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  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • This report provides a summary of volcanic activity in the volcanic centres of New Guinea for the year 1951. Extended descriptions are given of ongoing investigations and the volcanological observations made at Rabaul, Mt. Lamington, and other significant volcanoes.

  • During the summer of 1947, an expedition was despatched to Heard Island with the object of landing a party to spend about twelve months there. Geological work was undertaken by the writer. The results of this work are recorded in this report. These results include observations on the geomorphology of the island, and a description of the xenolithic ejectamenta collected from the tuffs of Rogers Head and Rogers Head Peninsula.

  • On the 4th November, 1954, the first report of eruptive activity at Bam Island was received at the Observatory, Rabaul. Mr. M.A. Reynolds was at that time engaged on an investigation at Tuluman Volcano, Manus Sub-district. As he had most of the field equipment with him the writer signalled a request to him to proceed to Bam to investigate this report. On the afternoon of the 5th it was learned that the Lorengau radio was out of operation and that Reynolds had not received the signal. The writer departed Rabaul at 0700 hours 6th November, 1954, and arrived at Wewak at 1200 hours. The m/v. "Ella" was made available and the writer departed Wewak at 0300 hours together with Cadet Patrol Officer R.G. Noble for Bam Island, arriving there at 1300 hours that day. The writer spent a little over a day on the island and returned to Wewak on the 9th November. The recent investigation revealed that the present activity consists of only mild explosions, ejecting well crystallised lava, which though incandescent when ejected was solid. Seismic activity only accompanied the actual exposions and was not premonitory.

  • On the 12th July the writer was informed by signal originated by the A.D.O. Baluan Island, that explosive activity had recommenced at the St. Andrew Strait vents. The writer departed Rabaul by air from Momote on the 14th July and arrived at Baluan per Administration work boat on the evening of the 15th July. En route to Momote on the evening of the 14th a brief aerial inspection was made of the active area. Two small craters were visible above sea level and some minor explosions originated from the western crater during this inspection. The writer spent one week in the area and departed Baluan on the 21st July. During this period, as no further explosive activity was manifest, two ground inspections were made of the western crater. The day after the writer departed Baluan mild activity (mainly effusive) recommenced at the eastern crater. The name Tuluman (Tuluman being the word for hot in the Manus language) has been proposed for this new volcano. The name embraces the whole of the structure, that is, the two small cones above sea level as well as the submarine portion of the structure. The two small structures above sea level are referred to as east and west Tuluman craters respectively.

  • The 1954 investigation was primarily concerned with examination of as many of the thermal areas as possible in the short time available, and to record temperatures which could be used as a basis for comparison in future investigations. The writer arrived at Talasea on the "Theresa May" on the 28th August after completing investigations in the Langila Crater area and on Vitu Island. Over the next three days thermal areas near Talasea and west of Pangala village on the north coast of Garua Harbour were visited and temperatures taken.

  • This set is composed of a selection of geoscience booklets, paper models and an image set - Climate Change booklet - Time and Life Booklet - Volcanoes booklet - Earthquakes booklet - Australian Earthquakes image set - Plate Tectonics booklet - Plate tectonics 3D paper model set Suitable for secondary Year levels 7-12