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  • This database contains the monthly mean and montly long term mean fields from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1960-2000. Files contain the following data: - surface air temperature - land/sea mask - sea level pressure - sea surface temperature (see SST_README for more details) - U (eastward) component of wind - V (northward) component of wind - specific humidity (this file does not contain all vertical levels, unlike the other 3-d variables) For all the above, files with 'ltm' instead of 'mean' contain the long-term monthly mean data. Data were downloaded on 25/11/2009 from the Earth System Reseach Laboratory (ESRL) Physical Sciences Division (PSD) website. (

  • A collection of mining and explotation tenements supplied by the individual state and territory bodies. Loaded monthly to an Oracle database from shapefiles given to Geoscience Australia.

  • Datasets purchased by GA from BoM to study wind speed instrument bias (see Record 2011/23)

  • The National Broadcasting Studios dataset presents the spatial locations; in point format, of all known broadcasting studios within Australia.

  • Alkaline rocks of Australia - Subset of Rockchem whole-rock database release 3. Contains 937 analyses of alkaline rocks from Australia.

  • February 2001 Bonaparte Basin - Gas Data The gas database contains molecular compositional and isotopic data for gases from the Bonaparte Basin as exported from AGSO's Orgchem database on 6th February 2001. The output represents those gases for which the data is considered not to be "commercial-in-confidence". Also included is a document which gives a description of the data fields. Copyright (C) Commonwealth of Australia, 2000.

  • PSMA Australia combines spatial data from Australia's governments to create national spatial information datasets that include features such as roads, street addresses, and cadastral and administrative boundaries. Geoscience Australia has entered into an agreement with PSMA Distribution Pty Ltd in June 2013 which provides GA access to key PSMA data products. The conditions of use are stipulated in the End User Agreement (EUA) and simplified form of Terms and Conditions (see below) will be made available soon to GA staff. The EUA has been extended in December 2013 to include the Land Tenure and Postcode Boundaries datasets, effectively providing GA access to the whole suite of PSMA products. These are: -Administrative Boundaries -Features of Interest -CadLite -Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF) -Land Tenure -Postcode Boundaries -Transport & Topography For more details about these products - including content and maintenance cycle - please refer to PSMA website (

  • A fully four-dimensional (3D x time) object-oriented biophysical dispersal model was developed to simulate the movement of marine larvae over semi-continuous surfaces. The model is capable of handling massive numbers of simulated larvae, can accommodate diverse life history patterns and distributions of characteristics, and saves point-level information to a relational database management system.

  • Population connectivity research involves investigating the presence, strength and characteristics of spatial and temporal relationships between populations. These data can be used in many different ways: to identify source-sink relationships between populations; to detect critical pathways or keystone habitats; to find natural clusters or biogeographic regions; or to investigate the processes underlying population genetic structure, among others. This information can be of significant value for managers and decision-makers when designing reserve networks, evaluating the potential spread of invasive species. This database represents the first publicly-available collection of national/continental-scale marine connectivity data.