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25% coverage to the SE 22-2/J54-4/4-4 Vertical scale: 150
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<p>Geoscience Australia conducted a deep seismic reflection test survey in the onshore portion of the Otway Basin in the southeastern part of South Australia and southwestern part of Victoria, from late October to early November 1991. The seismic test survey was undertaken to test the feasibility of recording deep seismic reflection data prior to commencing a major deep seismic reflection survey in the Otway Basin. A planned major deep seismic reflection survey by AGSO formed part of a National Geoscience Mapping Accord (NGMA) project to study the early development of the Otway Basin. The seismic reflection test survey operated for a period of three weeks, including mobilisation and demobilisation to the survey area, with five test sites occupied during the test survey. The seismic test sites were positioned to examine the feasibility of recording deep seismic reflections in areas with different outcropping rock types along the proposed main seismic lines. eMF seismic profiles were recorded along all five test lines, with uphole shoots, shot depth and charge size comparison tests performed at several of the sites. Good quality deep seismic reflection events were recorded at several of the seismic test sites. The seismic test survey was important in highlighting areas with difficult shothole drilling conditions, especially the palaeo-sand dunes along the SA-Victoria border, and the Tertiary shelly sands with shallow water table near Lake Bonney. A major seismic survey would require all shothole drilling rigs to be equipped with portable mudpits to enable shotholes to be drilled in the palaeo-sand dunes and shelly sands.<p><b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from clientservices@ga.gov.au - Quote eCat# 74948</b>
<p>In preparation for a National Geoscience Mapping Accord project involving a seismic survey planned for 1993, seismic tests were conducted on the Nullarbor Plain south of Cook to investigate the feasibility of imaging the sedimentary sequences and basement beneath the platform carbonates of the Eucla Basin, and to anticipate scientific and logistic difficulties associated with seismic acquisition on the Nullarbor Plain.<p><b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from clientservices@ga.gov.au - Quote eCat# 74950</b>
The objectives of hydrogeologically mapping the Murray basin were to generate a set of maps at 1:250 000 scale to: - show the influence of groundwater on land salinisation and surface water salinity - delineate useable groundwater resources - highlight present and potential salinity hazard and - enhance community awareness and understanding of groundwater systems and processes and provide a groundwater data-base for the Murray Basin to facilitate land and water resource management decisions. The production of the Murray Basin Hydrogeological Map Series was a major coordinated Government action in the management of groundwater to combat degradation through salinisation and enable sustainable land and water use in the Murray Basin. The Hydrogeological Map Series was a collaborative effort between the various water authorities of South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. Explaining this product in detail is an article by Evans, W.R. 1992, "The Murray Basin Hydrogeological Map Series", Water pp. 20-23.
The objectives of hydrogeologically mapping the Murray basin were to generate a set of maps at 1:250 000 scale to: - show the influence of groundwater on land salinisation and surface water salinity - delineate useable groundwater resources - highlight present and potential salinity hazard and - enhance community awareness and understanding of groundwater systems and processes and provide a groundwater data-base for the Murray Basin to facilitate land and water resource management decisions. The production of the Murray Basin Hydrogeological Map Series was a major coordinated Government action in the management of groundwater to combat degradation through salinisation and enable sustainable land and water use in the Murray Basin. The Hydrogeological Map Series was a collaborative effort between the various water authorities of South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. Explaining this product in detail is an article by Evans, W.R. 1992, "The Murray Basin Hydrogeological Map Series", Water pp. 20-23.
The objectives of hydrogeologically mapping the Murray basin were to generate a set of maps at 1:250 000 scale to: - show the influence of groundwater on land salinisation and surface water salinity - delineate useable groundwater resources - highlight present and potential salinity hazard and - enhance community awareness and understanding of groundwater systems and processes and provide a groundwater data-base for the Murray Basin to facilitate land and water resource management decisions. The production of the Murray Basin Hydrogeological Map Series was a major coordinated Government action in the management of groundwater to combat degradation through salinisation and enable sustainable land and water use in the Murray Basin. The Hydrogeological Map Series was a collaborative effort between the various water authorities of South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. Explaining this product in detail is an article by Evans, W.R. 1992, The Murray Basin Hydrogeological Map Series, Water pp. 20-23.
No abstract available