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  • The Surface Hydrology Points (Regional) dataset provides a set of related features classes to be used as the basis of the production of consistent hydrological information. This dataset contains a geometric representation of major hydrographic point elements - both natural and artificial. This dataset is the best available data supplied by Jurisdictions and aggregated by Geoscience Australia it is intended for defining hydrological features.

  • Subtitle: Behind the Scenes of Geofabric Version 3 Pilot & the Future of Geospatial Surface Water Information The Bureau of Meteorology's Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric) was established in 2008 as the spatial information database to support water accounting and resource assessment mandated under the Water Act 2007. Foundation layers for Geofabric versions 1 and 2 were developed from 1:250K streamline data and the 9 second resolution national DEM. The uses of the Geofabric data have expanded to new disciplines and have resulted in increased demand for finer national resolution. Version 3 of the Geofabric is now under development in a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia, CSIRO, Australian National University (ANU) and the Bureau of Meteorology. The foundation inputs for Geofabric version 3 are based on the integrated national surface hydrology dataset which uses the best available scale data from the jurisdictions and the 1 second resolution SRTM DEM. This significant enhancement presents both challenges and opportunities. This presentation at the Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) ACT Region conference on 16 August 2013 aims to show the work being undertaken in the pilot areas of the Namoi and Murrumbidgee River Regions.

  • In early autumn 2006 (14th March to 4th April), Geoscience Australia conducted a field survey to investigate the major processes controlling water quality in Wellstead Estuary, Gordon Inlet and Beaufort Inlet. This project aimed to address critical knowledge gaps in understanding the impact of sediment-water interactions on water quality in each estuary, in particular, to identify the major controls on nutrient abundance and availability. The impacts of sediment-water interactions on overall water quality took into account: 1. shallowness of the estuaries and long water residence time; 2. productivity of microbenthic algae; and 3. the type of aquatic plant growth. Recommendations for the future management of these estuaries included: 1. Reducing nitrogen loads from the catchments of Wellstead Estuary and Gordon Inlet, and reducing the phosphorus loads from the catchment of Beaufort inlet; 2. Monitoring the abundance of macroalgae in Wellstead Estuary, the abundance of macrophytes in Gordon Inlet and the water column Chl-a concentrations in Beaufort Inlet.

  • Geoscience Australia has conducted four surveys in the Swan River Estuary to investigate benthic nutrient fluxes and their impact on water quality. Surveys were undertaken in March 2000, March 2001, September 2001 and October 2006, and both the upper and lower sections of the estuary were sampled. This report details the findings of the most recent benthic nutrient survey (October 2006) and compares benthic fluxes at selected sites during all four surveys. During the October 2006 survey, very high nutrient fluxes were recorded in the upper estuary muddy sites. Combined with very low denitrification efficiencies, large sediment nutrient pool sizes and hypoxic bottom waters, these muds are a significant source of bioavailable nutrients to the water column. Between 2000 and 2006 there has been a significant increase in the amount of organic matter decomposition and nutrient release from the muddy sediments in the upper estuary. A similar pattern is observed in the central basin, however, the change is not as severe. The shallow sandy margins of the lower estuary are sites of photosynthetic production, however, these differ between benthic and pelagic production depending on the light attenuation. When light is available at the sediment surface benthic production is evident, when light penetration is insufficient to reach the sediment surface pelagic production is more evident.

  • Existing sources of water supply are described. Proposals for improving the supply of town water are considered. Further investigations are recommended with respect to tapping the southern lobe of the local basin, surface conservation, underground water resources, and the selection of a possible dam site.

  • On May 3rd, and again on June 1st, the author visited the Cotter dam to investigate a reported loss of water from the fault on the northern side of the wall. This report gives an account of these visits, together with the author's observations and conclusions in relation to the reported water loss.

  • In April 2005, Geoscience Australia (GA) conducted a field survey of the waterbodies of the Torbay catchment drainage system. The Torbay Catchment Group and the Western Australian Department of Environment commissioned this study in order to address critical knowledge gaps in their understanding of the major components of the nutrient budget. In particular, the role of benthic nutrient fluxes, their magnitude, and total benthic nutrient supply to the water column for phytoplankton growth. The waterbodies studied were Torbay inlet, Lake Powell, Marbellup Brook and Lake Manarup. The key findings of this study were: 1. the sediments are a major source of nutrients to the water column of all waterbodies; and 2. denitrification, nitrogen fixation and benthic photosynthesis are critical processes influencing overall water quality.

  • This document represents part of Geoscience Australia's contribution to the National Estuaries Assessment and Management (NE) project, Theme 5 (Assessment and Monitoring), Task 5A 'Conceptual Models of Australian Estuaries and Coastal Waterways'. The report contains comprehensive conceptual models of the biophysical processes that operate in a wide range of estuaries and coastal waterways found around Australia. Geomorphic conceptual models have been developed for each of the seven types of Australian estuaries and coastal waterways. Each conceptual model comprises a three-dimensional block diagram depicting detailed summaries of the structure, evolutionary characteristics, and geomorphology of each coastal waterway type, which are ?overlain? by flow diagrams that depict some of the important biotic and abiotic processes, namely: hydrology, sediment dynamics, and nutrient dynamics. Geomorphology was used as the common 'base layer' in the conceptual models, because sediment is the fundamental, underlying substrate upon which all other estuarine processes depend and operate. In the conceptual models, wave-dominated systems are depicted as having a relatively narrow entrance that restricts marine flushing, and low water-column turbidity except during extreme events. Tide-dominated systems feature relatively wide entrances, which likely promote efficient marine flushing, very large relative areas of intertidal habitats, and naturally high turbidity due to strong turbulence induced by tidal currents. Strong evidence exists suggesting that estuaries (both wave- and tide-dominated) are the most efficient 'traps' for terrigenous and marine sediments, and these are depicted as providing the most significant potential for trapping and processing of terrigenous nutrient loads. Intertidal areas, such as mangroves and saltmarshes, and also the central basins of wave-dominated estuaries and coastal lagoons, are likely to accumulate the majority of trapped sediments and nutrients. Conceptual model diagrams, with overlays representing environmental processes, can be used as part of a decision support system for environmental managers, and as a tool for comparative assessment in which a more integrative and shared vision of the relationship between components in an ecosystem can be applied.

  • The Great Artesian Basin Research Priorities Workshop, organised by Geoscience Australia (GA), was held in Canberra on 27 and 28 April 2016. Workshop attendees represented a spectrum of stakeholders including government, policy, management, scientific and technical representatives interested in GAB-related water management. This workshop was aimed at identifying and documenting key science issues and strategies to fill hydrogeological knowledge gaps that will assist federal and state/territory governments in addressing groundwater management issues within the GAB, such as influencing the development of the next Strategic Management Plan for the GAB. This report summarises the findings out of the workshop.