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  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • At the request of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission, the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology & Geophysics conducted a seismic refraction survey on the site chosen for construction of a nuclear power station. The purpose of the survey was to determine the foundation conditions at the site and the properties of the rocks in relation to excavation methods and support of the proposed structures. The bedrock of the area consists of Permian sandstone (Jervis Bay Sandstone) overlain in places by unconsolidated Quaternary beach and dune sands. During the seismic work it was found that the sandstone beds have a relatively wide range of seismic velocities; often a higher-velocity bed overlies a lower-velocity bed, and this makes seismic refraction work difficult and less accurate. This is confirmed by laboratory measurements of seismic velocities on drill cores. Thin beds of higher- and lower-velocity sandstones occur, some too thin to be resolved by the seismic method. The seismic profiles presented must be considered bearing in mind these difficulties, Haterial sufficiently consolidated for foundations is shallow, and the seismic velocities indicate that some blasting will be necessary to excavate to the desired depth of 10 feet above mean high water level.

  • During the period September to December 1970 the Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR) carried out an experimental airborne seismic survey in swamp and other areas of the Northern New Guinea Basin, which are inaccessible to conventional seismic land operations. A helicopter was used to place explosives, shooting equipment and geophones connected to sonobuoy transmitters into position on the ground. Seismic signals are received from the sonobuoy transmitters and recorded on a conventional recording system mounted in an aircraft flying over the seismic field set-up at the time of each shot. Preliminary investigations indicated that the airborne seismic technique is practicable and operationally feasible for use in the swamp areas of the Northern New Guinea Basin.

  • At this scale 1cm on the map represents 1km on the ground. Each map covers a minimum area of 0.5 degrees longitude by 0.5 degrees latitude or about 54 kilometres by 54 kilometres. The contour interval is 20 metres. Many maps are supplemented by hill shading.

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Legacy product - no abstract available