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Detailed field mapping between Cloncurry and Selwyn has established the existence of a common stratigraphic/tectonic history of almost all the geology east of the Overhang Shear Zone, a major suture separating the Cloncurry-Selwyn Zone from the Quamby-Malbon Belt and Mitakoodi Block. The major exception is a discrete tectonic belt in the far south of the region, the Gin Creek Block, which forms an anomalous zone of older stratigraphy and high grade metamorphism enveloped by tectonic boundaries with the surrounding units. The Cloncurry-Selwyn Zone itself could be subdivided into several sub-regions with similar internal characteristics, but for simplicity the key findings reveal that there are two principal supra-crustal packages folded and interleaved together along major faults and intruded by 1550-1510Ma granitic rocks.
SE corner of the Sandy Cape 1:100k sheet area 22-2/SK55-01/1-1/2/S Contour interval: 5
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Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available