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  • The flood risk in many urban catchments is poorly understood. Legacy stormwater infrastructure is often substandard and anticipated climate change induced sea level rise and increased rainfall intensity will typically exacerbate present risk. In a Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE) funded collaboration between Geoscience Australia (GA) and the City of Sydney (CoS), the impacts on the Alexandra Canal catchment have been studied. This work has built upon detailed flood hazard analyses by Cardno commissioned by the CoS and has entailed the development of exposure and vulnerability information. Significantly, the case study has highlighted the value of robust exposure attributes and vulnerability models in the development of flood risk knowledge. The paper describes how vulnerability knowledge developed following the 2011 Brisbane floods to include key building types found in the inner suburb of Sydney. It also describes the systematic field capture of building exposure information in the catchment area and its categorisation into 19 generic building types. The assessment of ground floor heights using the Field Data Analysis Tool (FiDAT) developed at Geoscience Australia is also presented. The selected hazard scenario was a 100 year ARI event with 20% increased rainfall intensity accompanied by a 0.55m sea level rise in Botany Bay. The impact from the selected scenario was assessed in terms of monetary loss for four combinations of vulnerability model suite (GA and NSW Government) and floor height attribution method (assumed 0.15m uniformly and evaluated from LiDAR and street view imagery). It was observed that the total loss is higher in the case of assumed floor heights compared to FiDAT processed floor heights as the former failed to capture increased floor heights for newer construction. However, the loss is lower when only two vulnerability models developed by NSW Government are applied for the entire building stock in the region as two models could not reliably represent the whole building stock.

  • At the request of Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C), Geoscience Australia (GA) prepared this report for the purposes of informing a National Security paper that highlights potential national security issues associated with climate change.

  • An assessment of the potential impacts of climate change on coastal communities has been undertaken in collaboration with the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE). This first-pass national assessment includes an evaluation of the exposure infrastructure (residential and commercial buildings, as well as roads and rail) to sea-level rise (SLR), storm surge and coastal recession. Some of the information contained in this report was included in the Department of Climate Change (now Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency) report "Climate Change Risks to Australia's Coast", published in 2009, and its supplement published in 2011.

  • Tropical cyclones pose a significant threat to islanders in the tropical western Pacific. The extreme winds from these severe storms can cause extensive damage to housing, infrastructure and food production, whilst low lying areas can be adversely affected by storm surge inundation. As part of the Pacific Climate Change Science Program (PCCSP), Geoscience Australia is assessing the wind hazard posed by tropical cyclones for 14 islands in the western Pacific and Timor Leste. The assessment will cover both the current climate as well as projections for future climate scenarios. Wind hazard maps are being generated using Geoscience Australia's open-source Tropical Cyclone Risk Model (TCRM) that applies a statistical-parametric process to estimate return period wind speeds. The climate projections are produced by applying this model to downscaled storm tracks from global climate models. Two types of downscaled tracks are used for the projections: tracks of tropical-cyclone-like vortices directly detected in dynamically downscaled climate simulations and tracks derived from GCM's using a statistical/deterministic model (Emanuel 2006). The presentation will provide an outline of the method applied.

  • The report presents a framework for assessng in quantitative terms the cost of the weather related hazards of severe wind, flood inundation, storm surge, bushfire and hail. It has been developed with reference to the risk assessment approaches used by the insurance and catastrophic loss modelling industry. For each hazard the specific data inputs to each component of the impacts framework are summarised as a list of implementation needs. Finally, the report identifies areas where impact models are immature or not readily available in the public domain.

  • Geoscience Australia is the national custodian for coastal geoscientific data and information. The organisation developed the OzCoasts web-based database and information system to draw together a diverse range of data and information on Australia's coasts and its estuaries. Previously known as OzEstuaries, the website was designed with input from over 100 scientists and resource managers from more than 50 organisations including government, universities and the National Estuaries Network. The former Coastal CRC and National Land and Water Resources Audit were instrumental in coordinating communication between the different agencies. Each month approximately 20,000 unique visitors from more than 140 countries visit the website to view around 80,000 pages. Maps, images, reports and data can be downloaded to assist with coastal science, monitoring and management. The content is arranged into six inter-linked modules: Search Data, Conceptual Models, Coastal Indicators, Habitat Mapping, Natural Resource Management, Landform and Stability Maps. More....

  • This project aims to improve the estimation of tropical cyclone risk in the Australian region by employing a numerical simulation approach based on a climate model. Climate models are the main tools used for predicting the effects of climate change, but usually they have employed resolutions too coarse to simulate reliably smaller weather systems such as tropical cyclones. In this work, a regional climate model of unprecedented fine resolution (the CSIRO regional model CCAM) will be implemented over the Australian region and an improved estimate both of present-day and future tropical cyclone hazard will be made. When combined with the results of a tropical cyclone damage model, new estimates of the tropical cyclone risk to infrastructure in northern Australia will be obtained

  • The Australian National Coastal Vulnerability Assessment (NCVA) has been commissioned by the Federal Government (Department of Climate Change) to assess the risk to coastal communities from climate related hazards including sea-level rise, storm surge and severe wind from tropical cyclones. In addition to an understanding of the impact/risk posed by the current climate, we have also examined the change in risk under a range of future climate scenarios considering a number of periods up to the end of the 21st century. In collaboration with state and local governments and private industry, this assessment will provide information for application to policy decisions for, inter alia, land use, building codes, emergency management and insurance applications. The understanding of coastal vulnerability and risk is derived from a number of factors, including: the frequency and intensity of the hazard(s); community exposure and the relationship with stressors; vulnerability related to socio-economic factors; impacts that result from the interaction of those components; and capacity of communities, particularly vulnerable communities and groups, to plan, prepare, respond and recover from these impacts. These factors and resulting impacts from hazard events are often complex and often poorly known, but such complexity and uncertainty is not an excuse for inaction. Given these limitations, the NCVA has been undertaken using the best information available to understand the risk to coastal areas on a national scale, and to prioritise areas that will require more detailed assessment.

  • We highlight the importance of developing and integrating fundamental information at a range of scales (regional to national to local) to develop consistency, gain ownership, and meet the needs of a range of users and decision makers. We demonstrate this with a couple of case studies where we have leveraged national databases and computational tools to work locally to gain ownership of risks and to develop adaptation options. In this sense we endorse the notion of combining top down and bottom up approaches to get the best outcome.