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  • This data disk contains SunRISE 21 Licensed Data prepared for: - CLIENT: Geoscience Australia / CRC LEME - SUPPLY DATE: 30/8/2006 - Under Terms and Conditions of Data Licence Agreement(DLA): 0046 OR as set out below The data has been derived photogrammetrically from aerial photography: - Date of Photography: Various - Scale of Photography: Various DATUM: - Horizontal Datum: GDA94 MGA54 - Vertical Datum: AHD (Australian Height Datum) ABOUT the CONTOURS / DEM: - DEM: 10m x 10m height grid points - Contour Interval: 1 metre form lines derived from 2 metre contours. The contours have been interpolated from the height grid, and a smoothing spline fitted. ACCURACY ESTIMATE: - Horizontal 0.5 metres Vertical 1.0 metre In areas subject to dense vegetation, shadow or where the terrain is not confidently visible, the stated horizontal and vertical accuracy should be regarded with caution.

  • Data is regularly gridded at 18 seconds of latitude and longitude (approximately 500 metres). The source data for this grid is the spot elevation data held in the TOPO-250K Series 1 Relief theme. Gridding is complete for: parts of north Queensland, all of New South Wales, all of Victoria, south-east South Australia, south-west Western Australia, all State capital cities and selected other Australian cities.

  • GA acts as a portal for all State geophysical datasets with the exception of South Australia. The data is located in the Geophysical Archive Data Delivery System (GADDS) and also mirrored on the externally located GA website. An internal link to the data is: \\Marl\export\jet\3\data (GA specific data is located here and State data is further segregated into folders). OEMD adds new survey datasets to GADDS as they become available. Each State Government requires a different license statement (refer to Licence Details). The height component of these surveys is acquired using radar altimetry. Errors inherent to this process are included in the attached .pdf document or

  • Metadata acquired by GA for the purposes of the National DEM Project from WA Landgate. DEMs are a mass of ground heights representing a terrain surface. In this instance they are spaced at a regular grid interval. This dataset has been developed from aerial photography to assist in the digital imagery Orthorectification program. The status of coverage or other information relative to specific DEM data may be obtained directly through the DOLA contact.

  • The high resolution DEM data following the River Murray and surrounding riverine and mallee plains has been supplied to CRC LEME for the purposes of the "River Murray Corridor Project" from SunRISE 21. The data has been classified as Confidential to CRC LEME staff only. The data has been derived photogrammetrically from aerial photography: - Date of Photography: April - May 1996 - Scale of Photography: 1:15,000 - Scan Resolution: 25 micron - Flown near midday on east-west flight runs

  • OVERVIEW.TXT Last update 2/6/1999 This file briefly describes the files that appear in this directory. DEMSHADE.BIL One kilometre DEM of Australia DEMSHADE.HDR Associated ARC/INFO header Format: ARC/INFO .bil and .hdr Coverage: All of Australia Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic Central Meridian 134 degrees Standard Parallels 18 and 36 degrees South Datum: WGS84 Further info: John Creasey Details: A hill-shaded DEM image of Australia using the Lambert Conformal Conic projection. The image is derived from GTOPO30, which is a global digital elevation model (DEM) resulting from a collaborative effort led by the staff at the U.S. Geological Survey's EROS Data Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Elevations in GTOPO30 are regularly spaced at 30-arc seconds (approximately 1 kilometre). GTOPO30 was developed to meet the needs of the geospatial data user community for regional and continental scale topographic data.

  • Metadata acquired by GA for the purposes of the National DEM Project from WA Landgate. DEMs are a mass of ground heights representing a terrain surface. In this instance they are spaced at a regular grid interval. This dataset has been developed from aerial photography to assist in the digital imagery Orthorectification program. The status of coverage or other information relative to specific DEM data may be obtained directly through the DOLA contact.

  • QLD LiDAR dataset. Metadata acquired by GA as part of the National DEM Project. Licence conditions not supplied.

  • GA acts as a portal for all State geophysical datasets with the exception of South Australia. The data is located in the Geophysical Archive Data Delivery System (GADDS) and also mirrored on the externally located GA website. An internal link to the data is: \\Marl\export\jet\3\data (GA specific data is located here and State data is further segregated into folders). OEMD adds new survey datasets to GADDS as they become available. Each State Government requires a different license statement (refer to Licence Details). The height component of these surveys is acquired using radar altimetry. Errors inherent to this process are included in the attached .pdf document or

  • Adelaide / SA DEM metadata acquired by GA as part of the National DEM Project. Licence conditions not supplied.