Remote sensing
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Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Kutser, T., Dekker, A. G., Skirving, W. (2003) Modeling spectral discrimination of Great Barrier Reef benthic communities by remote sensing instruments. Limn.& Oceanogr. 48: p 497-510. For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Perez, DI et al. (2018): Primary Production and Calcification Rates of Algae-Dominated Reef Flat and Seagrass Communities. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123(8), 2362-2375, Publication: Perez, Denise Ivette; Phinn, Stuart R; Roelfsema, Christiaan M; Shaw, Emily; Johnston, Lyza; Iguel, John (2017): GPS measurements at Shark Bay, Heron Island. University of Queensland, Brisbane, PANGAEA, For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Rodney Borrego-Acevedo, Chris M. Roelfsema, Stuart R. Phinn & Alistair R. Grinham (2014) Predicting distribution of microphytobenthos abundance on a reef platform by combining in situ underwater spectrometry and pigment analysis, Remote Sensing Letters, 5:5, 461-470, DOI: 10.1080/2150704X.2014.922723 For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Dekker, A.G., Brando, V.E., Anstee, J.M., Marks, A., Phinn, S., Roelfsema, C. Scarth, P., (2005). Final Report – Fitzroy Estuary and Port Curtis Remote Sensing Tasks (FE2 and PC2). Dekker, A.G. and Phinn, S (eds), Published by the CRC for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management, Indooroopilly, Qld, Australia. For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Blackburn, D. T, and Dekker, A. G. (2007). “Remote sensing study of marine and coastal features and interpretation of changes in relation to natural and anthropogenic processes. Final Technical Report”. ACWS Technical Report No.6 prepared for the Adelaide Coastal Waters Study Steering Committee, July 2007 David Blackburn Environmental Pty Ltd and CSIRO Land and Water. For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Botha, E.J., Dekker, A.G., and Park, Y.J. (2009) Remote sensing of previously unmapped marine habitats on the south coast of Western Australia; National Research Flagship Wealth from Oceans Report to WA-DEC, WA South Coast NRM, WA South West Catchments Council. Canberra, Australia, pp: 53. For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Phinn, S. Roelfsema, C. Scarth, P., Dekker, A.G., Brando, V.E., Anstee, J.M. and Marks, A., (2005) An integrated remote sensing approach for adaptive management of complex coastal waters. Final Report – Moreton Bay Remote Sensing Tasks (MR2). Phinn, S. and Dekker, A.G (eds), Published by the CRC for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management, Indooroopilly, Qld, Australia Publication: Dekker A.G., Phinn S.R., Anstee J.M., Bissett P. Brando V.E., Casey B., Fearns P., Hedley J., Klonowski W., Lee Z.P., Lynch M., Lyons M., Mobley C. and Roelfsema C. (2011) Intercomparison of shallow water bathymetry, hydro-optics and benthos mapping techniques in Australian and Caribbean coastal environments; Limnology & Oceanography Methods. 9:pp 396-425. | For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL:
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: