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  • Upgrade for software package for geochemical modelling released in 1999. Available from OEMD on request to Evgeniy Bastrakov (a password is set for a particular user).

  • Package holding all available processed data and well completion reports relevant to the Petrel 2007Acreage Release in workstation format - Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark.

  • This folder contains the reports and supporting digital datasets from four geological studies published by SRK (later FrOGTech) consultants, between 2001 and 2007. Known as the OZ SEEBASE Compilation (Structurally Enhanced View of Economic Basement), the studies interpreted the three dimensional character of Australian sedimentary basins and their basement.

  • This map shows copper locations by Event, Type and Status. It also shows copper regions and copper occurrences that fall within these regions. The map includes a Time-Space-Event chart, and pie charts.

  • Geodata TOPO250K Series 3 Topographic Data - Horizontal Control Points (A line which represents an imaginary line on the ground joining points of equal elevation in relation to the Australian Height Datum - AHD66). Series 3 contains a medium scale vector representation of the topography of Australia. The data include the following ten themes and 92 feature classes: Cartography: Annotations, CartographicLines, CartographicPoints, GraticuleAnnotations, Graticules, GridAnnotations and Grids Elevation: Contours, BenchMarks, HorizontalControlPoints and SpotElevations Framework: ProhibitedAreas, Reserves, FrameworkBoundaries, Islands, LargeAreaFeatures, Locations, Mainlands, Seas, GeodataIndexes and MapIndexes Habitation: BuildingAreas, BuildingPoints, BuiltUpAreas, CemeteryAreas, CemeteryPoints, Homesteads, PlaceNames, PopulatedPlaces and RecreationAreas Hydrography: CanalLines, Locks, RapidLines, Spillways, WatercourseLines, WaterfallPoints, Bores, CanalAreas, Flats, Lakes, PondageAreas, RapidAreas, Reservoirs, Springs, WatercourseAreas, Waterholes, WaterPoints, MarineHazardAreas, MarineHazardPoints and ForeshoreFlats Infrastructure: AerialCableways, DamWalls, Fences, MarineInfrastructureLines, MarineInfrastructurePoints, VerticalObstructions, WaterTanks, Yards, Conveyors, MineAreas, MinePoints, PetroleumWells and StorageTanks Terrain: Caves, Craters, DeformationAreas, Discontinuities, Pinnacles, SandRidges and Sands Transport: AircraftFacilityPoints, RailwayBridgePoints, RailwayCrossingLines, Railways, RailwayStopPoints, RailwayTunnelLines, RailwayTunnelPoints, BarrierPoints, FerryRouteLines, FootTracks, RoadCrossingLines, RoadCrossingPoints, Roads, RoadTunnelLines and RoadTunnelPoints Utility: Pipelines and Powerlines Vegetation: ClearedLines, CultivatedAreas, NativeVegetationAreas and Windbreaks

  • Melbourne Geelong LiDAR 2007

  • Map produced for the Australian Federal Police showing the logged positions of Vessel Immacolata on the 30th September and 1st October 2007 on a background on AUS808 and AUS809 and the Cable Protection Zone.

  • Re-examination of the Ordovician geology between Mandurama and Bigga in the Lachlan Orogen of central western New South Wales has produced new interpretations of the stratigraphy and structural geology. The Abercrombie beds have been previously inferred to comprise an Ordovician turbidite package with interbedded black shale bands. Although hampered by a paucity of fossil ages, new data suggest that the Ordovician geology of this region instead represents an imbricate stack of Lower Ordovician turbidites (Adaminaby Group) and Upper Ordovician black shales (Warbisco Shale). Structural data from the north of this region suggest that duplication occurred in a D1 event (with formation of broadly east-west to west-northwest-trending thrust slices or fold limbs) and was accompanied by formation of cleavage and isoclinal folds. Thrusting of the Adaminaby Group and Warbisco Shale over or under the Lower Ordovician Coombing Formation (southern part of the Molong volcanic belt) also occurred at this time. East-vergent imbrication and thrusting and formation of a regional near-meridional steeply west-dipping cleavage occurred in the D2 event, when D1 thrusts or folds were folded around overturned (east-vergent) D2 folds. These new data also suggest that there is a north-to-south gradient in the intensity of the D2 deformation, with D2 effects decreasing from south to north approaching the Lachlan Transverse Zone. Such a gradient mirrors similar but more subtle local changes from the north. Together, they imply that the Lachlan Transverse Zone was a major zone of weakness during north-south shortening that resulted in the formation of D1 structures but was relatively rigid in local areas during the regional D2 deformation that resulted from east-west shortening when it formed a major tear/accommodation zone. This D2 rigidity may be caused by strength imparted by the earlier emplacement of large (variably mineralised) intrusive/volcanic complexes along the transverse zone.

  • Geodata TOPO250K Series 3 Topographic Data - Horizontal Control Points (A point on the earths surface, of known elevation, above or below the Australian Height Datum (AHD66)). Series 3 contains a medium scale vector representation of the topography of Australia. The data include the following ten themes and 92 feature classes: Cartography: Annotations, CartographicLines, CartographicPoints, GraticuleAnnotations, Graticules, GridAnnotations and Grids Elevation: Contours, BenchMarks, HorizontalControlPoints and SpotElevations Framework: ProhibitedAreas, Reserves, FrameworkBoundaries, Islands, LargeAreaFeatures, Locations, Mainlands, Seas, GeodataIndexes and MapIndexes Habitation: BuildingAreas, BuildingPoints, BuiltUpAreas, CemeteryAreas, CemeteryPoints, Homesteads, PlaceNames, PopulatedPlaces and RecreationAreas Hydrography: CanalLines, Locks, RapidLines, Spillways, WatercourseLines, WaterfallPoints, Bores, CanalAreas, Flats, Lakes, PondageAreas, RapidAreas, Reservoirs, Springs, WatercourseAreas, Waterholes, WaterPoints, MarineHazardAreas, MarineHazardPoints and ForeshoreFlats Infrastructure: AerialCableways, DamWalls, Fences, MarineInfrastructureLines, MarineInfrastructurePoints, VerticalObstructions, WaterTanks, Yards, Conveyors, MineAreas, MinePoints, PetroleumWells and StorageTanks Terrain: Caves, Craters, DeformationAreas, Discontinuities, Pinnacles, SandRidges and Sands Transport: AircraftFacilityPoints, RailwayBridgePoints, RailwayCrossingLines, Railways, RailwayStopPoints, RailwayTunnelLines, RailwayTunnelPoints, BarrierPoints, FerryRouteLines, FootTracks, RoadCrossingLines, RoadCrossingPoints, Roads, RoadTunnelLines and RoadTunnelPoints Utility: Pipelines and Powerlines Vegetation: ClearedLines, CultivatedAreas, NativeVegetationAreas and Windbreaks

  • Melbourne 2007 LiDAR data was made up of several project areas that were funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria that results in the delivery of 1m DEM and 0.5m contours, captured and supplied by AAMHatch. The Port Phillip and Western Port LiDAR Project was acquired for several local government areas namely, Bayside (20 April 2007 and 1 May 2007, 1km tiles), Boorondara, Glen Eira, Kingston, Port Phillip and Stonnington. Brimbank City Council, inner suburbs including part of the CBD area, Yarra River and South Mornington Coast data is in 2km tiles captured between 20 April 2007 and 10 July 2007. The Melbourne - Geelong Corridor area was captured between 24 April 2007 and 29 July 2007 for an area of approximately 145 square kilometres in 2km tiles. The data has an overall horizontal accuracy of 35cm and a vertical accuracy has been confirmed at <10cm. The data are available as mass point files (ASCII, LAS, shp, MapInfo TAB) with a density of 0.8- 0.85 points per square metre and ESRI GRID files with 1m grid spacing and 0.5m inundation contours.