer at this particular site, as previously inferred by the AEM data. There was also a pressure response of 0.1-0.9m evident in certain Renmark aquifer bores near the river. The monitoring confirms the importance of episodic flood events to the recharge of the alluvial aquifers, as supported by groundwater chemistry and stable isotope data. Although some of the confined aquifer response may relate to transient hydraulic loading associated with the flood, the inference is that in places there is a degree of hydraulic connectivity between the aquifers.