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Bauxite deposits on Rosedale, Meadowbank and Riccarton Estates at Campbell Town were tested by shaft sinking and boring during November, and December 1946. Earlier than this the Tasmanian Mines Department has sunk a number of shafts on the deposits, mainly at widely spaced intervals. The work undertaken by the Aluminium Commission mainly consisted of testing between the shafts sunk by the Mines Department, so that the interval between the points tested was reduced to 200 feet or less. A few of the old shafts were cleaned out and re-sampled. The results of the tests at each estate are reported on.
Samples from 46 deposits of the known 76 occurrences of diatomite in Australia have been micropalaeontologically examined, and 27 genera of diatoms represented by 48 species have been identified from them. The distribution of these species in the various diatomites is given in Table II. The following tentative conclusions with regard to the suitability of Australian diatomites for filtration purposes are based on a study of the shapes and sizes of the contained diatoms,' in accordance with English and Californian experience. Extensive deposits of diatomite, which are dominated by the diatom Melosira and which are suitable for purposes other than filtration, are available in Queensland and New South W ales. Nevertheless, this type of diatomite is used successfully by Davis Gelatine (Australia) Ltd., as a filter medium. The commercial value of a diatomite as a filter aid, which depends on the amount necessary to give a perfectly clear filtrate, the speed of filtration, and the character of the press-cake and similar criteria, can only be satisfactorily determined by actual experiment. It is also necessary to establish a correlation between the characters determined by microscopic examination and actual filtration tests before a final conclusion can be stated.
A brief inspection was made of dolomite at two quarries near Mount Magnet on 2nd September, 1947. The report contains brief notes on the quarries and on the samples collected from these locations.
For nearly nine months of the year the river proper is confined to a narrow channel two to three hundred feet wide. During the remainder of the year, however, the river is subject to periodical floodings resulting from heavy tropical rain on its water-shed and for periods of a week of more at a time the low level bridge is covered by flood water. The dislocation of rail traffic which results from these periodical floodings has been a matter of serious concern to the Queensland authorities for many years and a decision was made to construct a high level rail and road bridge to replace the existing structure. Construction was commenced, but before it proceeded far, it was considered desirable that the depth of the bedrock, previously examined, should be established without doubt. In view of the uncertainty of the depth to be drilled and the very considerable difficulty in drilling through alternating layers of drift sand and boulder wash, a request was made by the Co-ordinator General of Public works for Queensland for a geophysical investigation of the site. A survey was carried out by the geophysical section of the Commonwealth Bureau of Mineral Resources during August and September, 1947. The investigation of the results is far from complete but the seismic method gave such concise results that this preliminary statement is justified. Geology, geophysical methods, results, interpretation, and testing are discussed in this report.
Notes on a small collection of opalized shells, bone fragment and specimen of precious opal from White Cliffs.
Palaeontological note on a rock sample from a bore which was sunk a few feet into a mud island, west of Pelican Point, Lake Victoria, Gippsland.
Report on a preliminary micropalaeontological examination of the samples, submitted by the Frome - Broken Hill Co. Pty. Ltd., on November 3rd, 1947, from the Northern Flinders Range area. The examination was made with a view to giving assistance to the reconnaissance work now in progress.
Bauxite deposits on Rosedale, Meadowbank and Riccarton Estates at Campbell Town were tested by shaft-sinking and boring during November and December 1946. Earlier than this the Tasmanian Mines Department had sunk a number of shafts on the deposits, mainly at widely spaced intervals. The work undertaken chiefly consisted of testing between the shafts sunk by the Mines Department so that the interval between the points tested was reduced to 200 feet or less. A few of the old shafts were cleaned out and resampled. The results of the tests at each estate are discussed in this report.
Approximately fifteen shafts were sunk near the eastern end of the Portion to depths of about 30 feet or more. The shafts were sunk from positions along the boundaries of a right-angled triangle with the east-west zero line for base, the 200E meridian for perpendicular, and the hypotenuse formed by the diagonal from 00/600W to 800N/200E. Two or three shafts have been sunk outside the triangle and none near the centre. This work has served to test thoroughly an area of not less than 400,000 square feet, equivalent to about 25,000 tons per vertical foot. The results of the work to date are discussed in this report.
Overview of general work, staff involvement, drafting, field work and laboratory work carried out for the month of October, 1947.