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  • 1. Blevin et al.:Hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Bight Basin - petroleum systems analysis in a frontier basin 2. Boreham et al : Geochemical Comparisons Between Asphaltites on the Southern Australian Margin and Cretaceous Source Rock Analogues 3. Brown et al: Anomalous Tectonic Subsidence of the Southern Australian Passive Margin: Response to Cretaceous Dynamic Topography or Differential Lithospheric Stretching? 4. Krassay and Totterdell : Seismic stratigraphy of a large, Cretaceous shelf-margin delta complex, offshore southern Australia 5. Ruble et al : Geochemistry and Charge History of a Palaeo-Oil Column: Jerboa-1, Eyre Sub-Basin, Great Australian Bight 6. Struckmeyer et al : Character, Maturity and Distribution of Potential Cretaceous Oil Source Rocks in the Ceduna Sub-Basin, Bight Basin, Great Australian Bight 7. Struckmeyer et al: The role of shale deformation and growth faulting in the Late Cretaceous evolution of the Bight Basin, offshore southern Australia 8. Totterdell et al : A new sequence framework for the Great Australian Bight: starting with a clean slate 9. Totterdell and Bradshaw : The structural framework and tectonic evolution of the Bight Basin 10. Totterdell and Krassay : The role of shale deformation and growth faulting in the Late Cretaceous evolution of the Bight Basin, offshore southern Australia

  • Abstract for initial submission, pending acceptance by convention technical program committee.

  • The Lower Darling Valley (LDV) Cenozoic sequence contains Paleogene and Neogene shallow marine and shoreline as well as fluvial and shoreline sediments overlain by Quaternary lacustrine, aeolian and fluvial units. Recent investigations in the LDV using multiple datasets have provided new insights into the nature of post-Blanchetown Clay Quaternary fluvial deposition which differs to the Mallee and Riverine Plain regions elsewhere in the Murray Basin. In the LDV Quaternary fluvial sequence, multiple scroll-plain tracts are incised into higher, older and more featureless floodplain terrain. Prior to this study, these were respectively correlated to the Coonambidgal and Shepparton Formations of the Riverine Plain in the eastern Murray Basin. These formations were originally associated with the subsequently discarded Prior Stream/Ancestral River chronosequence of different climatically controlled depositional styles. In contrast to that suggestion, we ascribe all LDV Quaternary fluvial deposition to lateral-migration depositional phases of one style, though with variable stream discharges and channel and meander-scroll dimensions. Successively higher overbank-mud deposition through time obscures scroll traces and provides the main ongoing morphologic difference. A new morphostratigraphic unit, the Menindee Formation, refers to mostly older and higher floodplain sediments, where scroll traces are obscured by overbank mud which continues to be deposited by the highest modern floods. Younger inset scroll-plain tracts, with visible scroll-plain traces, are still referred to as the Coonambidgal Formation. Another new stratigraphic unit, the Willotia beds, refers to even older fluvial sediments, now above modern floodplain levels and mostly covered by aeolian sediments.

  • Speculation is increasing that Proterozoic eastern Australia and western Laurentia represent conjugate rift margins formed during breakup of the NUNA supercontinent and thus share a common history of rift-related basin formation and magmatism. In Australia, this history is preserved within three stacked superbasins formed over 200 Myr in the Mount Isa region (1800-1750 Ma Leichhardt, 1730-1670 Ma Calvert and 1670-1575 Ma Isa), elements of which extend as far east as Georgetown. The Mount Isa basins developed on crystalline basement of comparable (~1840 Ma) age to that underlying the Paleoproterozoic Wernecke Supergroup and Hornby Bay Basin in NW Canada which share a similar tripartite sequence stratigraphy. Sedimentation in both regions was accompanied by magmatism at 1710 Ma, further supporting the notion of a common history. Basin formation in NW Canada and Mount Isa both concluded with contractional orogenesis at ~1600 Ma. Basins along the eastern edge of Proterozoic Australia are characterised by a major influx of sediment derived from juvenile volcanic rocks at ~1655 Ma and a significant Archean input, as indicated by Nd isotopic and detrital zircon data. A source for both these modes is currently not known in Australia although similar detrital zircon populations are documented in the Hornby Bay Basin, and in the Wernecke Supergroup, and juvenile 1660-1620 Ma volcanism occurs within Hornby Bay basin NW Canada. These new data are most consistent with a northern SWEAT-like tectonic reconstruction in a NUNA assembly thus giving an important constraint on continental reconstructions that predate Rodinia.

  • Summary of forward gravity and flexure modelling of the New Caledonia Trough to highlight temporal variations in lithospheric rigidity during its evolution.

  • This study explored the full potential of high-resolution multibeam data for an automatic and accurate mapping of complex seabed under a predictive modelling framework. Despite of the extremely complex distributions of various hard substrata at the inner-shelf of the study area, we achieved a nearly perfect prediction of 'hard vs soft' classification with an AUC close to 1.0. The predictions were also satisfactory for four out of five sediment properties, with R2 values range from 0.55 to 0.73. In general, this study demonstrated that both bathymetry and backscatter information (from the multibeam data) should be fully utilised to maximise the accuracy of seabed mapping. From the modelled relationships between sediment properties and multibeam data, we found that coarser sediment generally generates stronger backscatter return and that deeper water with its low energy favours the deposition of mud content. Sorting was also found to be a better sediment composite property than mean grain size. In addition, the results proved one again the advantages of applying proper feature extraction approaches over original backscatter angular response curves.

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Many aspects of the evolution and overall architecture of the Australian southern rifted margin are consistent with current models for the development of non-volcanic rifted margins. However, when examined in detail, several key features of the southern margin provide useful points of comparison with the Atlantic and Alpine Tethyan margins from which these models derive. Extensive petroleum industry and government seismic and geophysical data sets have enabled detailed mapping of the basins of the southern margin and an improved understanding of its tectonostratigraphic evolution. Australia's southern rifted continental margin extends for over 4000 km, from the structurally complex margin south of the Naturaliste Plateau in the west, to the transform plate boundary adjacent to the South Tasman Rise in the east. The margin contains a series of Middle Jurassic to Cenozoic basins-the Bight, Otway, Sorell, Gippsland and Bass basins, and smaller depocentres on the South Tasman Rise (STR). These basins, and the architecture of the margin, evolved through repeated episodes of extension and thermal subsidence leading up to, and following, the commencement of sea-floor spreading between Australia and Antarctica. Break-up took place diachronously along the margin, commencing in the west at ~83 Ma and concluding in the east at ~ 34 Ma. In general, break-up was not accompanied by significant magmatism and the margin is classified as 'non-volcanic' (or magma-poor). Initial NW-SE ultra-slow to slow seafloor spreading (latest Santonian-Early Eocene), followed by N-S directed fast spreading (Middle Eocene-present), resulted in: (1) an E-W oriented obliquely- to normally-rifted marginal segment extending from the westernmost Bight Basin to the central Otway Basin; (2) an approximately N-S oriented transform continental margin in the east (western Tasmania-STR), and (3) a transitional zone between those end-members (southern Otway-Sorell basins).