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QLD LiDAR dataset. Metadata acquired by GA as part of the National DEM Project. Licence conditions not supplied.
QLD LiDAR dataset. Metadata acquired by GA as part of the National DEM Project. Licence conditions not supplied.
This data disk contains SunRISE 21 Licensed Data prepared for: - CLIENT: Geoscience Australia / CRC LEME - SUPPLY DATE: 30/8/2006 - Under Terms and Conditions of Data Licence Agreement(DLA): 0046 OR as set out below The data has been derived photogrammetrically from aerial photography: - Date of Photography: Various - Scale of Photography: Various DATUM: - Horizontal Datum: GDA94 MGA54 - Vertical Datum: AHD (Australian Height Datum) ABOUT the CONTOURS / DEM: - DEM: 10m x 10m height grid points - Contour Interval: 1 metre form lines derived from 2 metre contours. The contours have been interpolated from the height grid, and a smoothing spline fitted. ACCURACY ESTIMATE: - Horizontal 0.5 metres Vertical 1.0 metre In areas subject to dense vegetation, shadow or where the terrain is not confidently visible, the stated horizontal and vertical accuracy should be regarded with caution.
This data disk contains SunRISE 21 Licensed Data prepared for: - CLIENT: Geoscience Australia / CRC LEME - SUPPLY DATE: 30/8/2006 - Under Terms and Conditions of Data Licence Agreement(DLA): 0046 OR as set out below The data has been derived photogrammetrically from aerial photography: - Date of Photography: Various - Scale of Photography: Various DATUM: - Horizontal Datum: GDA94 MGA54 - Vertical Datum: AHD (Australian Height Datum) ABOUT the CONTOURS / DEM: - DEM: 10m x 10m height grid points - Contour Interval: 1 metre form lines derived from 2 metre contours. The contours have been interpolated from the height grid, and a smoothing spline fitted. ACCURACY ESTIMATE: - Horizontal 0.5 metres Vertical 1.0 metre In areas subject to dense vegetation, shadow or where the terrain is not confidently visible, the stated horizontal and vertical accuracy should be regarded with caution.
This data disk contains SunRISE 21 Licensed Data prepared for: - CLIENT: Geoscience Australia / CRC LEME - SUPPLY DATE: 30/8/2006 - Under Terms and Conditions of Data Licence Agreement(DLA): 0046 OR as set out below The data has been derived photogrammetrically from aerial photography: - Date of Photography: Various - Scale of Photography: Various DATUM: - Horizontal Datum: GDA94 MGA54 - Vertical Datum: AHD (Australian Height Datum) ABOUT the CONTOURS / DEM: - DEM: 10m x 10m height grid points - Contour Interval: 1 metre form lines derived from 2 metre contours. The contours have been interpolated from the height grid, and a smoothing spline fitted. ACCURACY ESTIMATE: - Horizontal 0.5 metres Vertical 1.0 metre In areas subject to dense vegetation, shadow or where the terrain is not confidently visible, the stated horizontal and vertical accuracy should be regarded with caution.
This data disk contains SunRISE 21 Licensed Data prepared for: - CLIENT: Geoscience Australia / CRC LEME - SUPPLY DATE: 30/8/2006 - Under Terms and Conditions of Data Licence Agreement(DLA): 0046 OR as set out below The data has been derived photogrammetrically from aerial photography: - Date of Photography: Various - Scale of Photography: Various DATUM: - Horizontal Datum: GDA94 MGA54 - Vertical Datum: AHD (Australian Height Datum) ABOUT the CONTOURS / DEM: - DEM: 10m x 10m height grid points - Contour Interval: 1 metre form lines derived from 2 metre contours. The contours have been interpolated from the height grid, and a smoothing spline fitted. ACCURACY ESTIMATE: - Horizontal 0.5 metres Vertical 1.0 metre In areas subject to dense vegetation, shadow or where the terrain is not confidently visible, the stated horizontal and vertical accuracy should be regarded with caution.
This data disk contains SunRISE 21 Licensed Data prepared for: - CLIENT: Geoscience Australia / CRC LEME - SUPPLY DATE: 30/8/2006 - Under Terms and Conditions of Data Licence Agreement(DLA): 0046 OR as set out below The data has been derived photogrammetrically from aerial photography: - Date of Photography: Various - Scale of Photography: Various DATUM: - Horizontal Datum: GDA94 MGA54 - Vertical Datum: AHD (Australian Height Datum) ABOUT the CONTOURS / DEM: - DEM: 10m x 10m height grid points - Contour Interval: 1 metre form lines derived from 2 metre contours. The contours have been interpolated from the height grid, and a smoothing spline fitted. ACCURACY ESTIMATE: - Horizontal 0.5 metres Vertical 1.0 metre In areas subject to dense vegetation, shadow or where the terrain is not confidently visible, the stated horizontal and vertical accuracy should be regarded with caution.
5m Contours for WA coastline (zone 50) supplied by WA Landgate to the ATWS and the National DEM Project.
This data disk contains SunRISE 21 Licensed Data prepared for: - CLIENT: Geoscience Australia / CRC LEME - SUPPLY DATE: 30/8/2006 - Under Terms and Conditions of Data Licence Agreement(DLA): 0046 OR as set out below The data has been derived photogrammetrically from aerial photography: - Date of Photography: Various - Scale of Photography: Various DATUM: - Horizontal Datum: GDA94 MGA54 - Vertical Datum: AHD (Australian Height Datum) ABOUT the CONTOURS / DEM: - DEM: 10m x 10m height grid points - Contour Interval: 1 metre form lines derived from 2 metre contours. The contours have been interpolated from the height grid, and a smoothing spline fitted. ACCURACY ESTIMATE: - Horizontal 0.5 metres Vertical 1.0 metre In areas subject to dense vegetation, shadow or where the terrain is not confidently visible, the stated horizontal and vertical accuracy should be regarded with caution.
5m Contours for WA coastline (zone 51) supplied by WA Landgate to the ATWS and the National DEM Project.