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  • This is an executable for re-addressing ArcView projects to a new location by changing paths in the project APR file.

  • No abstract available

  • The data currently held for bathymetry has been extracted from the GEBCO (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans) produced by the Natural Environment Research Council (UK).

  • This disc contains scanned PDF copies of uranium-related reports held by Geoscience Australia from the archives of the former Australian Atomic Energy Commission. These reports date from the early 1960s to 1980. The reports are a mix of exploration reports, geological and geographical maps, proposals, feasibility studies, estimations, reserve information, drill hole data and drill cross section files. These reports pertain to various regions around South Australia, including From Embayment, Mount Painter Province, Olary/Willyama province, Gawler Craton, Eucla Basin, Lake Eyre basin, Adelaide geosyncline and Peak & Denison Ranges. Two other discs with PDF scans of drillhole logs and gamma ray probe results in South Australia also exist and may be of interest.

  • This disc contains PDF scans of uranium-related reports held by GA from the Australian Atomic Energy Commission archives. These reports date mostly from the 70s, with some which are much older (as early as 1901) but none newer than the early 80s. The reports are a mix of exploration reports, geological and geographical maps, proposals, feasibility studies, estimations, reserve information, drill hole data and drill cross section files. These reports pertain to the South Alligator Valley, Katherine RIver and other uranium fields within Pine Creek region. It is one of four discs containing reports concerning uranium in the Northern Territory.

  • No abstract available

  • WorldInfo provides world-wide digital maps where the entire world coverage is in a single table and can be viewed in one Mapper.

  • This disc contains PDF scans of uranium-related reports held by GA from the Australian Atomic Energy Commission archives. These reports date mostly from the 70s, with some which are much older (as early as 1901) but none newer than the early 80s. The reports are a mix of exploration reports, geological and geographical maps, proposals, feasibility studies, estimations, reserve information, drill hole data and drill cross section files. These reports pertain to the Rum Jungle uranium field within Pine Creek region. It is one of four discs containing reports concerning uranium in the Northern Territory.