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This web service delivers metadata for onshore active and passive seismic surveys conducted across the Australian continent by Geoscience Australia and its collaborative partners. For active seismic this metadata includes survey header data, line location and positional information, and the energy source type and parameters used to acquire the seismic line data. For passive seismic this metadata includes information about station name and location, start and end dates, operators and instruments. The metadata are maintained in Geoscience Australia's onshore active seismic and passive seismic database, which is being added to as new surveys are undertaken. Links to datasets, reports and other publications for the seismic surveys are provided in the metadata.
This web service depicts potential geological sequestration sites and has been compiled as part of the Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre's GEODISC program (1999-2002).
The Source Rock and Fluids Atlas delivery and publication services provide up-to-date information on petroleum (organic) geochemical and geological data from Geoscience Australia's Organic Geochemistry Database (ORGCHEM). The sample data provides the spatial distribution of petroleum source rocks and their derived fluids (natural gas and crude oil) from boreholes and field sites in onshore and offshore Australian basins. The services provide characterisation of source rocks through the visualisation of Pyrolysis, Organic Petrology (Maceral Groups, Maceral Reflectance) and Organoclast Maturity data. The services also provide molecular and isotopic characterisation of source rocks and petroleum through the visualisation of Bulk, Whole Oil GC, Gas, Compound-Specific Isotopic Analyses (CSIA) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) data tables. Interpretation of these data enables the characterisation of petroleum source rocks and identification of their derived petroleum fluids that comprise two key elements of petroleum systems analysis. The composition of petroleum determines whether or not it can be an economic commodity and if other processes (e.g. CO2 removal and sequestration; cryogenic liquefaction of LNG) are required for development.
This web service delivers geological observations and sample descriptions from field sites associated with GA's geological mapping surveys in Australia and Antarctica. Descriptions include information on lithology, stratigraphic units, alteration, structural measurements, and many other geological attributes. Where possible this service conforms to the GeoSciML version 4.1 data standard.
This web service provides access to the Australian Stratigraphic Units Database (ASUD), the national authority on stratigraphic names in Australia. The database is maintained by Geoscience Australia on behalf of the Australian Stratigraphy Commission, a standing committee of the Geological Society of Australia. Where possible this service conforms to the GeoSciML v4.1 data transfer standard.
This service provides access to inorganic geochemistry data obtained from chemical analyses of rock and regolith samples collected during mapping and sampling programs in Australia. This service will provide a spatial distribution of the sample attributes as well as provide a spatial distribution of the analytical composition of the samples with respect to major elements, minor elements and rare earth elements. This service includes original inorganic geochemistry data levelled to reference datasets.
The National Areas of Interest Layer for Seabed Mapping and Biodiversity Characterisation is an active WFS sustained by the Areas of Interest functionality of the AusSeabed Survey Coordination Tool (ASB SCT). The redevelopment of the functionality and tool were supported by in-kind investments from AusSeabed, FrontierSI, and the National Environmental Science Program Marine and Coastal Hub (MaC Hub) under a scoping project agreement. Objective: The Areas of Interest functionality allows organisations and communities to publish their seabed data needs through the AusSeabed portal as part of the Areas of Interest layer. When different organisations identify the same regions as Areas of Interest, it helps generate understanding of the regions where there is the greatest cumulative need for data. This will help prioritise the highest value areas for data acquisition or legacy data release. It will also allow different groups to see where they have common priorities and increase opportunities for collaboration.
This OGC conformant web service delivers data from Geoscience Australia's Boreholes database (borehole header and directional survey data) and associated geological observations (lithostratigraphic data). The data includes records of boreholes drilled by Geoscience Australia and its predecessor organisations (BMR, AGSO), all boreholes drilled in Australian Commonwealth offshore marine jurisdictions, and a selection of onshore boreholes drilled by government and private entities. Where possible this service conforms to the GeoSciML v4.1 data transfer standard. Geoscience Australia is not a reporting or regulatory authority for borehole drilling. Borehole information in Geoscience Australia's Boreholes database is sourced from various regulatory authorities in the States, Northern Territory and Commonwealth governments for Geoscience Australia research purposes. Where Geoscience Australia is not the custodian of borehole data provided in this web service, the custodian agency provided with the data should be consulted as the authoritative source. The data dictionary for this web service is at <a href="https://d28rz98at9flks.cloudfront.net/144577/144577_00_3.pdf">https://d28rz98at9flks.cloudfront.net/144577/144577_00_3.pdf</a>. For information on borehole status definitions, refer to <a href="https://db-content.ga.gov.au/data_dictionary/Borehole_Status_vocabulary_2021.pdf">https://db-content.ga.gov.au/data_dictionary/Borehole_Status_vocabulary_2021.pdf</a>
Here we present the web map service of the surficial geology for the Vestfold Hills, East Antarctica. On the coast of Prydz Bay, the region is one of the largest ice-free areas in Antarctica. Surficial geology mapping at 1:2000 was undertaken with field observations in the 2018/19 and 2019/20 summer seasons as well as aerial photography and satellite imagery interpretation. Units are based on the Geological Survey of Canada Surficial Data Model Version 2.4.0 (Deblonde et al 2019).
The Cenozoic alkaline and related igneous rocks of Australia web map service depicts the spatial representation of the alkaline and related rocks of Cenozoic age.