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  • Conorada Ooroonoo No. 1, located in the north-western part of Authority to Prospect 75P, Queensland, was drilled as an off-structure stratigraphic test by Conorada Petroleum Corporation. The contractor was Mines Administration Pty Ltd, and the rig used was a Sullivan 300A owned by the contractor. The well was spudded in on 20th July, 1960, and abandoned as a dry hole at total depth of 3852 feet on 23rd August, 1960. A complete section of Great Artesian Basin sediments was drilled and granitic basement penetrated at 3840 feet. The coring and sampling programme carried out enabled as much information to be obtained about the section as was possible.

  • An aeromagnetic survey and a gravity survey were carried out for Magellan Petroleum Corporation in the Tambo-Augathella area of Queensland in 1959-1960. The results of the aeromagnetic survey were reduced, studied, and interpreted by Aero Service Corporation, who had subcontracted Adastra Airways Pty Ltd, to provide the aircraft and also the flying personnel and associated ground staff. The gravity survey was done by Century Geophysical Corporation. The main objectives of the two surveys were to delineate the thickness of the sedimentary rocks, and to investigate the major geological structures in the area. The results of the aeromagnetic survey suggested the presence of several structures in the basement rocks. The Nebine Ridge appeared to be quite shallow over most of the area; major east-west trending faults were indicated. The results of the gravity survey did not fully agree with the results of the aeromagnetic survey. The gravity results indicate a central basinal feature bounded on the west by a platform, but the aeromagnetic results indicate deep basement on the north-west and only a few thousand feet of sediments to the south and east. These conflicting results indicate that some additional control, as would be obtained from wells drilled for stratigraphic information, is necessary for evaluation of the respective surveys.

  • In late 1959, Union Oil Development Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Union Oil Company of California, and the Kern County Land Company, also of California, entered into an agreement with Australian Oil and Gas Corporation Limited to conduct an exploration programme on lands of Authority to Prospect 57P, Queensland, and Petroleum Exploration Licences E2, E6, E7, and EB, New South Wales. As part of the programme, surface geological studies were made of the concessions and adjoining areas. This report is concerned primarily with this aspect of the exploration. The surface reconnaissance was carried out intermittently from November, 1960 to October, 1961. The area reconnoitred, approximately 40,000 square miles, is bounded roughly by the towns of Rolleston and Banana in Queensland and Narrabri and Inverell in New South Wales (Fig. 1). The region is accessible by several major paved highways and a connecting network of dirt roads and stock trails. Department of the Army 1: 250 ,000 sheets were used as a base map for the work; planimetric control was by car odometer and elevation control, where required, by aneroid barometer. Field samples, both lithologic and palaeontologic, are indexed on the geological maps and are stored at the offices of Union Oil Development Corporation, Toowoomba, Queensland.

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