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  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Seismic refraction velocities were measured in the Archaean or crystalline basement rocks at Mount Davies (SA) and Giles (WA) where the rocks are near the surface. Refraction velocities were measured in the Proterozoic outcrops of the Rawlinson Range and Lake Hopkins. Refraction velocities were measured in the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rocks at Lake Christopher, and in the Mesozoic rocks at Iragana Turnoff. Those velocities were used as a basis for a suggested correlation between refractors recorded at traverses between Signpost and Mount Beadell. Reflection tecniques, as tried 9 yielded fair reflections at Mount Beadell, and doubtful reflection alignments at trig. point NMF 19. It is likely that the sedimentary basin shows an increasing thickness of sediments from Signpost to Mount Beadell, At Mount Beadoll there is at least 6000 ft of apparently post-Proterozoic sediments. The thickness and degree of metamorphism of Proterozoic ratio below this have not been determined. Present evidence suggests an area of uplift under Lake Breaden.

  • The Undilla Basin, in north-western Queensland, is a small sedimentary basin containing Cambrian limestones which adjoin the widespread but undated CamoowJal Dolomite to the West. In the latter part of 1961 the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics did a brief reconnaissance seismic survey lasting about seven weeks in the Undilla Basin. This Record describes briefly the work done and results obtained. The occurrence of limestone near the surface throughout the basin presented difficult problems in the application of the reflection and refraction seismic methods but some progress was made towards the solution of these problems.

  • The Bureau of Mineral Resources'No. 2 seismic party conducted a Survey over the Palm Valley Anticline 80 miles west of Alice Springs, from 2nd November to 22nd November 1961. The seismic reflection method showed (a) the anticlinal structure existed at depth and (b) at the northern end of the main north-south traverse in the Missionary Plains north-dipping reflections were recorded from about 2500-ft depth. A shallow refractor was recorded in which the velocity Was 17,800 ft/sec. This refractor, which could not be positively identified, prevented, any useful deeper refraction information being recorded.

  • These documents have been scanned by the GA Library. Please refer to the document for contents.

  • pt. 1. Igneous and metamorphic -- pt. 2. Sedimentary rocks -- pt. 3. Igneous and metamorphic

  • The Overflow No. 1 Well was drilled on the South Moreton Anticline in Authority to Prospect 7lP, south-east Queensland, to a total depth of 2993 feet. The well drilled in Bundamba Sandstone to 310 feet, Ipswich Coal Measures from 310 feet to 1605 feet, and volcanic rocks of probable early Triassic or Upper Palaeozoic age from 1605 feet to total depth. Drilling operations commenced on 8th April, 1960, and the well was abandoned as a dry hole on 18th May, 1960. The drilling contractor was Mines Administration Pty Limited, Brisbane, and the rig used was a National Ideal 55. The operation provided for a programme of electric and mud logging, testing and coring. The well was abandoned short of the target depth of 6500 feet because of the hard drilling and poor petroleum prospects in the thick volcanic sequence. Minor oil and gas showings in the well were closely associated with coal seams.

  • Conorada Ooroonoo No. 1, located in the north-western part of Authority to Prospect 75P, Queensland, was drilled as an off-structure stratigraphic test by Conorada Petroleum Corporation. The contractor was Mines Administration Pty Ltd, and the rig used was a Sullivan 300A owned by the contractor. The well was spudded in on 20th July, 1960, and abandoned as a dry hole at total depth of 3852 feet on 23rd August, 1960. A complete section of Great Artesian Basin sediments was drilled and granitic basement penetrated at 3840 feet. The coring and sampling programme carried out enabled as much information to be obtained about the section as was possible.