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The seismic survey was carried out at the request of the U.K. Ministry of Supply. The purpose of the survey was to disclose the geological structure and, if possible, the physical rock characteristics at the Maralinga testing ground. The 11,000 ft/sec layer at a depth of about 200 ft, probably a sandstone-shale formation, and the 19,000 ft/sec formation at a depth of about 1350 or 1800 ft (according to the method of computation used) were successfully mapped. The subsurface information to a depth of about 200 ft was derived mainly from shallow drill holes and up-hole shots. An experimental spread indicated a very low Poisson ratio for the sandstoneshale formation.
Prepared by the Military Geology Branch
A seismic reflection traverse was surveyed across the Perth Basin through the township of Gingin. The traverse was planned to give information on the thickness of the sedimentary section, the structure of the Basin, and the aplicability of the seismic method as a tool for both regional and detailed investigation. The traverse was chosen to cross a major negative gravity anomaly (-110 milligals at Gingin) and to cross the so-called "Hill River Fault". A considerable thickness of section was indicated (in excess of 17,000 feet) and tectonic structure, not apparent in the surface geology, was shown. A deep-seated anticline, the Gingin anticline, was discovered.
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
It appears that this product no longer exists. Copies are not held in the Library, and efforts to locate one externally have also been fruitless. This record will be retained only as proof of existence of the product at some time in the past.
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
No product available. Removed from website 25/01/2019