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  • The Crazy Ants shapefile included in the CIGIS release was built from Parks Australia North Christmas Island (PANCI) working database file as at December 2001. This data contains observation data made by PANCI employees during their research of Crazy Ants colonies on Christmas Island.

  • This dataset contains polygons that bound parts of Irvine Hill forest. The polygons were constructed by drawing lines that join points which were pegged out as being boundaries of the Irvine Hill area. The main points were supplied by Whelans. The line joins and polygon making process was done by Geoscience Australia. The shapefile containing the data is: forestedge_irvineh.shp. Details of the fields can be seen below: Field Type Width Decimal---------------------------------------------------Shape FIELD_SHAPEPOLY 8 0Area FIELD_DECIMAL 12 3Perimeter FIELD_DECIMAL 12 3Plot3pef2_ FIELD_DECIMAL 11 0Plot3pef2_ FIELD_DECIMAL 11 0Entity FIELD_CHAR 14 0Layer FIELD_CHAR 32 0Elevation FIELD_DECIMAL 18 5Thickness FIELD_DECIMAL 18 5Color FIELD_DECIMAL 11 0Pointnumbe FIELD_DECIMAL 11 0Pointheigh FIELD_DECIMAL 18 5Pointcode FIELD_CHAR 8 0Sourcethm FIELD_CHAR 16 0Hectares FIELD_DECIMAL 16 3

  • Digital orthophotography was prepared from aerial photography flown on the 16th, 20th, and 21st of August 1987 and the 1st September 1987 by the Australian Survey Office (now Geoscience Australia) Canberra. AGSO commissioned BHP Engineering, Land Technologies Division to generate orthophotography from the 1987 aerial photography as a component of this Christmas Island GIS project that AGSO undertook on behalf of Territories Office. The orthophotography has a 30cm on-the-ground pixel size. The quality and resolution of the orthophotography is reasonable down to 1:500 scale. An orthophotograph is a computer image of an aerial photograph in which various distortions due to the landscape and camera lens have been removed. This data is based on the aerial photography of Christmas Island flown in August and September 1987. This has been converted to detailed colour orthophotography (at a 30cm ground resolution) presented as one hundred and fifty-seven 1km tiles for the whole of the Island. On most systems not all the orthophotography will be in this directory, due to limitations of disk size. Most orthophotography of disturbed areas (mining or township) is on the core CD-ROM.

  • The seismic stacking velocity data in the Great Australian Bight are a useful dataset for calculating depths and sediment thicknesses. This work presents time-depth relationships computed from an unfiltered stacking velocity database and compares these with depths from sonobuoy P-wave velocities and exploration well sonic logs. The comparison suggests that a total sediment thickness over-estimate for the Ceduna Sub-basin of about 15% can be expected from the depths derived from stacking velocities. On the other hand, for sediment thickness calculations down to ~4 s two-way travel time below sea floor, stacking velocity data give comparable depths to those obtained from the wells' sonic logs. A piece-wise formula is offered which scales the time-depth function for the Ceduna Sub-basin in order to compensate for the depth overestimate inherent in using stacking velocities to calculate total sediment thickness. Megasequence boundary depths are calculated for the Ceduna Terrace to further illustrate data quality.

  • Exploration fundamentals related to predicted world economic growth and higher oil prices suggest a resurgence in exploration for oil and gas liquids in the Timor Sea in the next two years, despite a slow down in exploration drilling in the last 12 months.

  • Kühn et al, 2003. Century - Reactive transport modelling presentation

  • A1 overview; Annual Review Meeting, Perth, November 2003.

  • Mt Isa workshop, Mt Isa, November 2003.

  • The pmd*CRC A1 (Architecture) Project - A coherent concept aimed at predicting the mineral potential of major faults; Annual Review Meeting Perth, November 2003.

  • This record describes digital data compilation product, where several individual items are grouped for delivery on single CD-ROM. Content and number of items included in the compilation package can vary, depending on size of the individual items. The contents of this CD-ROM are as follows: Catalog # Title 21173 NTdata, all mapinfo mapsheets