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  • How much easier it would be to map and quantify the key elements of the hydrological cycle if the Earth's surface was transparent! Unfortunately, this is not the case and it is this very inability to penetrate to sufficient depths to map and quantify groundwater components of the hydrological cycle that currently necessitates the integration of satellite- airborne- and ground observations. In Australia, important advances have been made in the last 3 years in quantifying key elements of the hydrological cycle. This has been achieved in part through the increased use of Landsat, MODIS, SPOT, hyperspectral, NOAA and LiDAR datasets to improve the mapping and quantification of surface water, evapotranspiration, soil moisture and recharge and discharge. However, significant limitations remain in using satellite-based platforms alone for quantifying catchment water balances, surface-groundwater interactions, groundwater resource estimation and managing groundwater dependent ecosystems. Increasingly, the need to map the key elements of the hydrological cycle to calibrate water balance models and for environmental management, is leading to the development of more holistic systems approaches, involving the integration of satellite-, airborne and ground-based techniques and measurements. One example is in the River Murray Corridor (RMC) in SE Australia, where previous attempts to assess the water needs for iconic floodplain wetland ecosystems, based largely on satellite-based measurements, did not adequately take into account sub-surface soil conditions and groundwater quality and processes. In floodplain environments such as the River Murray Floodplain, the factors that govern tree health are invariably complex, and include a wide range of biophysical and biogeochemical factors.

  • Four data formats are available for download, three vector (e00, mif, shp) and one raster (ecw).

  • Contains a medium scale vector representation of the topography of Australia. The data include the following themes: Hydrography - drainage networks including watercourses, lakes, wetlands, bores and offshore features; Infrastructure - constructed features to support road, rail and air transportation as well as built-up areas, localities and homesteads. Utilities, pipelines, fences and powerlines are also included; Relief - features depicting the terrain of the earth including 50 metre contours, spot heights, sand dunes, craters and cliffs; Vegetation - depicting forested areas, orchards, mangroves, pine plantations and rainforests; and Reserved Areas - areas reserved for special purposes including nature conservation reserves, aboriginal reserves, prohibited areas and water supply reserves.

  • Fresh groundwater resources are a highly valuable commodity, particularly in semi-arid to arid landscapes where annual precipitation is low and surface water is scarce. Water security, often achieved through the development of groundwater resources, is a high priority for rural communities within these water-limited landscapes. However this is often at the expense of the environment when alterations to the groundwater system, often in conjunction with drought conditions, can detrimentally impact floodplain and riparian vegetation structure and function. Remote-sensing methods can be used to detect such changes in vegetation. In this study, a multi-temporal Landsat Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) approach was used to detect changes in riparian and floodplain vegetation in the Lower-Darling floodplain, NSW, Australia. When integrated with surface and subsurface data, these changes provided insight into how surface water availability and subsurface geological and hydrogeological characteristics influenced vegetation distribution and behaviour at multiple scales. It was found that while the availability of water resources was the primary driver of changes in vegetation canopy dynamics, this availability was strongly influenced by both tectonic and hydrogeological processes. These findings were of particular importance when considering the suitability of groundwater development options and they have implications for future groundwater assessment studies.

  • Contains a medium scale vector representation of the topography of Australia. The data include the following themes: Hydrography - drainage networks including watercourses, lakes, wetlands, bores and offshore features; Infrastructure - constructed features to support road, rail and air transportation as well as built-up areas, localities and homesteads. Utilities, pipelines, fences and powerlines are also included; Relief - features depicting the terrain of the earth including 50 metre contours, spot heights, sand dunes, craters and cliffs; Vegetation - depicting forested areas, orchards, mangroves, pine plantations and rainforests; and Reserved Areas - areas reserved for special purposes including nature conservation reserves, aboriginal reserves, prohibited areas and water supply reserves.

  • Coastal lagoons are a type of estuary, which has highly variable assemblages of primary producer groups. A classification is derived distinguishing microphytobenthos-dominated, perennial and ephemeral submerged aquatic vegetation-dominated, and nutrient- and light-limited phytoplankton-dominated lagoons. The principle variables required for the classification are bathymetry, light attenuation and initial solar radiation, dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration and the area covered by ephemeral and perennial submerged aquatic vegetation. Biogeochemical processes and system-wide nutrient dynamics are inherently coupled to the distribution of primary producer groups, so that the classification provides inferences on water quality and ecosystem functioning for different lagoon types and supports the development of management plans and ecological status assessments. Four case studies representing different lagoon types from the temperate south-eastern and south-western coast of Australia are presented. It is demonstrated that the distribution of primary producer groups, and consequently the lagoon type, can be temporarily variable, e.g. as a function of seasonal solar radiation and light attenuation, the water level in a closed lagoon or the degree of eutrophication.

  • This project commenced in November 2012 and is intended to provide satellite data and related scientific services to support the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's monitoring of how the condition of riparian vegetation responds to changing river run-off and wetland inundation levels. Under this project, Geoscience Australia started to build a satellite data processing infrastructure; named the 'datacube', as a proof of concept for expected on-going time series analysis applications including historical flood and bathymetry mapping. The work incorporates an automated processing chain for Landsat satellite images from Geoscience Australia's extensive archive, into customised high level intermediate products, including automated ortho-rectification, atmospheric correction, cloud-removal, and mosaicking, and finally into statistics on the spectral and derivative indices (that is, vegetation condition indices or various types) for the summer periods of December-March, each year for the period 2000-2013. These vegetation indices and associate statistics are then used, by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority and its collaborators, as inputs to a mathematical model of vegetation types and their respective conditions within the Murray-Darling Basin.

  • At 1:15,000 scale, this map is larger than previous editions. It is printed on both sides, with the reverse portraying colourful photographs and text describing Norfolk Islands flora and fauna, history, things to do and see etc. This map is sold as a flat or folded product through Geoscience Australia`s Sales Centre or our map retailers, located throughout Australia.

  • Four data formats are available for download, three vector (e00, mif, shp) and one raster (ecw).