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This short film promotes Geoscience Australia's online and publicly accessible hydrogen data products. The film steps through the functionality of GA's Australian Hydrogen Opportunities Tool (AusH2), and describes the upcoming Hydrogen Economic Fairways Tool which has been created through a collaborative effort with Monash University.
GA publication: Flyer AEIP, ELVIS, EM-LINK 2021
An overview of Geoscience Australia's space-related work through the Digital Earth Africa program.
Bookmark developed during the year of the 30th anniversary of the Newcastle earthquake and used to raise awareness of earthquakes and to provide information on what to do in an earthquake. As Geoscience Australia jointly operates the Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre with the Bureau of Meteorology, the bookmark also provides information on tsunami safety. Geoscience Australia identifies and characterises potentially tsunamigenic earthquakes and this information is used to initiate the tsunami warning chain.
The booth design for Geoscience Australia's presence at the 10th Annual Space Forum, November 2020.
An overview of Geoscience Australia's space-related ground stations work.
Short video of earthquakes occurring in Queensland during 2013 shown as a time lapse.
Version 2: the design of the mouse pad has been updated, increasing its overall size and changing the background colour/graphics. Version 1: This mouse pad was created by the Mineral Exploration Promotion section as an informative give-away for domestic and international conferences. The mouse pad displays an abbreviated periodic table of the elements with those elements that Australia produces, has known resources of and explores for highlighted in different colours. Version 1a: The mouse pad design was updated in February 2019 by the Resources Assessment, Advice and Minerals Promotion section to highlight critical commodities (and update the production status of some elements).
An overview of Geoscience Australia's space-related work through its Positioning Australia program.
The Australian Geoscience Data Cube has won the 2016 Content Platform of the Year category at the Geospatial World Leadership Awards. The awards recognise significant contributions made by champions of change within the global geospatial industry and were presented during the 2017 Geospatial World Forum held in Hyderabad, India. The Data Cube was developed by Geoscience Australia in partnership with the CSIRO and the National Computational Infrastructure at the Australian National University, and is a world-leading data analysis system for satellite and other Earth observation data. Visit to find out more including the technical specifications, and learn how you can develop your own Data Cube and become part of the collective.