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  • Contains TIFF images of airborne magnetics data obtained by the Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO), the Geological Survey of Victoria (GSV) and various companies.

  • High quality refraction and wide-angle reflection seismic data recorded by ocean-bottom seismographs (OBSs) deployed by the Australian Geological Survey Organisation along the 700 km long transect in the Carnarvon Basin effectively supplement results obtained by means of the conventional reflection technology. Velocity information can now be derived from both CDP (nearvertical reflection) and OBS (refraction/wide-angle reflection) data. Generally, CDP-derived average velocities are lower than OBS-derived velocities and this deviation increases with depth: from ~0.1 km/s at 8 s two way time (TWT) to 0.8-1.6 km/s at 16 s TWT. If the CDP-derived velocities are used to depth convert reflection data, then depth to these TWTs would be underestimated by 0.4 to 6.4-12.8 km respectively. Some local anomalies (at ~6s TWT CDP-derived velocities may be more than 0.1 km/s higher than the OBS-derived velocities) distort this general trend. These would result in ~0.3 km local overestimates of the depth equivalent of 6s TWT. Co-analysis of the interval velocity field reconstructed from the travel time-based interpretation of the OBS data and the conventional reflection image of the crust in some cases shows their poor correlation.

  • This map is part of the series that covers the whole of Australia at a scale of 1:250 000 (1cm on a map represents 2.5 km on the ground) and comprises 513 maps. This is the largest scale at which published topographic maps cover the entire continent. Each standard map covers an area of 1.5 degrees longitude by 1 degree latitude or about 150 kilometres from east to west and 110 kilometres from north to south. There are about 50 special maps in the series and these maps cover a non-standard area. Typically, where a map produced on standard sheet lines is largely ocean it is combined with its landward neighbour. These maps contain natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours (interval 50m), localities and some administrative boundaries. The topographic map and data index shows coverage of the sheets. Product Specifications Coverage: The series covers the whole of Australia with 513 maps. Currency: Ranges from 1995 to 2009. 95% of maps have a reliability date of 1994 or later. Coordinates: Geographical and either AMG or MGA (post-1993) Datum: AGD66, GDA94, AHD. Projection: Universal Traverse Mercator (UTM) Medium: Paper, flat and folded copies.

  • AGSO Record 2000/45 is a report of the results of specialist structural geological studies in the North Pilbara between 1997-2000 and, for the first time, this report provides a comprehensive synthesis of the structural evolution of the resource-rich North Pilbara Craton. A print, CD-ROM, and web based output. The report can be viewed with a standard web browser. Traditionally, the science of structural geology is presented in a one-dimensional printed text document format with accompanying maps, drawings, and images referred to from the text at appropriate points. This approach creates a problem in communication, as structural geology is four dimensional (the three spatial dimensions and time). The report is structured so that the new information can be accessed in three different ways. 1) a 'standard' way where the text is arranged chronologically and where the user can skip to sections of interest by embedded hyperlinks; 2) geographical regions on a map with hyperlinked text explanations, maps, and images, and; 3) time-based break up of the text (by structural events eg D1, D2 etc) so that the same event can be compared across regions. A printable version is also available on the CD-ROM. Over 200 scanned photographs are located spatially on active maps so the user can see the geology described in their correct spatial position and in relation to other areas. This provides a 'virtual' fieldtrip for the user, who can decide where they want to go in the report. The report can be viewed with the standard web browser.

  • Mapping of outcrop geology on Leonora 1:100 000 map sheet in the Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia, as part of the National Geoscience Mapping Accord (NGMA). Briefly, mapping consists of geological boundaries/units, faults, fractures, folds, veins, dykes, joints, linears, marker beds, trends, structural measurements, and mineral deposits.

  • ACRES Update, Issue 21, July 2000 Terra Oberving the Earth New Product Catalogue Remote Sensing and emergency management

  • ACRES Update, Issue 22, December 2000 ACRES Archive a National Resource First MODIS poster of Australia

  • The Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO) flew an airborne geophysical survey of 107,574 line kilometres covering parts of the onshore and offshore Gippsland Basin area in Victoria. AGSO flew the survey over two periods; November to December 1998 and January to April 1999. The survey formed part of the National Geoscience Mapping Accord. Flight lines were flown in an east-west direction with various line spacings and flying heights. The line spacing over the onshore component was 200 metres with a flying height of 80 metres above ground level. The offshore component was flown at 130 metres above sea level with line spacings of 400 and 800 metres. The latter spacing was used over the southeastern section of the survey area. The total magnetic intensity, gamma-ray spectrometric and digital elevation model data collected during the survey have been processed and are available for purchase. These data are sold as digital point located data, grids and hardcopy maps, by the Australian Geological Survey Organisation. A colour pixel image map depicting total magnetic intensity is also available.

  • The Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO) flew an airborne geophysical survey of 49 397 line km covering the Julia Creek 1:250 000 map Sheet area in the northwestern Queensland. The survey formed part of the National Geoscience Mapping Accord and was flown along east-west flight lines, 400 metres apart at an altitude of 80 metres above ground level. The survey was flown from 24 April to 6 June 1999. The total magnetic intensity, gamma-ray spectrometric and digital elevation model data collected during the survey, have been processed and are available for purchase. These data are sold as digital point located data, grids and hardcopy maps by the Australian Geological Survey Organisation. Colour and greyscale pixel image maps are also available.