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  • Geoscience Australia contracted an airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey over the Frome Embayment, South Australia, under the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program. The Frome AEM survey was acquired using the Fugro Airborne Surveys (FAS) TEMPEST fixed wing time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) AEM system. The acquisition and processing of data were carried out by FAS under contract to Geoscience Australia. The Frome AEM survey consists of 32 300 line km, covering a total area of 95 000 km2 and was flown between 19 May and 2 November 2010. The survey was designed to deliver reliable, pre-competitive AEM data and scientific analysis of the energy resource potential of the Frome region of South Australia, including the flanks of the Northern Flinders Ranges, the Frome Embayment, the Olary Ranges and the northwestern Murray Basin. The survey data may also be used as an input to groundwater studies in the region. This presentation was given at a Frome AEM Workshop in Adelaide - November 2011.

  • This is a CD rom that enables users to obtain relevant information on how to invest in mineral exploration within Australia.

  • Processed seismic data (SEG-Y format) and TIFF images for the Gawler-Officer-Musgrave-Amadeus (GOMA) Deep Crustal Seismic survey (L190) acquired by Geoscience Australia (GA) in collaboration with AuScope and Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (PIRSA). Stack and migrated data for line 09GA-OM1 as well as CDP coordinates data. This 634 line km traverse follows the Alice Springs to Adelaide railway line begining near Erldunda in the Northern Territory and finishing near Tarcoola in South Australia. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • Processed seismic data (SEG-Y format) and TIFF images for the 2009 Southern Delamerian Seismic Survey (L193) acquied by Geoscience Australia, in conjunction with AuScope, Victoria Department of Primary Industries, and Primary Industries and Resources, SA (PIRSA). Stack and migrated data are included for lines 09GA-SD1 and 09GA-SD2, as well as CDP coordinates. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • Processed Stacked and Migrated SEG-Y seismic data and section images for the Georgina - Arunta Deep Crustal Seismic Survey. This survey was primarily funded through the Onshore Energy Security Program and was acquired in collaboration the Northern Territory Geological Survey. The objectives of the survey were to image the Georgina and Amadeus basins to enhance the knowledge of their petroleum prospectivity, and to investigate the uranium potential of the Arunta Inlier. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • Geoscience Australia conducted the Yilgarn-Officer-Musgrave 2D Seismic Survey. The survey involves the acquisition of seismic reflection over the Yilgarn Craton, Officer Basin and Musgrave Province of Western Australia. The survey consisted of one line, totalling 484.2 kms. The project is a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia and the Geological Survey of Western Australia and is part of the ongoing cooperation under the National Geoscience Agreement (NGA). Funding of this project is through the Western Australian Government's Royalties for Regions Exploration Incentive Scheme and Geoscience Australia's Onshore Energy Security Program. The primary objective of the project is to image the western Officer Basin, one of the Australia's underexplored sedimentary basins. In addition this survey will gather new data to improve the understanding of the Yilgarn Craton and its boundary with the Musgrave Province. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • OZCHRON is AGSO's national geochronology database. This documentation explains the database structure and includes definitions of the database tables and columns (attributes). It is provided with all purchases of OZCHRON data, but can also be purchased separately.

  • Processed seismic data (SEG-Y format) and TIFF images for the 2007 Isa-Georgetown Deep Crustal Seismic Survey (L184), acquired by Geoscience Australia (GA) under the Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP), in collaboration with the Queensland Geological Survey. Stack and migrated images and data are included for lines 07GA-IG1 and 07GA-IG2 as well as CDP coordinates and maps. Raw data for this survey are available on request from

  • The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) project was launched in 2007 as part of the Australian Government's Energy Security Initiative. Knowledge of the concentrations and distributions of chemical elements in the near-surface environment, used in combination with other datasets, can contribute to making exploration for energy and mineral resources more cost-effective and less risky. As a spin-off, the multi-element dataset can also have applications in environmental fields. During precursor pilot projects, various sampling media, grain-size fractions and analytical methods were tested. It emerged that catchment outlet sediments (from either overbank or floodplain landforms, or from similar low-lying settings) were an ideal sampling medium found across Australia. These sediments are well-mixed composites of the dominant rock and soil types of a catchment, and are typically fine-grained. Results from the pilot projects indicated that catchment outlet sediments could reflect geochemical signatures from basement and mineralisation, even through thick transported overburden. Building on these methods, the NGSA project targeted catchment outlet sediments as a uniform sampling medium. A shallow (0-10 cm) and a deeper (~60-80 cm) sediment sample was collected at the outlet of 1186 catchments covering ~80% of the country. Sampling was carried out by State and Northern Territory geoscience agencies following protocols described in the Field Manual and practiced during in-field training with Geoscience Australia project staff. All sampling equipment (augers, shovels, etc.) and consumables (bags, labels, etc.) were provided centrally. Dry and moist Munsell colours, soil pH, digital photographs, site information and GPS coordinates were recorded in the field. .../...

  • The Congararra 2 borehole was drilled approximately 73 km NNW of Bourke, NSW/ The borehole was designed to test aeromagnetic anomalies in the basement rocks, test the electrical conductivity properties of cover and basement rocks to validate airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data, and to test pre-drilling geophysical cover thickness estimates.