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Legacy product - no abstract available
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Legacy product - no abstract available
The Overflow No. 1 Well was drilled on the South Moreton Anticline in Authority to Prospect 7lP, south-east Queensland, to a total depth of 2993 feet. The well drilled in Bundamba Sandstone to 310 feet, Ipswich Coal Measures from 310 feet to 1605 feet, and volcanic rocks of probable early Triassic or Upper Palaeozoic age from 1605 feet to total depth. Drilling operations commenced on 8th April, 1960, and the well was abandoned as a dry hole on 18th May, 1960. The drilling contractor was Mines Administration Pty Limited, Brisbane, and the rig used was a National Ideal 55. The operation provided for a programme of electric and mud logging, testing and coring. The well was abandoned short of the target depth of 6500 feet because of the hard drilling and poor petroleum prospects in the thick volcanic sequence. Minor oil and gas showings in the well were closely associated with coal seams.
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