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ADMAP is a Gridmerged compilation of over 700 individual survey TMI grids, with a cell size of approximately 80 m (in fact it is 0.00833333 degrees). An ERMapper vector file called "survey_boundaries.erv" contains the survey boundaries, and may be displayed on top of any images of these data. By using the information selection, individual survey boundaries selected can be identified by their grid name, which contains the four digit project number. The meta-data for the particular survey can then be viewed in a reference such as: It is particularly important when contemplating using the composite grid data to take into account the differing survey parameters, such as flight-line spacing and acquisition height, and how they may affect the precision and spectral content of the data from one area to another.
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
This ALOS processed data covers the area from Newcastle down to Batemen's Bay on the east coast of New South Wales for Geoscience Australia. The data has been delivered in a number of both tile and mosaic files. The data delivered to Geoscience Australia consists of 8 AVNIR scenes and 13 triplet PRISM scenes.
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
ADMAP is a Gridmerged compilation of over 700 individual survey TMI grids, with a cell size of approximately 80 m (in fact it is 0.000833333 degrees). The first preliminary grid at this resolution with data type IEEE4ByteReal is called "aust_18122007_008333.ers"