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  • This database contains the monthly mean and montly long term mean fields from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1960-2000. Files contain the following data: - surface air temperature - land/sea mask - sea level pressure - sea surface temperature (see SST_README for more details) - U (eastward) component of wind - V (northward) component of wind - specific humidity (this file does not contain all vertical levels, unlike the other 3-d variables) For all the above, files with 'ltm' instead of 'mean' contain the long-term monthly mean data. Data were downloaded on 25/11/2009 from the Earth System Reseach Laboratory (ESRL) Physical Sciences Division (PSD) website. (

  • A collection of mining and explotation tenements supplied by the individual state and territory bodies. Loaded monthly to an Oracle database from shapefiles given to Geoscience Australia.

  • Datasets purchased by GA from BoM to study wind speed instrument bias (see Record 2011/23)

  • The National Broadcasting Studios dataset presents the spatial locations; in point format, of all known broadcasting studios within Australia.

  • From 1995 to 2000 information from the federal and state governments was compiled for Comprehensive Regional Assessments (CRA), which formed the basis for Regional Forest Agreements (RFA) that identified areas for conservation to meet targets agreed by the Commonwealth Government with the United Nations. These 5 CDs were created as part of GA's contribution to the SE Queensland CRA. CD1 contains ArcView Legends and Projects, data coverages, shapefiles, all documents and reports and associated maps and figures. CD2 contains various edited versions of covers and shapefiles, original data supplied by custodians, and staff workareas. CD3 contains Landsat, Magnetics etc. images. CD4 contains DEM etc. CD5 contains integration data, miscellaneous ArcInfo grids, and ArcInfo graphic files.

  • Alkaline rocks of Australia - Subset of Rockchem whole-rock database release 3. Contains 937 analyses of alkaline rocks from Australia.

  • This folder contains WindRiskTech data used in preliminary stages of the National Wind Risk Assessment. The data are synthetic TC event sets, generated by a statistical-dynamical model of TCs that can be applied to general circulation models to provide projections of TC activity. Output from two GCMs is available here - the NCAR CCSM3 and the GFDL CM2.1 model. For each, there are a number of scenarios (based on the SRES scenarios from AR4 and previous IPCC reports) and time periods (the time periods are not the same for the A1B scenario). For each mode, scenario and time period, the data are a set of 1000 TC track files in tab-delimited format contained in the files in each sub-folder. The output folder contains the output of running TCRM (pre-2011 version) on each of the datasets.

  • Between October 2008 and February 2009, Geoscience Australia undertook two major surveys off the coast of Western Australia. Areas of interest included the Mentelle and northern Perth Basins, the Southern Carnarvon Basin, the southern Exmouth Sub-basin (Northern Carnarvon Basin) and the Wallaby Plateau. These surveys collected a range of data, including industry-standard seismic reflection data and gravity and magnetic data. In addition to the new data collected, Geoscience Australia has reprocessed existing open file 2D seismic data within the survey area. These data are available for purchase. Please complete the order form on the downloadable information sheet and return to Geoscience Australia.