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  • The seismic reflection survey was undertaken by the Bureau of Mineral Resources on top of gravity and magnetic surveys in the Gippsland Lakes district, Victoria. The aim of the seismic survey is to convience the favourable structure to the accumulation of oil being present on the overlying Tertiary rocks. Two north-south traverses and one running east-west and crossing the other two were surveyed.

  • Existing sources of water supply are described. Proposals for improving the supply of town water are considered. Further investigations are recommended with respect to tapping the southern lobe of the local basin, surface conservation, underground water resources, and the selection of a possible dam site.

  • Wauchope wolfram field* is situated 260 miles by road north of Alice Springs, Northern Territory. Wolfram occurs in a series of quartz reefs the series is traceable over a strike-length of 3,000ft and the reefs are 6in. to i8in. thick. The main production has come from three reefs 12in. to 18in. thick. The field was discovered in 1917 and, from then until 1941, the deposits were worked at such times as tungsten prices were favourable (Fig. 2). Most of the mining was done on tributing basis, and the exploitation of the field was rather unsystematic. Production during that time was approximately 1,000 tons} of concentrate, obtained from an estimated 10,000 tons of quartz mined. Mining had ceased when the Commonwealth Government took over the field in April, 1942, and there were no accessible working faces. Employing Chinese labour, the Government drove 2,800ft. of exploratory and developmental adits, drives, and rises and stoped a small amount of ore. Five drill holes aggregating 1,108ft. tested the reefs ahead of the workings. The results of the testings were disappointing. It was found that payable Ore was largely confined to one shoot (Shoot A) with a maximum strike-length of 300ft and extending down-dip for 120ft. to 200ft. from which most of the ore had been extracted. The shoot occurs near the outcrop of the vein system, and the long axis is roughly parallel to the outcrop. Vein-contouring shows that it is situated in a structural basin in the beds and reefs (which are mainly parallel to the bedding) of 151 samples taken from the quartz remaining within the structurally favourable ground, the weighted mean content was 0.96 per cent WO, Ore from within the shootlimits yielded 1.2 per cent W0 3. On the basis of these figures it was estimated that, when the Government ceased mining at the end of 1943, 5,000 tons of quartz averaging 1.2 per cent recoverable W03 remained in Shoot A (Plates 4 and 5).

  • This Bulletin presents an account of the general geology, stratigraphy, structure, and mineral resources of the Brock's Creek district, Northern Territory. The general geological mapping of the district was carried out by the Aerial, Geological, and Geophysical Survey of Northern Australia in 1939, and a brief account of the results then obtained has been published (A.G.G.S.N.A., 1939). Some further mapping was carried out in 1950. The most important sedimentary rocks of the district are believed to be of Lower Proterozoic age and have been called the Brocks Creek Group (Noakes, 1949). They are dominantly argillaceous in type, but contain sandy formations as well as thin beds of conglomerate and limestone. Numerous sills of amphibolite, which are of igneous origin, are found within the sedimentary sequence. The sediments and interrelated amphibolites probably attain a thickness of 18,000 feet. Unconformably overlying the Brock's Creek Group is a comparatively thin formation of quartzite which is probably late Proterozoic, in age and is known as the Ruldiva Quartzite. Horizontally bedded Lower Cretaceous sandstone and shale up to 200 feet, thick is found capping mesas ill the district. In the north-eastern section of the area mapped is a concordant body of granite (Brock's Creek Granite), roughly circular in shape at the surface, and haying an average diameter of approximately six miles. A smaller area of concordant granite occurs near Mt. Shoobridge in the south-western portion of the area mapped. A discordant cross-cutting granite (Margaret Granite) cuts through the Brock's Creek sediments in the south-eastern portion of the district and exends for many miles to the south. The Buldiva Quartzite is only gently folded and is not intruded by igneous rocks, but the Brocks Creek Group has been subjected to considerable folding and faulting. The fold axes trend north-westerly or northerly, and marked cleavage has been produced parallel to the fold axes. The fine-grained sediments have been converted into schist in many places. Comparatively broad domal and basin-shape1 folds dominate the general structure of the district, but some anticlinal folds have been comparatively tightly compressed---e.g., the Howley Anticline. Within the 300 square miles of country mapped, it was found that deposits of gold and copper occur within, or close to, one formation, which may be repeated from place to place by folding and faulting. The favourable formation is a graphitic slate but is closely associated with a thin band of conglomerate and is normally associated also with sills of amphibolite. A limestone commonly occurs above or below the graphitic slate, but is lenticular in habit. Ore is commonly found in domal and anticlinal structures within these beds, especially near the more crenulated portions of the structure.

  • Samples from four bores in the Great Artesian Basin of New South Wales were submitted for micropalaeontological examination, by the Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission of New South Wales. These bores are Bore No. 8213, "Trenton" Coonamble, No. 8262, "Montrose", Dubbo, No. 8268, "Fair Oak", Dubbo, and No. 8272, Wanaaring, Bourke. The results of the detailed examination of these bores are given below.

  • The information presented in this paper was collected in 1947-8 by a combined scientific team composed of officers from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization and the Commonwealth Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, who carried out a reconnaissance of the natural resources of the Barkly Region. The subsurface water supplies and the geological features which assist in determining the characteristics of water supplies are discussed in this report.

  • A total of thirteen rotary cored bores were sunk by the Bureau approximately one mile south of the village of Teralba in the Parishes of Teralba and Awaba, Northumberland County. The Great Northern Seam in places is sufficiently thick for open cut mining but the coal is generally of very poor quality and the overburden to coal ratio much too high to warrant further drilling. Continued prospecting of the Fassifern Seam in this area is not warranted, because of the very poor quality of the coal in this seam. This report contains an account of the operations, and describes the results of the geological investigations. The results of drilling are detailed in the accompanying plates and bore logs.

  • Dr. M.F. Glaessner published his paper in Volume 88, No. 4, 1951 of this Journal in which he describes foraminiferal zones in the Tertiary of Australia and in which he summarises known and unpublished information on the Australian Tertiary sequence. A great deal of precise stratigraphic work has been done on the Australian Tertiary rocks in the past five years. Glaessner knew of this and it is regretted that he did not wait until the results of this work were available. Recent discoveries made since Glaessner's paper was prepared, have made necessary a drastic revision of the age correlations of the Victorian Stages and have emphasised the undesirability of prematurely publishing material based on investigations which are still in progress. A discussion of this paper follows herein.

  • The discovery of the heavy mineral deposit here described was made by the writer during the 1950 field season in Dampier Peninsula, when geological mapping of the area was carried out in conjunction with Mr. Hampton Smith, Consulting Geologist for Ampol Petroleum Co., Sydney. When traversing the southern west coast from Broome to Carnot Bay the writer noticed the presence of black-sand beaches in several places and he eventually took a sample from one of the best localities. When finalizing the report on the geology of the Peninsula, the writer asked for a detailed analysis of the sample. It was then discovered that it was composed mainly of ilmenite. The report provides an outline of the local geology and physiography. The location, composition, and extent of the deposits are discussed.

  • This report contains an account of the open cut coal investigations in the Cessnock Muswellbrook region. The area herein reported on is of 1.29 square miles, in the Parish of Howick, County of Durham. Twenty-two bore holes were sunk all of which, totalling 2,749 ft., were cored throughout. The conclusions herein reported are the result of field teamwork by two groups of the Bureau of Mineral Resources. The Petroleum Technology Party was responsible for all basic data obtained from boring. The Geological Party was responsible for locating boreholes, topographic surveying and interpreting and recording results inferred from the basic data. In addition, draughting, map compilation, and petrological and palaeontological determinations were carried out.