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An archive of data held in the original Corporate Data Store managed by a combination of GeoCat and GeoMet. It is envisaged that the data should be examined and either properly managed and catalogued or discarded. It was archive in 2010
Geoscience Australia (GA) has created a unique collection of 3D structural and geological models and model inputs for Australia and its near shore regions. Currently the collection contains a variety of 3D volumetric models and surfaces that were produced for specific projects at regional to continental scale. The approximately 40 regional scale models in the collection cover roughly 1/3 of the Australian continent. The models capture 3D stratigraphy and architecture, including the depth to bedrock and the locations of different major rock units, faults and geological structures. The geologic models represent the integration of geophysical surveys, seismic surveys, borehole data, field geology, and geochemical data, the majority of which will now be available through this and other RDSI collections. In their current form, the 3D models provide a valuable input to simulations of geological processes. However, the plan over time is to use the HPC capability at NCI and the large storage volumes available to dynamically integrate the various models and geological, geochemical and geophysical derivative products to then create a unified 3D model for the entire continent. Separately and then cumulatively, these models will provide an important new basis for describing and understanding Australia's geologic evolution and resource wealth. Currently there are no international open standards for the development and storage of 3D geological models, which is why they are difficult to integrate or stitch into nationally integrated data sets. The lack of consistency of the models means that each has to be transformed into formats compatible with existing HP modelling and simulation software. It is hoped that through exposing these 3D geological models into a HP collaborative environment that this will foster and accelerate the development of international standards and tools necessary for the assimilation of 3D geological models into a variety of HP programs. <b> Note: This record has been superseded by eCat 144629:</b> - <a href=""></a>
Gravity data measure small changes in gravity due to changes in the density of rocks beneath the Earth's surface. The gravity data collection contains both onshore and offshore data acquired on geophysical surveys conducted by Commonwealth, State & NT Governments and the private sector.
A collection of NetCDF files containing ground gravity point data that is organised by survey. The files are derived from the Australian National Gravity Database (ANGD), and formatted in such a way as to provide highly efficient, analysis ready data. The data covers the onshore Australian continent, and dates from 1947 until June 2019. Surveys acquired after June 2019 are not included in this collection, but are available via the Data & Publication search or the Geophysical Archiving and Data Delivery System (GADDS).
Thin sections of rocks collected during Geoscience Australia mapping programs over many decades. The collection preserves a physical record of samples for future reference by GA, industry and university researchers.
Survey Data captured after severe natural hazard events covering a range of hazards with specific attributes. This observational information is used as input data to assessing vulnerability to natural hazard, but is not made available in its raw form. <b>Value: </b>Used to assess impacts from natural disasters and thereby reduce future risks. <b>Scope: </b>Australia, data from Papua New Guinea, Indonesian province of West Sumatra (Padang) and New Zealand
The national standard lexicon of geologic units, including: age, lithology, geologic relationships for all Australian geological units, and a record of their use in literature. Links to Geological Provinces and Geological Maps. The collection is maintained by Geoscience Australia on behalf of the Australian Stratigraphy Commission, a standing committee of the Geological Society of Australia. <b>Value: </b>The lexicon standardises terminology for geologic units, thereby enabling integration of different geologic studies and datasets. <b>Scope: </b>Covers all Australian Territories, including Australia's Antarctic Territories. The database contains over 17,500 current stratigraphic names and over 36,000 variations, most of which are superseded, obsolete, or misspelt versions of the current names. The publicly accessible portion of this collection is made available through the Australian Stratigraphic Units Database (ASUD), the national authority on stratigraphic names in Australia and can be accessed here: <a href=""></a>
This data collection is comprised of radiometric (gamma-ray spectrometric) surveys acquired across Australia by Commonwealth, State and Northern Territory governments and the private sector with project management and quality control undertaken by Geoscience Australia. The radiometric method measures naturally occurring radioactivity arising from gamma-rays. In particular, the method is able to identify the presence of the radioactive isotopes potassium (K), uranium (U) and thorium (Th). The measured radioactivity is then converted into concentrations of the radioelements K, U and Th in the ground. Radiometric surveys have a limited ability to see into the subsurface with the measured radioactivity originating from top few centimetres of the ground. These surveys are primarily used as a geological mapping tool as changes in rock and soil type are often accompanied by changes in the concentrations of the radioactive isotopes of K, U and Th. The method is also capable of directly detecting mineral deposits. For example, K alteration can be detected using the radiometric method and is often associated with hydrothermal ore deposits. Similarly, the method is also used for U and Th exploration, heat flow studies, and environmental mapping purposes such as characterising surface drainage features. The instrument used in radiometric surveys is a gamma-ray spectrometer. This instrument measures the number of radioactive emissions (measured in counts per second) and their energies (measured in electron volts (eV)). Radiometric data are simultaneously acquired with magnetic data during airborne surveys and are a non-invasive method for investigating near-surface geology and regolith.
Geoscience Australia is responsible for the records and custody of Commonwealth aerial photography, acquired since 1928 up to the most recent analogue film capture in mid-1990s. Subsequent comparable information is available in the form of satellite imagery or direct digital aerial image capture. The majority of the landmass of Australia is covered by black and white photography at 1:80,000 scale. The near complete coverage was undertaken three times, in 1950s, 1960s and 1980s. Metadata about aerial photo surveys is recorded as flight diagrams on 1:250,000, 1:100,000 & 1:50,000 maps showing the approximate aircraft flight paths, selective depiction of photo centres, and other survey parameters. <b>Value:</b> Aerial imagery can be used to study change over time for land use, vegetation, environmental quality, etc. <b>Scope: </b>Images in the collection have been acquired since 1928 up to the most recent analogue film capture in mid-1990s. Subsequent comparable information is available in the form of satellite imagery or direct digital aerial image capture. The majority of the landmass of Australia is covered by black and white photography at 1:80,000 scale. The near complete coverage was undertaken three times, in 1950s, 1960s and 1980s.
Descriptions of and measurements from field sites and samples from geological (including regolith) surveys. <b>Value: </b>Used to constrained surface geology, important in resource exploration and understanding physical environment. <b>Scope: </b>Mapping surveys mainly in Australia, but also in Antarctica, Oceania and south-east Asia.