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  • The first edition ACE - Australian Continental Elements dataset is a GIS representation of the lithosphere fabrics of the Australian plate, interpreted from linear features and associated discontinuities in the gravity anomaly map of continental Australia (Bacchin et al., 2008; Nakamura et al., 2011) and the global marine gravity dataset compiled from satellite altimetry (Sandwell & Smith, 2009). It should be used in context with these input data sources, at scales no more detailed than the nominal scale of 1:5 000 000.

  • SUMMARY Geoscience Australia operates and maintains a state-of-the-art network of stations and sophisticated instrumentation that monitors natural and anthropogenic (human-made) hazards in Australia and around the globe through its Geophysical Network Section. The key responsibilities for the Geophysical Network Section are to: operate and maintain the Australian National Seismic Network (ANSN) and Urban Monitoring (UM) networks; operate and maintain Australian Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) seismic, hydro-acoustic and infrasound technologies, as part of Australia's commitment to support monitoring of worldwide nuclear testing; operate and maintain a national network of geomagnetic observatories which forms a part of a global observatory network; provide technical expertise and advice to Geoscience Australia projects, such as the National Geospatial Reference Systems Risk Research Group and the JATWS (Joint Australian Tsunami Warning System); and, provide technical and operational support to the Risk Research Group for significant Australian earthquake events and aftershock deployment studies. Geophysical data archives are stored on-site and can be freely downloaded from GA or international data centres. Seismic data can be accessed at GA and Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) and geomagnetic data at INTERMAGNET. Seismic data from Geoscience Australia's Geophysical Networks feeds into important hazard maps including the probabilistic national earthquake hazard map and the probabilistic Tsunami hazard map. Geomagnetic data feeds into the International Geomagnetic Reference Field and has been used to develop the first 3-D conductivity map of Australia. Key words: Geophysical Networks, geomagnetism, earthquake, tsunami, nuclear monitoring

  • Australia magnetic anomaly pixel map

  • This map has been produced for the Fair Work Ombudsman The coordinates of the Maersk Discover were supplied by Fair Work. The boundaries were AMB v2.0. Refer to Advice Register 679. Location M:\advice\FWO

  • Australia Regolith Terrain map 1:5m

  • National map which identifies Australia's major mines and mineral deposits by deposit type overlayed on a grey-scale magnetic image of the continent. Complements the 2nd edition AGSO-MCA map released in April 2000 (Catalog # 33045).

  • This map contains petroleum exploration and development titles (permits) as at April 2009. Also contain petoleum fields and pipelines sourced from Encom Petroleum Pty Ltd as at June 2008.

  • Map of uranium content in non-igneous rocks. This map shows the distribution of collated geochemical data points, coloured and sized by their uranium content, set against a backdrop of non-igneous rock type.

  • This map has been produced for a court case for the Fair Work Ombudsman. The points on the map were sourced from documents supplied by the Fair Work Ombudsman. Boundaries sourced from AMB v2.0 Refer to Advice Register 679. Location M:\advice\fwo