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  • This Bulletin describes the brachiopod fauna of the Devonian and Carboniferous (Frasnian to early Namurian) platform sediments of the Bonaparte Gulf Basin in northwestern Australia (Fig. 1). It is part of a comprehensive study of the Bonaparte Gulf Basin begun by the Bureau of Mineral Resources in 1963, and follows an earlier study by Thomas (1970), started in the mid-1950's, on brachiopods from the Carnarvon, Canning, and Bonaparte Gulf Basins. Thomas's material from the Bonaparte Gulf Basin, with the exception of that from the Septimus Limestone at Mount Septimus, came largely from samples collected in reconnaissance surveys. Other earlier work on brachiopods from the Bonaparte Gulf Basin includes that of Veevers (1959b) on rhynchonellids and a productacean, and Thomas (1965) on Delepinea. A comprehensive description of the Devonian and Carboniferous geology of the basin is given by Veevers, Roberts (1968).

  • Some experimental geophysical work was undertaken by the Bureau of Mineral Resources at the Moura Coalfield in Queensland in order to investigate the structure of coal seams which lie within 1000 feet of the surface. The aim of the survey was to evaluate the use of geophysical techniques for locating faults of small displacement. Most of the effort was concentrated on shallow seismic reflection techniques but additional techniques (magnetic, gravity, resistivity, electromagnetic and induced polarization) were used. The whole area of the survey was covered with a close-spaced grid of gravity and magnetic stations. A lesser effort was devoted to resistivity, electromagnetic, and induced polarization methods, the object being to take advantage of the opportunity to tryout these relatively inexpensive methods in the hope that they might give some indications of fault locations. These methods will be evaluated in a separate Record; this one deals- with the results of the seismic work. Encouraging results were obtained from seismic reflection work. The uppermost economic coal seam was mapped to within 300 feet of the surface and areas of faulting could be deduced from time differences and lack of continuity in reflections.

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • A seismic investigation of the eastern margin of the Galilee Basin in Central Queensland was made by the Bureau of Mineral Resources in 1971. A seismic traverse was recorded between Lake Galilee No. 1 well and outcrops of the Drummond Group 80 km to the east. This area is covered by Cainozoic sediments and no seismic network has been attempted before the present survey. The area is of economic interest, as oil was recorded in a drill stem test in Lake Galilee No. 1 well in Carboniferous sediments in the interval 2890 to 2910 m and there are coal measures in the Upper Permian. Knowledge of the structure of the basin margin to the east of the well could reveal oil traps and economically mineable coal deposits. For the other two Galilee Basin surveys, please see L106 and L108.

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Legacy product - no abstract available