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  • The geomagnetic observatory and geomagnetic repeat station network has collected geomagnetic time-series data over many decades from locations throughout Australia, off-shore islands, Antarctica, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the South West Pacific. This data repository includes raw digital instrumental data, absolute calibration observations, baseline files, processed data, software, scripts, information and reports from the observatory and repeat station network. The third order geomagnetic survey of Australia collected ground-based vector geomagnetic data across the Australian continent between 1967 and 1975. Raw and processed data, software and reports from the survey are included. Raw and processed data, plots, software and reports from compass swing site surveys and the South Magnetic Pole survey are also included in this data repository. Comments: Observatory and repeat station data are stored by year. Data are added intermittently as they become available. Path to repository //nas/cds/internal/geophysics/geomagnetism

  • A new high-resolution (100 m) bathymetric compilation of the Cape Darnley region in East Antarctica

  • Dataset for the Southwest Region Release area contains biostratigraphic, reservoir facies, and organic geochemistry from wells in the release region.

  • Dataset for the Southeast Region Release area contains biostratigraphic, reservoir facies, and organic geochemistry from wells in the release region.

  • From 1995 to 2000 information from the federal and state governments was compiled for Comprehensive Regional Assessments (CRA), which formed the basis for Regional Forest Agreements (RFA) that identified areas for conservation to meet targets agreed by the Commonwealth Government with the United Nations. These 3 CDs were created as part of GA's contribution to the SW Western Australia CRA. CD1 contains final versions of all data coverages, images and shapefiles used in the project. CD2 contains the final CRA report, Executive Summary, and associated maps and figures in Arcinfo (.gra), postscript (.ps) and Web ready (.gif) formats. CD3 contains the final Minerals Assessment report and associated maps and figures in Arcinfo, postscript and Web ready formats.

  • Hardcopy map was scanned in April 2002, using Intergraph MapSetter 6000 at 1:1 scale. Resolution 250 dpi. 24 bit true colour tiff. A geo-referenced grid was generated using MGE. ArcMap was used to warp the images using a 4 point affine warp. Geo-referenced images are available as 250 dpi and 125 dpi. Map extents 35?15' in North, 37?03' in South, 148? in West and 149? in East.

  • This record describes digital data compilation product, where several individual items are grouped for delivery on single CD-ROM. Content and number of items included in the compilation package can vary, depending on size of the individual items. The contents of this CD-ROM are as follows: Catalog # Title 31483 Vulcan Sub-basin geohistory modelling (Record 1999/40) 39676 Petrel Sub-basin geohistory modelling (Record 2002/17)

  • Airborne Electromagnetic data are being acquired by Geoscience Australia in areas considered to have potential for uranium or thorium mineralisation under the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP). The surveys have been managed and interpreted by Geoscience Australia's Airborne Electromagnetic Acquisition and Interpretation project. Three survey areas were recognised in the Pine Creek AEM survey area: Woolner Granite (TEMPEST), Rum Jungle (TEMPEST) and Kombolgie (VTEM). Industry paid for infill - all of this data has now been released to the public domain and is available at the GA website. In contrast to industry style deposit scale investigations, these surveys are designed to reveal new geological information at regional scale. The Pine Creek airborne electromagnetic data were acquired at line spacing's of between one and five kilometres, a total of 29 000 line km and covers an area of 73 000 km squared. The outcomes of the Pine Creek AEM survey include mapping of subsurface geological features that are associated with unconformity-related, sandstone-hosted and palaeovalley-hosted uranium mineralisation. The data are also capable of interpretation for other commodities including metals and potable water as well as for landscape evolution studies. The improved understanding of the regional geology resulting from the Pine Creek survey results will be of considerable benefit to mining and mineral exploration companies. This Data Package is for Archive to the internal area of the CDS and contains all data, grids, images, mxd, shape files, documentation, licenses, agreements, interpretations and scripts used to create the Pine Creek deliverables. At the projects completion (2012) all directories are required to be moved off the NAS. The reason to keep all the files is that more work is to be done on this data in the 2012-2015 period and these files may be needed in this future work.

  • Dataset of pre-release data suitable only for graphical representation of petroleum blocks defined under the OPGGSA2006. Block Product Description and Limitations document included. NOPTA.