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The Ordovician age of the limestone at the Belubula River was recognized by the present writer from fossils collected by Mr. N.C. Stevens, University of Sydney. Thought, in the opinion of A.A. Opik, the first collection examined was completely convincing, Mr. Stevens approached the Chief Geologist, Dr. N.H. Fisher, early in 1951 for further support in the field. It was then decided that A.A. Opik, being responsible for the age-determination of the fossils from the Belubula River, Cliefden Caves area, would accompany Mr. Stevens on a field excursion to collect more evidence for the age of the limestones and to look for an occurrence of Silurian fossils in the same area. The results of this examination are given in this report, comprising a description of the Ordovician sequence, and a summary of the stratigraphy and correlation of the Ordovician Belubula River.
No abstract available
Nine samples of clays from Western Australia were received from R.S. Matheson for micropalaeontological examination. No microfossils were found in these clays. A description of these samples is given in this report.
Four days were spent in the area, observations being severely limited, firstly by lack of knowledge, on the part of the observer, of overall topography such as could be obtained from aerial photos or viewing the area from an aircraft and secondly by the dense fog which covered the area for the greater portion of the time spent there. Captain Fox of Q.E.A. had previously informed me that during the aerial inspection made by Mr. G.A. Taylor, three areas of "burnt" ground had been observed. Mr. Jones during his stay in the area had located two of those and in addition, two more minor areas. During my stay in the area those fumarolic areas were inspected and in addition, the third area located and inspected. The three major areas shall be referred to as the lower, middle and upper fumarolic areas.
This preliminary statement sets out briefly the results of a drilling campaign conducted by the Bureau in accordance with an agreement between the Mines Department of N.S.W., the Joint Coal Board and the Bureau. The area drilled totals about 120 acres in the Parish of Kahibah, Co. Northumberland, west of the town of Cardiff. The purpose of drilling was to test the westerly extension of the Australasian "seam" beyond the colliery workings and to define the potential open-cut site.
The Palaeozoic rocks of the Bonaparte Basin outcrop at the head and along the western side of Joseph Bonaparte Gulf and extend across the border between Western Australia and the Northern Territory. The Bonaparte Basin is the least known Palaeozoic basin in Australia, due partly to the remoteness of the area and the discouraging results of early coal explorations, and partly to the fact that the stratigraphical extent of the Palaeozoic sequence was only discovered in the last ten years. The Palaeozoic sequence so far established includes Cambrian, Ordovician, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian sediments which rest on a pre-Cambrian basement and which are overlain in places by a mantle of Lower Cretaceous sediments. The authors intend in this paper to give an account of Carboniferous and Permian sediments of the Basin, as far as present knowledge permits, with briefer mention of the Lower Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sediments of the area.
In January, 1951, samples of radioactive minerals stated to have been collected in the Mt. Kavanagh (Cavenagh) area, Central Australia, were submitted to the Bureau by Mr. Norman Ashmore. Two radioactive minerals were present, one apparently allanite, and the other a strongly radioactive mineral of composition similar to betafite. The opportunity was taken of the presence in Alice Springs of the geophysical party destined for Rum Jungle and the geological party destined for Maranboy to make a brief inspection of the area. Two days were spent in the area. This report gives an account of the investigations and their results.
The presence of bauxite on one of the Wessel Islands was established in 1949 when specimens of laterite collected from various parts of the Arnhem Land coast were analysed. In October, 1951, the writer spent two days on Marchinbar Island and examined several small laterite residuals and part of one large deposit. The characteristics and distribution of the laterite are discussed in this report.
Gravity observations were made at quarter-mile intervals along the road that joins Bullara and Giralia homesteads. This road crosses the northern end of the Giralia anticline normal to its axis. A seismic reflection profile, which is described in B.M.R. Record 1951 No. 62, has also been run along this road and it is possible to compare the gravity results with the seismic. Gravity station elevations were determined with an accuracy of within 0.1 of a foot and the gravity observations have been reduced to Bouguer anomalies using an elevation correction factor of 0.062 milligals per foot. The results are shown in the form of a profile on the accompanying plate. The surface profile is also plotted and the positions of some of the seismic shot points are shown alongside the gravity station numbers. These results are discussed in this report.
The present report summarises the progress in the study of Cambrian fossils from the Northern Territory and north-west Queensland. The material being studied consists of large collections made in the Barkly Tableland by members of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, and a selected set of fossils borrowed from the Australian Museum. In addition, a comparatively complete collection from the Ord River and Mt. Panton is available for comparison. This report provides an overview of the work being carried out. Brief summaries are provided of the present state of research done by A.A. Opik, and of papers planned by other authors.