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  • 32 digital grids in ASCII format (lat, lon, value) resulting from the work titled "South Australia - Antarctica Conjugate Rifted Margins: Mapping Crustal Thickness & Lithosphere Thinning Using Satellite Gravity Inversion" are available for free download from Geoscience Australia web site as .zip file. Accompanied by comprehensive README file, and report in the .pdf format.

  • This data set comprises one of three archives of Geoscience Australia work in the project "A Consistent Approach to Groundwater Recharge Determination in Data Poor Areas". The project was carried out by CSIRO and Geoscience Australia and was funded by the National Water Commission Raising National Water Standards program. The data contained included Original data sourced for the project, Final data produced by the project, MXD's of maps created, and tools used within the project. The archives created for this project comprise: 1. Data archive. Data set stored in the GA CDS. Geocat Record number 79804 2. Adminstration and publication archive. Documents stored in TRIM Project P10/67 RECHARGE-DISCHARGE PROJECT 3. References archive. Endnote library located at \\nas\eg\water\References\Recharge_Discharge_Project.enl For more information about the creation of these archives, including the location of files, see TRIM D2014-102808 For more information about the project, see the following references: Leaney F, Crosbie R, O'Grady A, Jolly I, Gow L, Davies P, Wilford J and Kilgour P. 2011. Recharge and discharge estimation in data poor areas: Scientific reference guide. CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship. 61 pp (GA Record No. 2011/46 GACat # 71941) Jolly I, Gow L, Davies P, O'Grady A, Leaney F, Crosbie R, Wilford J and Kilgour P. 2011. Recharge and discharge estimation in data poor areas: User guide for the recharge and discharge estimation spreadsheets and MapConnect. CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship. 40 pp. (GA Record No. 2011/35 GeoCat # 71940) Pain, C.F., Gow, L.J, Wilford, J.R. and Kilgour, P. 2011. Mapping approaches to recharge and discharge estimation and associated input datasets. A report for CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship. (Professional Opinion No. 2011/01 GeoCat # 70392)

  • The Tsunami Data Access Tool (Tsu-DAT) is intended for use by the emergency management community to understand the offshore tsunami hazard for areas of interest around Australia and to access the large database of tsunami waveforms to generate the required input to a detailed tsunami impact assessment for a given community. The offshore tsunami hazard and resultant waveforms are a result of the probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment (PTHA) of Australia (Burbidge2008a). This assessment modelled thousands of synthetic tsunami to estimate the likelihood of a tsunami wave of a given amplitude occurring at an offshore location, defined at the 100 m depth contour. A database of tsunami waveforms at points along the 100 m depth contour around the Australian coast was created. The Tsu-DAT allows users to search this database and extract tsunami waveforms for events of interest. These waveforms are in a format that can be used to drive more detailed models of tsunami inundation and impact for communities of interest.

  • This data package includes all the Australian state and territory 1:1,000,000 scale surface geology digital datasets. For further information, see the following product catalog numbers: New South Wales - 65529 Northern Territory - 65048 Queensland - 65530 South Australia - 65199 Tasmania - 65531 Victoria - 65532 Western Australia - 65829

  • This data set contains gridded values for unit thickness, sand thickness, shale thickness and percentage, and porosity of an area in the Great Artesian Basin (GAB). The data was measured, calculated and reported in "Geology of the Cooper and Eromanga Basins, Queensland", Draper J.J., Qld Government - Natural Resources and Mines, 2000" (ISSN 1039-5555, ISBN 0 7345 2411 0) . This data forms a subset of the values reported in Draper 2000, with the subset containing the stratigraphic areas of interest to the GAB Water Resource Assessment.

  • The Vulcan Sub-Basin hydrocarbon shows analyses dataset contains: a) Depth based information regarding shows as exported from AGSO's RESFACS database, and b) Depth based information regarding lithology as exported from AGSO's PEDIN database.

  • Upper air observations (radiosonde data) for 44 stations across Australia. Earliest available data is from 1942 (Station 44021 - Charleville Aerodrome). Most recent data is generally November 2009, except for Broome (station 3003) which has data available to January 2011. Each file is a complete record for the station, with data stored in chronological order. In general, the data contained is temperature, dew point temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, pressure and geopotential height. More information is given in the files 'UA01D_Notes_*.txt'. The Excel spreadsheet 'Available_data.xls' lists the stations and the time range of available data for each station.

  • These data are one of a set of 13 that captures a consistent horizon and fault interpretation of approximately 35 000 km of regional, mostly deep, seismic reflection data recorded by AGSO along the north and northwestern continental margins of Australia between 1990 and 1994.

  • This dataset represents the results of the assessment of the potential for uranium and geothermal energy systems in the southern Northern Territory. Four uranium systems were targeted: 1) sandstone-hosted, 2) uranium-rich iron oxide-copper-gold, 3) unconformity-related, and 4) magmatic-related. These were assessed for using a 2D, GIS-based approach, and utilised a mineral systems framework. In addition to the uranium systems investigated, the potential for hot rock and hot sedimentary aquifer geothermal systems was also assessed. Only the results of the hot rock geothermal assessment are presented here, since the assessment for hot sedimentary aquifer geothermal systems is more qualitative in nature. The assessment for hot rock geothermal systems was undertaken in a 3D environment, with temperatures at depth predicted using the 3D GeoModeller software package.