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Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Monk, J., Pope, A., Ierodiaconou, D., Otera, K. & Mount, R. (2011) Corner Inlet and Nooramunga Habitat Mapping Project; Deakin University, Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia. For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Perez, DI et al. (2018): Primary Production and Calcification Rates of Algae-Dominated Reef Flat and Seagrass Communities. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123(8), 2362-2375, https://doi.org/10.1029/2017JG004241 Publication: Perez, Denise Ivette; Phinn, Stuart R; Roelfsema, Christiaan M; Shaw, Emily; Johnston, Lyza; Iguel, John (2017): GPS measurements at Shark Bay, Heron Island. University of Queensland, Brisbane, PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.874686 For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Botha, E.J., Dekker, A.G., and Park, Y.J. (2009) Remote sensing of previously unmapped marine habitats on the south coast of Western Australia; National Research Flagship Wealth from Oceans Report to WA-DEC, WA South Coast NRM, WA South West Catchments Council. Canberra, Australia, pp: 53. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12142247 For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Rodney Borrego-Acevedo, Chris M. Roelfsema, Stuart R. Phinn & Alistair R. Grinham (2014) Predicting distribution of microphytobenthos abundance on a reef platform by combining in situ underwater spectrometry and pigment analysis, Remote Sensing Letters, 5:5, 461-470, DOI: 10.1080/2150704X.2014.922723 For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Roelfsema, Christiaan M; Phinn, Stuart R; Joyce, Karen (2016): Spectral reflectance library of algal, seagrass and substrate types in Moreton Bay, Australia. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.864316 Publication: Roelfsema, Christiaan M; Phinn, Stuart R; Dennison, William C; Dekker, Arnold G; Brando, Vittorio E (2006): Monitoring toxic cyanobacteria Lyngbya majuscula (Gomont) in Moreton Bay, Australia by integrating satellite image data and field mapping. Harmful Algae, 5(1), 45-56, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hal.2005.05.007 For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Dekker, A. G., Byrne, G. T., Brando, V. E., and Anstee, J. M. (2002) Hyperspectral mapping of intertidal rock platform vegetation as a tool for adaptive management. Canberra, ACT, Australia, CSIRO land & Water. Technical Report 9 For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Harvey MJ (2009) Development of techniques to classify marine benthic habitats using hyperspectral imagery in oligotrophic, temperate waters [PhD thesis p280]. Perth, Western Australia: Murdoch University. 280 p. For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database