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  • The Ceduna Sub-basin of the Bight Basin is a frontier region containing only one exploration well. Therefore, our assessment of the distribution of potential source rocks in the area is based on an understanding of the regional sequence stratigraphic framework and the potential petroleum systems present, along with the regionsal palaeogeography, and geochemical data from onshore and the adjacent Duntroon Basin. Studies carried out by AGSO over the past three years suggest that the thick Cretaceous succession in the Ceduna Sub-basin contains a range of fluvio-lacustrine, deltaic and marine source rocks that have the potential to generate liquid hydrocarbons.

  • The carbon and hydrogen isotopic data of natural gases provide a crucial tool to interpret the origin, occurrence and inter-relationships of natural gases. The CF-GC-IRMS is a convenient system to separate gas mixture and obtain continuous, on-line isotopic data of individual compounds. With CF-GC-IRMS system, the abundance of target components is crucial. For an accurate result, there should be enough target compound going through the furnace to be measured as CO2 using isotopic ratio mass spectrometry. For carbon isotopes, a m/z 44 response below 0.3 V (or over 7V) is regarded as unreliable. For high abundant compounds, there is no difficulty in attaining a voltage over 0.3V with a normal injection of under 100ul with adjusted split flow. However, the acquisition for the low concentration component is problematic since "normal" injection would not produce a strong enough signal. In this presentation, we demonstrated the techniques used to obtain low concentration components occurring in the Australian natural gases and how we apply the results in gas comparison studies. Cryogenics (liquid nitrogen trap) is applied to trap and concentrate low amount of compounds other than methane (C1), including CO2, C2 and above. With this method, extreme low concentration of C2 from very dry gases was obtained with large volume injection of 10ml. Back-flash is used together with cryogenics. For analyses for only C4 and C5 compounds, cryogenics was not needed, since they focus at the front of the column at 40oC and elute from the column under oven temperature programming as single peaks. Neo-pentane (neo-C5) is generally the least abundant wet gas component. Its concentration is enhanced in the gases which are biodegraded, wherein the other gas components have been selectively removed by microbial activity. Neo-pentane is extremely resistant to biodegradation and shows no isotopic alteration even in severely biodegraded gas. In such cases, neo-C5 is the only gas component that can be confidently used in gas-gas correlation. Neo-pentane is an example where we employ injection of a large volume (e.g. to 40ml for hydrogen isotopes), combining a back-flashing technique for compounds eluting before C4 (inclusive) and C5 compounds. The neo-C5 elutes between nC4 and i-C5. Under the current GC conditions, there is a time "window" of less than 40 seconds to capture neo-C5. A manual operation to set back-flash to straight flow to allow capture neo-C5 just after n-C4 elutes and then back to back-flush to eliminate interference of C5's compounds. Mass balance estimation indicates that there is no loss of neo-C5 during the large volume injection and repeatability is excellent.

  • The Oils of Western Australia II report summarises the findings of a collaborative research program between Geoscience Australia and GeoMark Research undertaken on the petroleum geochemistry of crude oils and condensates discovered within the basins of western Australia and the Papuan Basin, Papua New Guinea prior to March 2000. The interpretations documented herein build on research that Geoscience Australia and GeoMark Research undertook previously in The Oils of Western Australia (AGSO and GeoMark, 1996) and The Oils of Eastern Australia (Geoscience Australia and GeoMark, 2002) studies. To make informed decisions regarding Australia's petroleum resources, it is important to understand the relationship between the liquid hydrocarbons within and between basins. This Study has geochemically characterised the liquid hydrocarbon accumulations of western Australian basins and the Papuan Basin into genetically related families. From a total of 316 samples, 33 oil/condensate families were identified in the western Australian basins; Bonaparte (10), Browse (2), Canning (4), Carnarvon (11) and Perth (6), as well as some vagrant and contaminated samples. Three oil/condensate families were recognised in the Papuan Basin. The geographic distribution of each oil/condensate family is mapped within each basin/sub-basin. Using the geochemical characteristics of each family, the nature of their source facies, thermal maturity level and degree of preservation has been determined. This Study used a set of standardised geochemical protocols that include bulk geochemical (API gravity, elemental analysis of nickel, vanadium and sulphur), molecular (gas chromatography of the whole-oil and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of the saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons) and bulk stable carbon isotopic analyses. n-Alkane-specific 13C isotopic analyses were carried out on only a selected set of oils and condensates. Statistical analyses were performed on these data using the software Pirouette provided by Infometrix. In addition to this report, the geochemical data acquired for the crude oils and condensates in this Study are provided in the accompanying Microsoft Access2000 database. These data may be viewed spatially and plotted on x-y cross-plots in the charting application included in the ESRI Australia GIS ArcView3.2 georeferencing package that also accompanies this report.

  • The molecular composition of fluid inclusion (FI) oils from Leander Reef-1, Houtman 1 and Gage Roads-2 provide evidence of the origin of palaeo-oil accumulations in the offshore Perth Basin. These data are complemented by compound specific isotope (CSI) profiles of n-alkanes for the Leander Reef-1 and Houtman-1 samples, which were acquired on purified n-alkane fractions gained by micro-fractionation of lean FI oil samples, showing the technical feasibility of this technique. The Leander Reef-1 FI oil from the top Carynginia Formation shares many biomarker similarities with oils from the Dongara and Yardarino oilfields, which have been correlated with the Early Triassic Kockatea Shale. However, the heavier isotopic values for the C15-C25 n-alkanes in the Leander Reef-1 FI oil indicate that it is a mixture, and suggest that the main part of this oil (~90%) was sourced from the more terrestrial and isotopically heavier Early Permian Carynginia Formation or Irwin River Coal Measures. This insight would have been precluded when looking at molecular evidence alone. The Houtman-1 FI oil from the top Cattamarra Coal Measures (Middle Jurassic) was sourced from a clay-rich, low sulphur source rock with a significant input of terrestrial organic matter, deposited under oxic to suboxic conditions. Biomarkers suggest sourcing from a more prokaryotic-dominated facies than for the other FI oils, possibly a saline lagoon. The Houtman-1 FI oil ?13C CSI data are similar to data acquired on the Walyering-2 oil. Possible lacustrine sources include the Early Jurassic Eneabba Formation or the Late Jurassic Yarragadee Formation. The low maturity Gage Roads-2 FI oil from the Carnac Formation (Early Cretaceous) was derived from a strongly terrestrial, non-marine source rock containing a high proportion of Araucariacean-type conifer organic matter. It has some geochemical differences to the presently reservoired oil in Gage Roads-1, and was probably sourced from the Early Cretaceous Parmelia Formation.

  • A prospectivity assessment of the offshore northern Perth Basin, Western Australia, was undertaken as part of the Australian Goverment's Offshore Energy Security Program.

  • This is a collection of conference program and abstracts presented at AOGC 2010, Canberra.

  • D/H ratios of terrestrially-sourced whole oils and their respective saturated, aromatic, and polar fractions, individual n-alkanes, formation waters and non-exchangeable hydrogen in kerogen were measured from source rocks from seven Australian petroleum basins. Data for 75 oils and condensates, their sub-fractions, and 52 kerogens indicate that oil sub-fractions have deltaD values comparable to deltaDoil, with a deltadeltaD offset (deltaDkerogen - deltaDoil) averaging ca. 23?. The weighted-average deltaD of individual n-alkanes is usually identical to deltaDoil and deltaDsaturate. A trend of increasing deltaD with n-alkane chain length in most oils causes individual n-alkanes from an oil to vary in deltaD by 30? or more. A modest correlation between deltaD for aromatic sub-fractions and formation waters indicates that about 50% of aromatic C-bound H has exchanged with water. In contrast, deltaDoil and deltaDsaturated show no evidence for H-exchange with formation water under reservoir conditions at temperatures up to 150 oC. Acyclic isoprenoids and n-alkanes show essentially indistinguishable deltaD, indicating that primary isotopic differences from biosynthesis have been erased. Overall, extensive exchange of C-bound H in petroleum with other hydrogen is apparent, but seems to have affected most hydrocarbons only during their chemical genesis from precursor molecules. Our isotopic findings from terrestrial-sourced oils should be qualitatively relevant for marine oils as well.

  • Basin evolution of the Vlaming Sub-basin and the deep-water Mentelle Basin, both located offshore on the southwest Australian continental margin, were investigated using 2D and 3D petroleum system modelling. Compositional kinetics, determined on the main source sequences, were used to predict timing of hydrocarbon generation and migration as well as GOR evolution and phase behaviour in our 2D and 3D basin models. The main phase of petroleum generation in the Vlaming Sub-basin occurred at 150 Ma and ceased during following inversion and erosion episodes. Only areas which observed later burial have generated additional hydrocarbons during the Tertiary and up to present day. The modelling results indicate the likely generation and trapping of light oils for the Jurassic intervals for a variety of structural traps. It is these areas which are of greatest interest from an exploration point of view. The 2D numerical simulations in the Mentelle Basin indicate the presence of active hydrocarbon generating kitchen areas. Burial histories and generalized petroleum evolutionary histories are investigated.

  • Launched in 2003, the Geoscience Australia National Petroleum Wells Database web site has proven an extremely useful tool for petroleum explorers wishing to access scientific and well header data for Australian petroleum exploration wells. This web site provides access to comprehensive databases representing over 100 person years of data entry by geologists, geochemists, biostratigraphers and technical staff. The databases contain information that includes well header data, biostratigraphic picks, reservoir and facies data (porosities, permeabilities, hydrocarbon shows and depositional environments), organic geochemistry data (Rock-Eval pyrolysis, molecular and isotopic analyses), and organic petrological data (vitrinite reflectance, maceral analyses). A major revision of the web site will be released at APPEA 2006. The revised web site has many improved features in response to industry and government client needs. These features include: 1 Easy retrieval of Acreage Release data, 2 An improved map for spatial searching and display of data, 3 Ability to retrieve age restricted and isopach data for many data types in the database, 4 Query and produce multiple summary reports (including graphs) for wells, 5 Generation of multiple oil and gas reports for wells, 6 Links to scanned documentation, and 7 Improved graphical displays of data.