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  • Note: A more recent version of this product is available. This dataset contains spatial locations in point format as a representation of Electricity Transmission Substations in Australia. For government use only. Access through negotiation with Geoscience Australia

  • ASEG 2012 digital data for conference delegates stored on 8GB USB stick. Two directories - GIS_data & PDF_maps. The GIS_data diectory contains AEM data from the three OESP AEM surveys; 5th edition magnetic grid, 2nd edition radiometric grids and bandpass filtered and isostatic gravity grids at a national scale; locations of onshore seismic lines (Geocat 32407). A sub-directory containing survey metadata on open-file airborne geophysical surveys in MapInfo/Shape formats. A sub-directory containing mineral occurrence data in MapInfo/Shape formats. A sub-directory containing surface geology datasets a 1:1M and 1:2.5M scales. A sub-directory containing the Global Map 1:1M scale (Geocat 48006) dataset of administrative boundaries, drainage, transportation and population centres. The PDF_Maps directory contains A0 & A3 scale maps of the national magnetic, radiometric and gravity datasets. Maps of mines and mineral occurrences at a national scale and index maps of the airborne geophysical and gravity surveys coverage of the continent.

  • Manila Lidar Project 2011 Resupply of data from Fugro Spatial. Lidar coverage updated for seperate classification of water and bare earth. This dataset will be superseded with a new surfaces recognising water classification and hydro flatening.

  • Note: A more recent version of this product is available. This dataset contains the high voltage electricity transmission lines that make up the electricity transmission network in Australia. For government use only. Access through negotiation with Geoscience Australia

  • Note: A more recent version of this product is available. This point dataset contains the major power stations in Australia including all those that feed into the electricity transmission network.

  • The 1:2.5M scale geology of Australia data documents the distribution and age of major stratigraphic, intrusive and medium to high-grade metamorphic rock units of onshore Australia. This edition contains the same geological content as the previous edition, but is structured according to Geoscience Australia's 2010 data standards and is provided in additional digital formats. The dataset was compiled to use at scales between 1:2.5 million and 1:5 million inclusive. The units distinguished/mapped mainly represent stratigraphic supergroups, regional intrusive associations and regional metamorphic complexes. Groupings of Precambrian units in the time-space diagram are generally separated by major time breaks; Phanerozoic units are grouped according to stratigraphic age i.e. System/Period. The time-space diagram has the added benefit that it provides a summary of units currently included on the themes. The method used to distinguish sedimentary and many volcanic units varies for each geological eon as follows: <ul><li>Cainozoic units are morphological units which emphasise the relationship of the sedimentary fill to the landscape.</li> <li>Mesozoic units are regionally extensive to continent-wide time-rock units which emphasise the System of Period(s).</li> <li>Palaeozoic units are stratotectonic units that emphasise either the dominant System or Period(s) or the range of Periods.</li> <li>Proterozoic units are commonly regional stratotectonic units - separated by major time breaks and split into the Palaeoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic Eras - which are generally unique to each cratonic region.</li> <li>Archaean units are regional lithological units grouped into broad time divisions.</li> <li>Metamorphic units are lithological units which emphasise the metamorphic facies and timing of the last major metamorphic event. </li> <li>Igneous units are regional units which emphasise the dominant lithology and are grouped into broad time divisions.</li></ul>

  • Map Index indicating the availability of the Department of Defence produced 50K topographic mapping. Folded copies only which are available free of charge. Product Specifications Coverage: Australia Currency: 2004 (PDF); 2004 (data) Coordinates: Geographical Datum: GDA94 Format: ArcInfo Export, ArcView Shapefile and MapInfo mid/mif; PDF (maps only); Paper Map (maps only) Medium: GIS Data Free online, free folded map or CD-ROM (fee applies) Forward Program: Updated annually

  • The first edition ACE - Australian Continental Elements dataset is a GIS representation of the lithosphere fabrics of the Australian plate, interpreted from linear features and associated discontinuities in the gravity anomaly map of continental Australia (Bacchin et al., 2008; Nakamura et al., 2011) and the global marine gravity dataset compiled from satellite altimetry (Sandwell & Smith, 2009). It should be used in context with these input data sources, at scales no more detailed than the nominal scale of 1:5 000 000.

  • Mean monthly and mean annual maximum, minimum & mean temperature grids. The grids show the temperature values across Australia in the form of two-dimensional array data. The mean data are based on the standard 30-year period 1961-1990. Gridded data were generated using the ANU (Australian National University) 3-D Spline (surface fitting algorithm). As part of the 3-D analysis process a 0.025 degree resolution digital elevation model (DEM) was used. The grid point resolution of the data is 0.025 degrees (approximately 2.5km). Approximately 600 stations were used in the analysis over Australia. All input station data underwent a high degree of quality control before analysis, and conform to WMO (World Meteorological Organisation) standards for data quality.

  • These datasets are a subset of the mosaic of Australian Landsat MSS images of Australia. ldsatmss.bil is a 500m pixel Lambert Conformal Conic projected dataset. ldsatmssdd.bil is a 0.0048 degree geographic projected dataset. NOTE The original image is located in the corporate storage system at /d/geo/store/data/image/landsat_mss/aus_mosaic. In this directory there is extensive documentation (OVERVIEW.TXT) which describes all contents.