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  • Development of coal mines and coal seam gas (CSG) resources can significantly impact groundwater systems, hydrogeological processes and the surface environment. Consequently, a sound understanding of basin-scale hydrogeology Is critical to developing effective water management strategies. The Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities recently funded investigation of the potential impacts of the development of coal mining and CSG production in several Australian coal basins. The Laura Basin was investigated as part of this program due to the significant environmental and cultural heritage values of the region which include several National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. The Laura Basin is a geological basin on Cape York Peninsula, QLD. There has been relatively limited development of the groundwater resources of the basin to date, which predominantly occur in Mesozoic sandstone units, the Dalrymple Sandstone and the Gilbert River Formation, which are contiguous with the Great Artesian Basin rocks of the Carpentaria Basin.

  • This dataset shows the extent of a wild river area as defined under a wild river declaration for the Wild Rivers Act 2005

  • As part of the Broken Hill Exploration Initiative (BHEI), Geoscience Australia and the Department of Primary Industries South Australia (PIRSA) recently embarked on a two-year joint project to better understand the deformational history and tectonic evolution of Palaeoproterozoic rocks in the Outalpa Inlier, South Australia. This project is one of several structural studies undertaken on these rocks although to date no consensus has emerged regarding the number, orientation and geometry of the main deformational events. To address this problem, detailed structural and stratigraphic studies were undertaken around Ameroo Hill and Tommie Wattie Bore region in the central part of the inlier where a well defined stratigraphic succession is exposed. Comparable studies undertaken in other parts of the Olary Domain indicate that the same stratigraphy and structural history are developed across the entire Curnamona Province and that the structures developed around Ameroo Hill are not atypical of the province as a whole. Included in the Olary stratigraphy is the regionally extensive and highly prospective "Bimba Formation", a marble and calc-silicate dominated unit known for its high base-metal content (Pb, Zn, Mn, Cu, Co). Geochronological studies have recently confirmed this unit as a correlative of the Ettlewood Calc-silicate in the Broken Hill Group and there is growing geochronological evidence (Page et al., 2000) that other parts of the Olary sequence can be similarly matched to equivalent units in the Broken Hill Domain. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature follows Conor (2000, 2001) who subdivided the Willyama Supergroup into two major units of contrasting magnetic susceptibility and composition: the Curnamona and Strathearn Groups. REFERENCES: Conor, C.H.H., 2000. Definition of major sedimentary and igneous units of the Olary Domain, Curnamona Province. MESA Journal, V.19: 51-56. Conor, C.H.H., 2001. Geology of the Olary Domain, Curnamona Province, South Australia: Field Guide book. PIRSA, Adelaide. Page, R.W., Stevens, B.P.J., Gibson, G.M. and Conor, C.H.H., 2000. Geochronology of Willyama Supergroup rocks between Olary and Broken Hill, and a comparison to northern Australia. In: Peljo, M. (compiler) Broken Hill Exploration Initiative Abstracts Volume, AGSO Record 2000/10: 72-75.

  • A collaborative field trial of the Quester-Tangent View Series 5 single beam acoustic benthic mapping system was recently conducted in Wallis Lake by Geoscience Australia and Quester Tangent Corporation. The survey involved acquisition of the acoustic backscatter data from the northern channels and basins of Wallis Lake. Quester-Tangent software (IMPACT v3) was used to classify acoustic echograms that returned from the lake bottom into statistically different acoustic classes, using principal components analysis. Six acoustically different substrate types were identified in the Wallis Lake survey area. Ground-truthing was undertaken to identify the sedimentological and biological features of the lake floor that influenced the shape of the return echograms. For each sample, measurements were made of grain size, wet bulk density, total organic carbon, CaCO3 content, and mass of coarse fraction (mainly shell) material. Statistical cluster analysis and multi-dimensional scaling were utilised to identify any physical similarities between groups of ground-truthing sites. The analysis revealed four distinct and mappable substrate types in the study area. The degree of association between acoustic classes and measured sediment parameters was also quantified. Cluster and MDS analysis revealed that, based on the parameters measured, the six acoustic classes were not uniquely linked to the sediment groups, suggesting that factors other than the sediment parameters alone are influencing the acoustic signal. The spatial interpretation of the Wallis Lake Quester-Tangent data represents the first quantification of non-seagrass habitats in the deeper areas of the lake, and provides a useful indicatior of benthic habitat diversity and abundance. For future studies, a more quantitative measure of faunal burrow size and density, and also other sedimentary bedforms, is recommended.

  • Three maps have been created for RET to include in a Ministerial Briefing on changes to act relating to the area of opperation of NOPSEMA Relates to Advice Register Number 705 Not for public release. RET internal use only.

  • These datasets represent locations of offshore seismic surveys and data collection points. Four datasets make up this set : A dataset showing the navigation tracks of marine deep seismic lines from RV Rig Seismic. A dataset showing locations of offshore refraction shot points. A dataset showing locations of seismic recording stations. A dataset showing locations of sonobouy stations. These datasets are generated from a database containing coordinates of all of seismic traverses.

  • The Davis Coastal Seabed Mapping Survey, Antarctica (GA-4301 / AAS2201 / HI468) was conducted on the Australian Antarctic Division workboat Howard Burton during February-March 2010 as a component of Australian Antarctic Science (AAS) Project 2201 - Natural Variability and Human Induced Change on Antarctic Nearshore Marine Benthic Communities. The survey was undertaken as a collaboration between Geoscience Australia, the Australian Antarctic Division and the Australian Hydrographic Service (Royal Australian Navy). The survey acquired multibeam bathymetry and backscatter datasets from the nearshore region of the Vestfold Hills around Davis Station, Antarctica. This dataset comprises an interpreted geomorphic map produced for the central survey area using multibeam bathymetry and backscatter grids and their derivatives (e.g. slope, contours). Six geomorphic units; basin, valley, embayment, pediment, bedrock outcrop and scarp were identified and mapped using definitions suitable for interpretation at the local scale (nominally 1:10 000). Polygons were created using a combination of automatic extraction and manual digitisation in ArcGIS. For further information on the geomorphic mapping methods and a description of each unit, please refer to OBrien P.E., Smith J., Stark J.S., Johnstone G., Riddle M., Franklin D. (2015) Submarine geomorphology and sea floor processes along the coast of Vestfold Hills, East Antarctica, from multibeam bathymetry and video data. Antarctic Science 27:566-586. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.

  • The Flying Doctor 1:10,000 regolith-landform map illustrates the distribution of regolith materials and the landforms on which they occur, described using the RTMAP scheme developed by Geoscience Australia